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Nicola manduca's Comments

Comment Wall (102 comments)

At 8:49am on May 8, 2010, ereni said…
Thank you!
Like your photo on facebook:)))) ..make me smile every time I look at it.
Any new photos here???

At 11:32am on May 15, 2010, Elaine Joan Wall said…
I have just been to Lynns.She has told me about the breakfast ,hope you enjoy it and that you have a good time in the UK. Elaine UK
At 11:41am on June 28, 2010, Špela L.Sušnik - Rubinus Verus said…
Thank you, nicola for your kind words. i am very glad, for rubins sister and the babies:-)). I will expecting news in avgust:-))
bye, š
At 3:29pm on June 28, 2010, Vojna Medvedec said…
I keep my fingers crossed for new family members and their mum.She is going to mature after litter it has to be this way!
Baci,ho dimenticato di non scrivere in italiano!
Non so se ti ho detto abiamo adesso 1o volte transmissioni direttamente dal Met.Se puoi trovi la Angela Gheorgiu canta in stesso modo come la Divina/la Calas/E la piu buona Traviata e Butterfly!
At 2:15pm on August 16, 2010, Špela L.Sušnik - Rubinus Verus said…
thank you, and happy birthday to you too, Connie!
your sister, Rubin
At 9:48am on August 17, 2010, Nunzio Dimauro said…
Jose' ringrazia e ricambia gli auguri a Conny....saluti affettuosi Nunzio e Clara
At 1:37pm on August 18, 2010, Loving red Joan - VITA said…
Thanks,.....happy birthday bro and sis!
At 3:59pm on September 14, 2010, aylien said…
Hi Nicola, happy, happy birthday. Glory was enjoying her day, I hope you had also a great day. Big hug from her and me!
At 5:09pm on September 14, 2010, Sandra Zivanovic said…
happy birthday
At 3:42pm on September 21, 2010, Vojna Medvedec said…
Per auguri sinceri non e tardi mai penso!?
At 12:50pm on November 22, 2010, mimmo presta said…
ciao nicola sono mariarosaria.che ne dici,non fa proprio una brutta figura...non sai che gioia ricevere coomenti positivi dal regno unito.vuol dire che forse vale un po' piu' di molto buono....un abbraccio mariarosaria e connor
At 10:43am on November 24, 2010, mimmo presta said…
ciao nicola,noi ci abbiamo creduto tanto da andare all'estero a conquistare i risultati che non ci hanno dato in italia.lo sai che per scaramanzia preferiamo non anticipare nulla,ma se tutto andra bene questo sangue continuera' a scorrere nelle vene dei miei cani...saluti m & mr
At 2:51pm on December 23, 2010, mimmo presta said…
At 11:52am on January 1, 2011, Laura Kolbach said…
thanks Nicola!
At 6:10am on January 20, 2011, Marta Galuszka said…

Hello Nicola,

Thank you for your nice comment on Charlie boy:)

At 8:02am on March 5, 2011, Elaine Joan Wall said…
will you be at Crufts this year ,it will be nice to see you!!! 
At 11:43am on March 6, 2011, mimmo presta said…
a giovedi' dunque....oh finalmente!
At 3:48pm on March 7, 2011, mimmo presta said…

siamo a 20 km dal nec.poi ti spiego.

ci vediamo giovedi mattina...

At 3:38pm on May 23, 2011, mimmo presta said…

ciao, da quanto tempo...

non abbiamo piu' notizie di te.

dopo il cruft hai forse deciso di defilarti.

che dici, ci vediamo a san marino???

At 3:24am on September 14, 2011, Carmel Murphy said…
Happy Birthday Nicola;o)

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