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Régine Finck's Comments

Comment Wall (19 comments)

At 10:26pm on February 24, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Bienvenue sur le site ES Finck ! et tout plein de calins a Geisha et Hangun
At 11:18am on February 25, 2011, McBIRDY - Jean DUHANT said…
Welcome on ES
At 11:50am on February 25, 2011, martina mckeag said…
Hi welcome to es hope you enjoy as i have
At 6:54am on February 27, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Many thanks for the invitation Finck, and definitively happy to become your ES friend!!!
Cuddles to all your 4 legs friends   :-)
At 8:48am on February 27, 2011, Michelle Webster said…
Welcome to this wonderful site, I'm sure you really enjoy it here.
At 11:41am on February 27, 2011, martina mckeag said…

Thank you Fink for your invitation which i accept.

Your dogs are all lovely.

At 12:20pm on February 27, 2011, Catherine Carter said…
Welcome to the site! I look forward to seeing some photos of your dogs too.....
At 10:50am on February 28, 2011, martina mckeag said…
Hi Regine your dogs are lovely
At 1:12pm on February 28, 2011, martina mckeag said…
She will be 3 on july 30th 
At 5:03am on March 1, 2011, martina mckeag said…

Just love your new photos

what age are your dogs?

At 2:20pm on March 1, 2011, Nadine Bonjean said…
Merci pour l'invitation. Au plaisir de se rencontrer...
At 3:05pm on March 2, 2011, Astrid Landsaat said…
Welcome to ES. I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do!
At 3:36pm on March 2, 2011, Astrid Landsaat said…

Thank you for adding me as a friend! I would be very pleased if you can find the pedigree for me. I am really interested to know if my Ginger and your Gypsie are related.

Kindest regards, Astrid.

At 3:58pm on March 2, 2011, Astrid Landsaat said…
My girl had late set MO and it was easy to live with although she often had infections. Thank you that you are willing to ask your friend!
At 7:29am on March 9, 2011, martina mckeag said…
Hi Regine love your new photos
At 4:13pm on May 16, 2011, john murphy said…

Hi regine, thanks for your friends request...very nice photos of your four legged red pals :-)

At 8:35am on June 29, 2011, Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H. said…


De belles photos, très sympathiques !


At 8:35pm on August 25, 2011, Viviane Dietens said…

thank you for accepting me as  a friend.

I know, with help from a special friend.

No problems at all.

Believe me.

You can trust on her.

And I'll follow your little one's'


At 1:55pm on September 9, 2011, Viviane Dietens said…

Congrats with the first litter of  'Bois d'Orléans'. 

Puppies are soooooooo beautiful.  

Also congrats for mum Hangun and dad Special.


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