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Kristina Brannlund Westin's Comments

Comment Wall (453 comments)

At 12:30pm on July 23, 2007, Laura Kolbach said…
hej kristina, välkommen här! hoppas allt är bra med er. laura
At 4:20pm on July 23, 2007, Alenka Pokorn said…
Hi Kristina, I love orchids. 120 must be impressive and a lot of work. Welcome to this site. Alenka
At 3:22am on July 24, 2007, Kristina Brannlund Westin said…
Hi Alenka!

Yes it is a lot of work, but very fun especielly when I can make them bloom. Yoy can se pictures of them at my website.
At 1:00pm on July 27, 2007, Zatu Rimpisalo said…
Tack Vännen!! Jag har lite tråkiga nyheter att berätta :,( Men det vill jag inte ta här! Hade tänkt ringa dig, men det kommer alltid nå i mellan hmmm.. Vi syns!! Kramisar
At 2:25am on July 28, 2007, Kati Mäkelä said…
Hi Kristina!

Nice to see you here.
Your little girl Vera is lovely baby!
Wishing you all the best :o)

At 8:52am on July 31, 2007, Michelle Webster said…
Dear Kristina,
Thank you for that! This little puppy is Twoacres Joker The Hooley. His pet name was Flynn, but he was often called Hooley O'Flynn because he was such a hooligan...all his life!! My affix Hooley comes from him, as does the name of my other site, www.hooley-o-flynn.co.uk
Sadly I lost him almost a year ago on August 31st 2006, he was 14 and very special as although he was not my first setter, he was my first show setter, so we had a very steep learning curve together as we tried to learn about showing...and usually he won the battles as he was very strong willed.
Best wishes,
Michelle & The Hooleys
At 9:35am on July 31, 2007, Michelle Webster said…
Luckily for Flynn, I didn't have to have him put to sleep. He dropped dead at my feet in the garden with the rest of his setter family around him. His heart just stopped beating so it was instant and he didn't suffer at all. He had bladder cancer so I knew that he wasn't going to be with me for long, but he never got to the stage where he had more bad days than good. He was well right up to the end and only died because his heart stopped, due to a long standing problem with the rhythm of his heart. I always knew that this could happen but it was still a huge shock when it did and the other two, Fergus & Geordie, who I have now were very distressed by it all. They were all so close. I miss him still as he was such a wonderful character. He got me into many funny situations when I was showing him. I hope to add these to my setter site eventually. The dog site is www.hooley-irish-setters.co.uk

Best wishes,

You have some wonderful dogs and orchids are my favourite flower.
At 10:28am on August 15, 2007, Jane Mugford said…
thought i liked your type of dog interested to see you've had dogs from Camilla (Coppers) I'm looking forward to having C. Bubblande Glad coming to visit us later this month.
At 1:07am on August 17, 2007, Sussie Larsson said…

Tyvärr så kommer jag inte till Herrfallet då det samma helg är officiell utställning i Stockholm. Önksr dig lycka till.
At 1:50pm on August 17, 2007, Loma I. Clark said…
120 orchids is a lot to take care of. I'm impressed. I own a flower shop and know how much work that can be . Don't know how you have time for the dogs.

Loma, USA
At 2:21pm on August 17, 2007, Loma I. Clark said…
Owning a flower shop can be very demanding, I'd love to sell it. It's owned me for 29 long years and I'm wanting to retire so I can show my dogs more.

Enjoy your lovely plants, congratutlations on the new litter,

At 7:34pm on August 19, 2007, Finding_Beau said…
Dear Kristina
Thank you very much for asking me to be your friend and for caring about Beau. Your Irish Setters are beautiful.
Susan from Australia
At 9:11am on August 21, 2007, Barbara Simpson said…
Hi Kristina, lovely dogs and I love orchids too. They're a lot of work, just like our setters. I envy you the farm area for the dogs to grow up on.

At 5:40am on August 22, 2007, ursula wilby said…
Hallå Kristina...vi tar detta på svenska...men om du går in på det numret som din hund har, med den bokstaven som finns i örat (detta måste ju gälla HELA kullen!) vad händer då? Vad får du upp för hund? ID-märkaren använder ju även tången för att märka på stamtavlan. Någonstans har det brustit REJÄLT!
För dessa två siffror+ bokstav MÅSTE stämma överens. Har då hunden fel bokstav på tångavtrycket på stamtavlan också?
Måste den ju rimligtvis ha...
Jag hade vänt mig till registreringsavdelningen.
At 6:36am on August 22, 2007, Irina Isaenko said…
Hi Kristina, thank you for good words about my Businka, she really very nice little girl!
I like your last litter very much, especially Charly and Vera.
Your other hobby very beautifull! 120 orchids - fantastic!!!
At 7:47am on August 22, 2007, ursula wilby said…
Jag har aldrig hört talas om att det kan bli så fel. Jag hade verkligen tagit kontakt med reg. avdelningen och det gäller givetvis ALLA i kullen. För där försvinner ju det som är det fantastiska med systemet: Att ALLA kan hitta rätt hund. Allt jag kan säga är = Ytterst klantig ID-märkare!
Ha det gott!
At 4:43am on August 23, 2007, Lise-Lotte Persson said…
Tack för vackra ord om Tea! Jag älskar henne högt.
Denna kullen är Ingas, Tea är alltså en halvfodertik.
Mr Jingles är underbar så jag tror det blir toppenvalpar!!
At 5:08am on August 23, 2007, Lise-Lotte Persson said…
Och så trevlig han är, Jingles!! Han var ju här i 3 dagar, vilken mysig kille! Jag önskade att han hade stannat ;))Lise-Lotte
At 2:14pm on August 23, 2007, Paul-Leo Paquin said…
As to 'Hot Spots", I have a theroy that this is heredity in nature and my reason for this is that our Is Rusty (who has crossed over the Rain Bow
Bridge) suffered the same problems as his sire. It would be good to know what others feel about this.
By the way, the pictures of your dogs are very lovely.
At 9:40am on August 24, 2007, Paul-Leo Paquin said…
Could be, as I said, it's just my theory and so far the only link I have is that Rusty's sire died form the complications from hot spots. I'm hoping to heare from mor folks an this subject.
Nice to heare form you.

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