Good bye, my love...

Joy 24.04.08 - 07.12.21

Sadly, we had to say goodbye to our beloved Joy yesterday - we are devastated! Her diarrhea came back and we cared and cooked for her and once more and she started eating again and was doing fine. We went on our old rounds and were all happy, but then she was restless last Sunday night and did not want to eat anymore the next day after a morning snack. I thought I would give her a day of rest and cared for her once more through the next night but she became weaker by the moment. Her heart was still fine but the medication and the diureticum to keep her lungs free, together with probably a severe enteritis was too much and her system broke down. She would have had to go on a drip at the clinic with not much hope and so at least, she was allowed to go to sleep on her bed in our old VW bus, where she spent so many nights on all our travels together. RIP my love! Until we meet again... Cornelia

  • Eva

    O liebi Cornelia- ich weiss wie seh das tuet…

    Was für es langs ussergwöhnlichs und so guets Läbe sie mit oi gha hätt- unvergesslich

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Cornelia

    The tears are streaming down my face right now. I feel so sad for you. Nothing can prepare you when you lose such a precious love. I hope Joy meets up with Hobson and all my English Setters in Heaven. I have a photo of Hobson on my kitchen bench in a silver frame with hearts entwined in the frame and I talk to Hobson every day even though it has now been 5 years and 51 weeks since his passing. I don't care what people may think.

    RIP beautiful Joy. We will miss you too. Love from Susan and Misty xxxx

  • silvia

    dear Cornelia, i just read this and tears are flowing. we are never prepared enough when it comes and i know the pain and devastation. we are very very close to you guys.. threasure the wonderful memories and i hope time will heal .. lot of love xxx
  • James Doran

    Dear Cornelia, 

                           Sending you my sincerest condolences, thoughts and prayers for the loss of your beloved Joy. It has been too long since I have logged in to ES, and over a year since we talked about her following her Birthday! I am so very sorry for you and for Silvia also. I hope that your pain will ease with time and that only the beautiful memories of a wonderful life shared, remain. God bless.

  • Cornelia

    Dear All,

    Thank you so much for your kind comments! They were/are much appreciated! 


  • Catherine Carter

    It is only today I manage to read your post....I am so sorry Cornelia, Joy had the best life with you...cherish your free Joy xxxxx

  • Cornelia

    Hi Catherine,

    Thank you so much! She is sorely missed! We are lucky however to get a puppy by the end of next month from the line of Joy's sister, that would be a great grandniece of Joy. I can't wait to spoil another red bundle with a little bit of Joy in it!

    Thank you, Cornelia

  • silvia

    oh Cornelia, this is such good news !! we are still grieving obi and is too soon for marco, but i definitely think this will be a wonderful move for you !! and having a bit of Joy in the line would be amazing and a lot of confort. xxx

  • Cornelia

    Thank you Silvia! We could not wait any longer... and as there were five females in the litter, we were lucky, even though I waited until quite late to write to the breeder. They will be three weeks tomorrow. xxx