Sleep tight precious love

  • silvia

     by silvia 6 hours agoDelete Comment

    It is with immense sadness and an heavy heart that we announce that Oberon passed the rainbow bridge yesterday, 10-05-2022, at 12 years old. He had an episode of GDV on Sunday night, he has been operated immediately and initially he was doing well, but then 1d after the operation his heart gave up and he did not survive the strain of the surgery.

    Sleep tight, my love. Life is hard without you, we can barely breathe today since even the air feels too heavy to swallow. We will miss you dearly. Run free, my precious precious boy.  

  • Cornelia

    Dear Silvia and Marco,

    I just read your very sad news and it pains my heart! We know that when our dear furry friends are getting older, that every day we get together with them is a gift - alas, in the end, there are never enough days and the lives of our four legged friends are far too short. We both send you our heartfelt condolences and a photo of Oberon dashing through the snow, when you came to visit us some years back. 

    Run free, Oberon! Love, S & C

  • silvia

    Dear Cornelia

    thanks for your touching message and the lovely photo, we will treasure it as a precious memory. Yes, the pain is unbearable, as you know. We hope that time will heal, at least a bit, and we will be able  to look back at the wonderful  memories and happy time that Oberon gifted us.. Lots of love, S&M 

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Silvia

    I am also very saddened that you have lost your precious Oberon because I know how much you loved him, as he loved you. You have a tough road ahead in your grief. I will be thinking of you. Sending you much Love, Susan and Misty xxxx

  • silvia

    1. thanks so, so hard... keep misty tight xxx