Meet Gracy!

This ist Gracy, four weeks old. She is the great-grand-niece of our beloved Joy, who died last December.

Dairine, the sister of Joy, now nearly 14.5 years is still alive and very patient with her great-grand-daughter. Here is Grace, now six weeks old, with Dairine:

At eight weeks, she came to us and already made herself at home; at nine weeks, her legs were finally long enough to get on that chair, our Joy loved so much:

Her grandfather on the mother's side is from the hunting line and so, we have a small Speedy Gonzales with us and are already working on a good recall:

She is extremely fast:But so is our camera:

She's also very beautiful, here at ten weeks:

And she is very soft and can be calm:

This blog is just to let you know that a red bundle of fur, a relative of Joy!, has snuggled up and run into our lives again.

Take care! All the best! Cornelia and Gracy

"Let my grace be sufficient unto you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness."

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  • silvia

    tears on my eyes cornelia ! i am so happy for you and she is amazing !!!! lot of love s

  • James Doran

    Have a great life together, Cornelia! My best wishes.

  • Carole Iverson

    Cornelia, I imagine this is no longer an active site -- but if it is, I'd love to hear how beautiful Gracie is doing these days. Such a lovely girl...!