New Bloat Survey - 2010

The link for this Bloat Survey was just published in our "National Dog" Magazine here in Australia. 


The Abstract of the most recent study (2010) by Marko Pipan, Dorothy Cimino Brown, Carmelo L. Battaglia and Cynthia M. Otto can be found at this link:


The full survey results are not yet available, so I will be checking the Breeding Better Dogs website regularly.  It appears that this was an internet based survey done in USA.




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    Susan Stone

    At the risk of boring everyone... more on MHC and genetic diversity

    This is an extremely interesting site that could help both breed clubs and breeders... all about MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex) and more. And looks like you can get it in Swedish as well!


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      Pat Aldridge

      In over 40 years' breeding Irish & English Setters, health "events" have been:

      GDV - 1 IS (6 month old dog puppy) - never did it again & died at 14 years

      Bloat (no twist) - 2 IS (both elderly bitches, both for the first time), 1 ES (10 year old bitch who always "vacuumed" her food!)

      Bacterial meningitis - 1 10 month old ES bitch

      No MO, no epilepsy, no PRA, no CLAD (all IS DNA tested clear or clear by descent)

      Perhaps I'm just lucky???  Although I am personally of the opinion that a lot of my "luck" is because my lines are all UK, & predominantly Wendover.

      My vets say that if they depended on me for their bread & butter, they would starve LOL!



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        wilko jansen

        i received the results of the irish setters in this internet survey. i have published about it in a jansen & jansen newsletter. this was once again a questionnaire without asking the pedigree name. my conclusion is since 2016 torsion GDV is in IS inherited. so far i was able to find the pedigree names of GDV cases in this survey. a few were already reported to me by the breeder, owner.