Camera Corner

For anyone interested in dog photography or photography overall!

What equipment and programs do you use for your photography?

There are many members here that make very good photos. I think it would be useful if we share our experience and knowledge about photography. For start I am interesting in equipment that you use by making your photos.

My equipment:
camera: DSLR Nikon D5000
lenses: Nikkor AF-S DX 18-105mm
program: Photoshop
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    Zsuzsanna Kázsmér: Maya and Skíp

    Can you help me? My camera is a Canon 450D but now there is a chance for getting a new camera. This is a Canon 550D.  Is it worth it? Here’s a picture I maked with the 450D in december:

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    Justina Kiškūnaitė



    I wanted to ask for some advice and although I'm not sure if this topic is the best place, I didn't want to start a new one, so I hope this will do :)

    At the moment I have Canon 400D camera, kit lense (18-55mm) and a 50mm f/1.8 lense. For some time I was wanting to get a zoom lense and maybe this year I will finally do it, but can't decide what to choose! I have tried and liked 17-85mm f/4-5.6 lense, but it feels like it is not much of an upgrade. On the other hand, I'm a bit scared of "dragging" around 70-200 f/4 L lense - those who have tried it, is it comfortable enough or do you get tired after some time from its weight? :) Maybe there is another alternative, that would give pleasant results while photographing dogs, with fast autofocus and nice sharpness?

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      Zsuzsanna Kázsmér: Maya and Skíp

      I am very happy because the new macro lens arrived :) Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 L IS USM Macro