Grace Litter Dogs

Puppies been born on Oct 11th 2009 in Colorado. Breeder Pam Gale. Galewinns Dogs.

Clicker training

Is anybody tried clicker training. I’ve been only reading books about it. But didn’t have time to start it. If anyone had a positive experience – may be can share? The only advice I got from a friend that you don’t really need a clicker for it – you can use finger snapping, or tongue – to make a clicking sound. It might be really easy. Don’t think that possible to carry clicker always with you.

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    Inna Mashkovich

    Amber does well with clicker. Yesterday before going to work I was on a kitchen making sandwiches for family lunches. Amber was with me – watching. I decide to spend a little time and remind her clicker – since we just started. I teach her to go to her mat, lay down on it, even when I move mat to different places.
    She got it. When she goes to the mat, I throw treat a bit farther, so she need to get up to get it. After she goes back to mat, and so on. Since I am always in a hurry in the mornings, we did a short session of clicking and then I hanged mat over the ex-pan side. Amber got in to the ex-pen, drugged mat out and brought it to the kitchen and lay on it. I was laughing watching her watching me. I got a smart one. Now it’s all up to me to teach her.
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      Inna Mashkovich

      I am so excited to tell you all that I am very proud of my dog! Yesterday in the morning I show her how to do “shake” (giving me a paw). We did it may be 3 minutes in the morning AND in the evening SHE DID IT HERSELF!!!! She got it! Can you imagine! She is brilliant! I am so so so proud of her!
      It’s very encouraging to get a quick results, even with something not very complicated and “shake”. But still – I am full of confidence that we’ll do fine!
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        Inna Mashkovich

        I am getting more and more confident with our success. At lunch time in the office I have time to look at dog’s websites and get new ideas what to train my Amber. Last night I tried couple new things and she got it all. It works. Clicker training – GREAT!
        I thought her to touch my hand. We repeat this morning – she remembers it. In the beginning – she was biting my hand. I might click and treat by mistake once – so she thought this is what I expect from her. Funny.
        One of the biggest problems we have – it’s barking. Her voice is beautiful, but a bit too loud. My ears are ringing after her barks. And my daughter cries – saying they hurt. Anyways – she barks mostly when she wants something from me – mostly it is food that is not for her.
        So I start teaching her yesterday command “speak” (with a hand signal) and a bit later show her new command “Shhhh”. SHE GOT IT!
        I realize we have lots of practice to do, but at least I have a smart dog and she understands what I want from her. Now it’s all up to me. I do hope I’ll find enough time and energy to continue training her.
        Please guys white about you! I want to know if anyone is as much excited with their dog as I am!