Grace Litter Dogs

Puppies been born on Oct 11th 2009 in Colorado. Breeder Pam Gale. Galewinns Dogs.

Funny Stories

Let's share our smiles with each other. I am sure everyone have stories to tell.
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    Lora Erickson

    Well Iz has entered a whole new phase of puppydom. This morning, getting ready for work, I had made Izzie's breakfast and it was on top of the stove which is a bar/island in my kitchen. Doing my hair I hear, "clink, clink - clink, clink" think that's strange, look out into the kitchen and Iz is on her back legs, eating her breakfast off the top of the stove! Once again, no piece of meat, nor appealing desert is safe on a counter top in the Erickson casa! Lora
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    Inna Mashkovich

    I have a new story to tell. We even made a video of her.
    My daughter got lots of Mylar balloons for her birthday and while we were waiting for her from school, they were in a corridor next to front door, just hanging from the ceiling with they long curly colorful strings. Amber got one to chew and decided to steal it as usual. When she is grabbing something she runs. It was hilarious. She is running to the kitchen, holding a string in her mouth, then turns around … and sees a balloon following her. You all should see her face! She was so scared, she almost sat down. We laughed and laughed. She got use to them following her and was continuing stealing more and more.
    Then she decided to bring one of them to her ex-pen. But … she has a small door there. She went thru the door holding string in her mouth, turning around and can’t understand why balloon is not getting in? Funny, funny. Now I know what I’ll get for her next birthday.
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      Inna Mashkovich

      My daughter had a friend over and they both played with Amber hide and seek. I gave them both small plastic bowls with pieces of cheese as a treat, when puppy finds them. It was fun watching them all run around the house, laugh and puppy looking for them in turns.
      I and my son were in living room folding laundry. When my daughter climbed in to Amber’s crate to hide, my son can’t help himself – he locked the door in a crate. It was very funny. She screamed and I told him how disappointed I am when he being mean to his little sister. But when I think about it more – I think it is so natural for a boy to lick his sister in, since she climbed in to the crate herself. It would be surprising if he didn’t.
      So I guess I have normal kids.