Grace Litter Dogs

Puppies been born on Oct 11th 2009 in Colorado. Breeder Pam Gale. Galewinns Dogs.

Car Ride

My puppy is terrified of car rides. Even of car itself. (My car is very nice looking). Is anyone else have a same problem?

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    Katie Rogers

    Any recommendations for long car trips?? GiGi has gotten carsick before and we are going to be heading to my parent's house next weekend for a weekend visit and it is a 12 hour car trip. I am taking her with me and looking forward to getting pictures of her with my 11 year old setter at my parents'. Molly I don't think is going to be quite so appreciative of my bringing a puppy home!! Anyways, any advice anybody has to make the trip as smooth as possible would be wonderful! It will be me, GiGi and my two little girls, they are 3 and 2. I figure we will be making LOTS of stops and are going to start very early!! Thanks guys!
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    Inna Mashkovich

    Amber is a bit better now. We still ride in a car with her on someone lap. She ignores all treats - still too much busy being afraid.
    As a progress - I was cleaning car from a snow in the morning - she was next to me and not trying to run away or hide. I didn't turn car on. It helped.
    When we going to a class last Sunday - my son got in a car and then put blanket over his lap and Amber just jumped in to his lap. Again - car was off. We are getting better. Thanks to everyone for help.
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      Inna Mashkovich

      Finally I got metal crate for Amber to ride in a car. I have SUV, so only one crate can fit on the back. What if I’ll get another dog? I need another car then. 