Grace Litter Dogs

Puppies been born on Oct 11th 2009 in Colorado. Breeder Pam Gale. Galewinns Dogs.


When is time to brush?

Is anyone getting new teeth now? We already start loosing our baby once.



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    Autumn Brock

    YES! Joss has lost quite a few of his teeth, two top front teeth last night alone! He has a very funny gap toothed grin right now too. He's getting used to me pulling open his lips to check out what's missing each day. When I find another tooth gone I can't help but laugh at him because of all the new gaps. Two of his bottom teeth are coming in a little further back than I'd like to see but I'm hoping once the baby teeth fall out the adult teeth will slide into proper alignment.
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      Inna Mashkovich

      When Amber lost her tooth, my daughter got it and put under HER pillow. Usually she gets $5 for each tooth from Tooth Fairy. She was hopping that Tooth Fairy wouldn’t figure out. But she did. She brought only $1 for my daughter and a bone for Amber. We are having fun!
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        Autumn Brock

        Hi All ~ Joss lost his last baby tooth last night. I thought it was just planning to stay in there! All the others had dropped out awhile ago but this last tooth just hung on. However it was no match for a game of tug o war and out it popped. James managed to save it so in the end I have 3 puppy teeth. And if the rain stops tonight Joss graduates from his last conformation class too - then we are flying blind for the rest of this year. Outta the nest we go and into the ring - he has another 2 shows in mid June and we are looking forward to the trip. It should be a big 2 days for us, there will be 2 other pups Joss age there and I am stoked to meet them!