Grace Litter Dogs

Puppies been born on Oct 11th 2009 in Colorado. Breeder Pam Gale. Galewinns Dogs.

Flea and Tick Prevention

Wanted to ask what people prefer to use for flea and tick prevention.  I know the topicals can be hard on some dogs skin but in this part of the country using a prevention of some sort is not optional!  So since it is getting to that time of year I thought I would ask what people use with the best results and least reactions ;)

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    Inna Mashkovich

    We use K9 Advantix. Works.
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      kim kleinschmidt

      Please don't use chemicals unless you absolutely have to

      this is a wonderful product that really works well and is VERY inexpensive

      Organic Finishing Rinse by Traleigh. You can get it at
      _www.ashtonenterprises.com_ ( or _www.traleigh-ballyridge.com_

      You still do need to use heart guard tho for heart worm protection.

      kim and kibby who has been into everything lately ;)