Mixed Setter Family

For those of us, who own more than one type of Setter!
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  • Brian J. Pittaway

    Hi Everyone, We have 2 Irish, 6yr old girl called Rusty and 3yr old boy called Henry, (bred by Deborah Christopher), and an English boy called Charlie who is almost 2yrs.

    Rusty is part of a local Dog Display Team and we travel the country with the Team doing displays of agility, obedience and also a lot of fun stuff too. The 2 boys are currently undergoing agility training and we hope that they will be in the Display Team next year.

  • Carol Ann Evanetz

    Lovely photos one and all.  I have Two Irish Reds and one Irish Red & White pup- the are the lights of my life. Kylie & Mick adopted through Irish Setter Rescue and pup Cassidy Faith
  • Dianne Whittington

    We are now a 4 Setter family 3 Irish & 1 English setter, loosing our oldest Irish in June 2011 aged 12 & 1/2 and our oldest English in Dec 2011 also aged 12 and 1/2.