Laurel Oak Setters - Judy B.


United States

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
Four Irish and Five Irish Red and White Setters
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
17 years
About Me:
I live in Wisconsin, USA . I currently have five Irish Red and White Setters. My first litter was born January 2010. I also have four Irish Setters.

Comment Wall:

  • Loma I. Clark

    Hi Judy, welcome to Exclusive Setters. Very interesting site. Please go to Groups and find the Proud to be a American group and join us.

    I'll be looking forward to seeing you there. Loma
  • Jelena Kreitmayer

    Hi Judy!
    Welcome to Excl. Setters :)))) Hope you will enjoy it as much as I am . I love the group picture with Santa :)
  • Carmel Murphy

    Hello Judy,
    Hope you will add photo of your red and white soon!! Do you also own the English Setter in the Santa photo?
  • Carmel Murphy

    Am sure hubby Tom was happy to be mentioned at the end!!!!
  • Carmel Murphy

    Are you a fan of Frasier with shelties with those names!? My all time favourite show(after MASH)
  • Paula Rausch

    Hey there Judy, I saw your post about the hunt. Sounds cool I want to take Hogan out but I want to get those two points! You will get that last point... dltdbgyd. I will email you what that means and you will laugh. We can beat those handlers... we already have. I know you love the hunt, but get that last point. You can do it. the other dog didn't show in Hutch so didn't have a chance to get points. keep in touch. fill me in on how you train hunting in an email sometime. take care Paula
  • Jessica Stuart-Thorne

    Love the pic of the puppy!! What a darling face!! What part of Wisconsin are you from? I picked up one of my horses from just outside Chili this summer. Anyway, really liked the photos!!
  • Angie MacDonald

    Wow, what are the chances of us both being groomers and owning an IRWS. That is neat! I also groom cats.I groom out of my house as well. My husband works from home as well, so our dogs have it pretty good:0) Your pup is beautiful. Do you have any pictures of her when she was 4 months old?
    Darby has a lot of energy too, thank god we have an active beagle as well:0)
  • Jelena Kreitmayer

    Hi Judy,
    Oh, we failed the last one miserably! Imagine - no birds found :) I went through 22 hours of work the night before, and managed to get to Joliet after 3 1/2 hrs of sleep. When I got there- our bracemate got scratched and we got moved to the bottom of the list. :( So, at 3 pm it was our turn and by that time I just had no idea where I was LOL
    Also the weird thing was that they had a really big back field with only 6 min ( judges words!?) in the bird field. Lego was birdy two-three times, but no luck .
    Oh, well :) cannot get them all in the row, I guess ;o))))
    So, I just entered both days at the Eagle, so see you!!!!
  • Jelena Kreitmayer

    Hi Judy!
    oh, did you see the running order for this Saturday??? I am 10th (last)brace . :( At least you are running with Lacey PJ :))))) Save a car spot for me !
  • Jelena Kreitmayer

    i like the "older fog" comment better. Just watched "The Fog" last night On Demand. Gotta love the cable tv. :D
    I was pretty bummed that I was 10th brace on Saturday... Which would mean I would be running some time around 5:30pm :o\ and being stuck in Chicago- Milwaukee traffic for 3 hours is not my idea of fun.
    So she emailed the secretary to see if her and I could switch, which is great by me - I do not want to be waiting all that time :)
    We will see if it is allowed or not.. or if they will do it.
  • Jelena Kreitmayer

    Hi Judy!
    So the Super could not change our braces. I guess we should have asked before the drawing - she said that she could have helped us then.. Oh well.. I was wondering at what time to arrive as well .. Not sure if they will run separate courses for Jrs and Sr/ Master. If one course I will be there until sundown ( 5:45 pm according to so I guess I will be there around noon.
  • Laurel Oak Setters - Judy B.

    I emailed Lin and was told that first is Masters, then Senior and then I figure at least 3 maybe four hours for the first two...It will be interesting to see how long they take. I am going to be there at 9, leave here around 7:30, then just hang out and watch. So see you tomorrow.....darn, I wish we were closer together....I have a wedding in the afternoon, so have to get out of there as soon as I nephew, I suppose I should show up....: )))

  • Laurel Oak Setters - Judy B.

    so how did you do....I am so sorry I missed you but i made it home in time to change and get off to my nephew's wedding....: )))....

  • Jelena Kreitmayer

    Hi Judy ! We Passed! whohooo :))) now we are off to training for MH.
    Good luck tomorrow - Cailin has only one to go as well, doesn't she? She will get it I am sure :) I am not sure if I will be there tomorrow - I am quite exhausted right now. Lego is pooped as well although he made a new friend in Lacey PJ. They were so sweet :)
    Watch out for ticks - I pulled one fat with blood from yesterday and two crawling on the hairs from todays run. The field was full of them .
    Oh, and I have to tell you how we found the bird - he pointed, I went to flush but could not see the bird, only hear it. Guess why? Because I was standing on it. :o\
    the judge got a kick out of it (laughed at me of course) and I know my karma just got heavier :O\
    stuff like that only happens to me I guess :O)
  • Jelena Kreitmayer

    Whohooooo!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
    that was awesome ! 4 out of 4 :))))
    she is a little pistol isn't she? :) I guess she listened to you well enough for the judges to think she was working " with" you LOL ;o)
    We should have a training day with these two - I can come up and bring some pheasants. There is a farm in Joliet close to where I train. And then we can have a good stew :D
    Congrats to Cailin from her pal Lego :)
  • Jelena Kreitmayer

    Awesome pictures on the AKC site! now I feel really bad we missed Sunday LOL
    I need details of what happened. :) Tell!!!
  • Paula Rausch

    Keep watching for my new pics of Hogan from Krisma Images... it is a fantastic picture. I will get a good pic of Jet too later. He is coming around. We were wondering about him for a while but at the St. Paul show Pam likes him. He has changed quite a bit in the last month... so has Hogan. Amazing how they change... Enjoy the rain. We are dry and cool but not cold. Good luck I will send up a few prayers for a good show.