Johanna Blacklake

, Female



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
since 1997
About Me:
I have three lovely Irish setters at home: "Jedi" Vicary's Yedidah (-99), "Cosmo"Garden Star's First Edition (-03) and "Saimi" Jonola Xtravagance (-09). I've had one litter early 2008 under my prefix GottaGo. I have also one sh weimaraner "Saga" Femme Like U at GottaGo von Silberweiss Jäger (-10).

Comment Wall:

  • Pauliina Artiola

    aah, new international name for you:)

    Kisses to the red heads and have a nice summer.
    I`m on vacation in August- maybe could arrange a visit to meet Kalle and you all for a long time.

    Take Care
  • Alenka Pokorn

    Hi Johanna, welcome to this site. When did the surname change??? Love, Alenka
  • Lena

    Hej Johanna - I hope all is well!
  • Laura Kolbach

    hehe, english translation to your new family name? looks good. how is the baby doing? :)
  • Johanna Blacklake

    I'm having some serious problems with this site. Everything takes such a long time to upload. Frustrating. Anyway...

    Thanks for your comments, all of you!!

    Yes, Blacklake really is my new "international surname" ;-))) i.e. Mustajärvi in Finnish. Glad you like it!!
  • Redword

    Tshi, I didn't recognize your new international surname ; b just wonered who you may be. Got a good laugh, thanks!
  • Katriina Toikka

    Hi there, Mrs. Blacklake!

    All just fine in here. And Repe sends greetings, he got some cake and other goodies for his birthday!

  • aylien

    Hi Johanna, reading all the comments on your new surname, I felt less stupid because I was cracking my brain... Dindy's litter was born 15 july and everybody is doing very well. New boy for you? :)
    Love, Aylien.
  • Kati Mäkelä

    Hey Johanna!

    Thanks, Matias say "babyhi" to Kalle :o)

    Sunny summerdays to you all...
    We have rainydays ;o)

  • Ingrid Noyelle

    Hi Johanna,
    Nice to hear from you !
    Would you let me know the dog you will use for Pilvi?
  • Kasia Czapla

    Hi Johanna,
    It was also very nice to see you there. I was quite busy the last days, but today I am going to upload the photos from Palanga here. So just give me few minutes ;)
    I do not have the results of the second day, I was too busy to show the "pigs", so misses irish setters. So maybe you can just add them later on.
    Greetings, Kasia
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you for your comment!
    Nadine and Dust.
  • marita jonsson

    Hi! yes I was at Yvonnes party in Polen last yer with Barbro and Jenny, and I remember you to.....did you have a boy ore a girl? Marita
  • Piret

    Hi dear!

    It was so nice to see you too and your little baby boy. Next week we go to ultrasound, so yes, please keep your fingers crossed!
    Lots of love and hopefully I see you soon!
  • Katariina Roiha

    Hello Johanna! ;)
    Thank you for your comments!
  • Loma I. Clark

    I wanted to see the picture, but its not there.

    Loma and Red Friends
  • Laura Kolbach

    Johanna, Pilvi looks beautiful ;-)))
  • Johanna Luostarinen

    Thanks Mrs. Blacklake!!

    This is allmost like setter peoples MySpace a.k.a SetterSpace ;-).

    See you!
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you for your comment, Johanna!
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Hi Johanna! Thanks for your comment! So Kalles is mummys boy?! We are very satisfied with the two titles! Abbey was seven months on the photo and now she is nine months old, just ready to start in juniorclass! By the way thanks for the photos of our dogs from Herrfallet! I just love the headphoto of Levis! Good luck with your coming litter. Merry christmas and a happy new (show)year! Greetings Jenny
  • Ingrid Noyelle

    Hi Johanna,
    I am so glad to hear everything is ok with mother and babies !
    Big hugs to them all !!!
    Ingrid & Owen
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you very much , Johanna!
  • Meldor-Sett

    Hi Johanna
    if you want to see the photos go to : there go to the fird news titled Crufts and klik on the red sign saying: JUŻ POJAWIŁY SIĘ PIERWSZE ZDJĘCIA W NASZEJ GALERII! CZEKAMY NA KOLEJNE . Hope you will get it this time.
  • Nadine Bonjean

    I think that Fonzie is a Yedidah's nephew !
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Johanna. Thank you for the comment on my 50th birthday present, and yes they are Llamas very snooty and bolshy. Alpacas are apparently easier to look after, I made some shawls in Alpaca+Icelandic sheep wool I did the spinning and my friend from Shetland knitted the shawls, Beautiful to look at and so beautifully soft, if you ever do get some I will buy the fleeces off you, but good luck in getting it off the animal they kick and spit, but I do miss them, they are both in a sanctuary now. Dee and the girls
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Hi Johanna! Thanks for your comment! Much appriciated! I hope you all are doing fine. I guess that Kalle is about one and half year now, am I right?
  • ursula wilby

    Varför inga tecknade settrar från WD-show i Stockholm? Ja det är ju så att jag tecknar i Hundsport varje månad och då nästan till 100% finns det settrar med. Så jag är ytterst tacksam om jag får teckna något annat.
    Känner pressen när folk tycker att jag BARA tecknar samma ras hela tiden. :-)
  • Elena Nagornaya

    Hello, Johanna

    Thank you for your comments for my Lilu. I have sent you the personal message here..

  • Fansett

    Niinhän siinä kävi, että tuo valkoinen tyttö jää kotiin. Tarkoitushan ei ollut jättää yhtäkään pentua... Vanha vitsi ;D

    t. Minna
  • Alenka Pokorn

    Yes, was really bad luck that I have missed judging setters. Had a rather good entry so I was very dissapointed. Some dogs I would have loved to see were entered. OK maybe next time. Was a good lesson to never again let someone else organize my flights. There are direct flights from Ljubljana to Stockholm and Helsinki and I had to keep changing planes and waiting at airports.... Alenka
  • Kasia Czapla

    Hi Johanna, thank you for nice comment. Aylien is really a lucky one!
  • aylien

    Hi Johanna, thank you for your comment! I have even double luck, I have Banthi and I have a superhandler! How is everything with all of you?
  • Katriina Toikka

    Thank you Johanna! You must come and have a look at the babies. Aylien promised also to come (finally!), so if you want to meet her again come at the same time! ;)
  • Katriina Toikka

    Oh yes, I will let you know when (notice, not if!) she comes!
  • aylien

    Hi Johanna, luckely it were not only sad things but stills it's enough. Time is flying if I read that your son is already 1,5 year old. But I'm having a little peak on your thread and I see Katriina is already mentioning that I'm comming to see the puppies :)) So it would be very nice to meet you then!
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Thanks for your nice comment Johanna! Have a great weekend!
  • Pauliina Artiola

    Puhut vähän mutta asiaa... ;)
  • Laura Kolbach

    she stepped into something, most likely glass and hurt her leg. not the paw, but more upwards. it did bleed a lot, so i had to take her to the vet and he sewed the wound with 5 stiches. this is a photo from thursday:
    but she is ok, don't worry! she kind of is used to have a bandage, she manages all the time to hurt her paw, and now leg... also wish Jedi a speedy recovery!
    laura with the girls