Kickie Boman

63, Female

Åland Islands


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
Only one at the moment + two English setters
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Since 1982

Comment Wall:

  • Susan Stone

    Hi Kickie and Welcome to this interesting setter-site.
    I'm looking forward to admiring some of your fabulous photos!!!
  • Sara Åkerström

    Välkommen Kickie! Kul att du har hittat hit!
  • Laura Kolbach

    Äntligen!!! Welcome here and enjoy!
    Laura och tjejerna
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Välkommen hit! Hoppas att du och tjejerna har det bra! / Jenny
  • Dee Rance

    Hi and welcome to the site, I have been off line and how things change. love your photos Dee and the girls
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Hello Kickie - Welcome! I met you briefly in Sweden one time, when Camilla was going back in the ring for Specials.
    Love your photos...what a lot of history you have in them.
    Hope to see you in July, when I am over there judging again.
  • Marta Magi

    Hi Kickie, nice to see you here :-)
    Hope you will enjoy this site very much, as I do :-)
    Can't wait for your hundreds of photos to be uploaded.
    Regards / Marta & Sarah :-)
  • Kickie Boman

    Thanks a lot to everyone who makes me feel welcome here!
    I hope to get time to upload more photos soon. While waiting you can see more on my website
    Today is Katinkas 3rd birthday, by the way!!!!
  • Alenka Pokorn

    Hey Kickie, was about time you've joined us. Happy Birthday to Katinka!!! Looking forward to finally meeting you this year.
  • Nadine Bonjean

    A lot of your photos are beautiful!
    Welcome here.
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Kickie, your photographs are just beautiful.
    Again, Congratulations on such a wonderful collection, which is of immense value to the dog world.
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    I should get you to come down under to take photos of mine,Kickie!
    Yes, I look forward to seeing you in Sweden. I leave here at the very end of June, so will be at the World Show, and later I judge down south. I will be about three weeks in beautiful sweden.
  • Mariana Åhnberg

    Hej hej nu hittade jag dej här oxå!! =) Glad midsommar på dej
  • James Martin's

    He’s a beauty femeal Irish setter! It’s a dream see so wonderful dog world setter. A life dream for a life setter’s time.
    Yours setters are so gorgeous. Congratulations!
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Jadu Kickie, Tyskland är ett lyckans land för oss, men tyvärr missade vi ju Herrfallet i år och det var tråkigt. Hoppas att ni hade trevligt!
  • ursula wilby

    Hallå Kicki och tack för ditt "grattis"!
    Du behöver inte vara allt för imponerad...den här ska jag verkligen bara ha LP1 på!
    Jag har också blivit extremt lat!
    Ha det gott!