Eva Stájer




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
I have 3 irish setters Jade (Crawford Eternal Flame) & Tara (Crawford Just A Dream) & Fédra (Evenflow Stop and Stare), and 1 magyar vizsla Forint (Vedanta Var Via Rainscote).
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Since 1995 and magyar vizsla since 1993.
About Me:

Comment Wall:

  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Welcome,Eva. Your Irish look lovely.
  • Anu Rahikka (kennel Karhutarhan)

    Here is new photos from Taavi if you want to visit and see how he is grown up :))
  • Marta Magi

    látom törölted, amiket te írtál magadnak :-))
    nyugi, én is bénáztam az elején......aztán egyre jobb leszel, észre sem veszed :-))
  • Anu Rahikka (kennel Karhutarhan)

    Hello Eva.
    I have very good news for you. I have to congratulate for the breeder too :)))
    Taavi was in his first puppyshow today and he was Best on Breed (BOB) and Best on Group 2 (BOG 2).
    I have new photos for you which I sent by mail.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there welcome to the site Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Eva, What is Budapest like at the moment, it's baking here, I have a show tomorrow and I think that it is going to be about 27 degrees, so the dogs will have to be kept cool, we are not used to warmth hear in Scotland, it is a wee bit of a shock to our systems, All the best Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Eva, sorry I haven't been back to you sooner, its been hectic here and I missed your reply, do you show your dogs? and I know I am a wee bit behind with all the different breeds but what is a 'Magyar' Vizsla, is it a 'Hungarian' Vizsla. If it is my daughter has one, he is completely mad, even worse than my young bitch, and she has ''attitude'', well that's what I call it, in fact she is nuts as well, but I love her. Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Eva. If you go to the front page and go on to the 'archives' It is all over there, I am so exited we gained our Irish title.... My older baby is now Irish Show Champion Caspians Modesty J.W. so happy and we went B.O.B. which made her B.I.S. A day to remember forever. Congratulations on you win it is so nice when your dog (who you know is good) is appreciated.
    As far as the Vizsla is concerned 'ours' is completely mad but then they come from Irish setter decent, the other problem that Roka has is he is allergic to all sorts of things and he has in the past been completely bald, all his underbelly lost it's hair, he was put on steroids, now they have changed his medication and he has two stripes down his side that is bald but he is starting to get better, for the moment.
    Nice to hear from you again Dee and the girls
  • Anu Rahikka (kennel Karhutarhan)

    Congratulations for the breeder about Taavis great show results :)))

  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Your English is better than my Hungarian, I could not say a word in Hungarian not even Hello Roka is now getting some of his hair back, which is very good for him. I have to agree with you on my older baby she is beautiful thank you for that. This weekend we got 2nd in Open (out of 2) and the youngster got 4th in Post Graduate out of 7 not a good day, but that is showing, you get your ups and downs sometimes more downs.
    Congratulations on the wonderful wins at the weekend you must be so proud of them. I think that the dogs in that part of Europe are very nice. Keep going with your English you are very good at it. Dee and the girls
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Welcome Eva!
    I see your lovely "Queen," is related to our English Setters. We imported Suntop Shining Ben's litter sister, when she was a youngster, and I have Ben's photo here from an Hungarian magazine he appeared in.
    We are hoping to import another English, from the Wansleydale kennel.
  • Anu Rahikka (kennel Karhutarhan)

    I can tell you a great news again: Taavi was BOB -puppy in Hamina int. :)
  • Laura Kolbach

    figyi már, te hova teszed a kommenteket, amiket kapsz??? :-) törlöd?
  • Laura Kolbach

    rájöttem. úgy van beállítva a profilod, hogy jóvá kell hagynod a kommenteket, mielőtt megjelennek az oldaladon... és ezt nem teszed meg :-) és ezért nem látszódnak :-)
  • Laura Kolbach

    my settings (jobbra fent majdnem a sarokban) - majd bal oldalon PRIVACY-re klikk, majd a "Do you want to approve comments before they appear on your comment wall?"-nál a NO-t klikkeld be.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Eva, what are you studying at University?? You are rite you have one day up and another down, but that comes with this kind of 'hobby'. Oh yes I am VERY happy with my girl, now that she is a Sh Champion in Ireland. She is also 1/3 on her way to being a U.K. Sh Ch. as well. If I never win another thing she has done me proud. Thank you for the request!!! Your studying takes priority over answering emails from old ladies in the U.K. but I do like haring from everyone..... All the best Dee and the girls
  • Laura Kolbach

    nem tudom, mindjárt kiderül, amint elküldöm ezt a kommentet.
  • Laura Kolbach

    igen, jó :-)
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Eva,
    I must congratulate you on passing your exams, what is a human power equipment manager???
    I think that I have said it before to you, that your English is very good I couldn't even attempt to speak any other language, I can say hello and goodbye in a few languages but that is all. Keep talking on this site and you will learn more.
    Thank you for your request I will be pleased to become a friend
    All the best, speak soon Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Eva
    I now know what you are doing personnel manager I understand that!!! Where did you go with your family, was it a show??? Glad you had a good time. I hope you enjoy your time off from your studies.
    Speak soon Dee and the girls
  • Adrienn Sárossy

    Most láttam, hogy Forcsival fajták lettetek. :)
    Tito & Adri
  • Laura Kolbach

    köszönöm szépen. még mindig nem értem teljesen, hogy történhetett :-)
  • Anu Rahikka (kennel Karhutarhan)

    Hello Eva :)

    I send many hugs for all Taavis sisters and brothers who just had there 1 year anniversary. Happy birthday to you all :)))
  • Vojna Medvedec

    Thank you Eva for your nice comments;I found at last your site,,,,,,and I rember you well from the shows in Hungary with your lovely Countess.I have not recognised you in Budapest,but no wonder.I was completely frozen,so even didn't even stay to start for the best working dog with my bitch Celi.
    Congratulation for your good results in Budapest,hope we see us again,greetings Vojna
  • Laura Kolbach

    látom, sikerült meghívót küldeni :-)
  • Boglár László

    Te, én olyan béna vagyok! szeretnék képet feltenni az Edéről, de nem megy. Mit csinálok rosszul?

  • Laura Kolbach

    hihi, látom, felkerült kis Tara is :-)
  • Anu Rahikka (kennel Karhutarhan)

    Hello Eva,
    Regards from Finland :)

    You can see new photos from Taavi in my ning. He is SOOO wonderful.
    And Tara is beautiful :)

  • Sari Lahtinen

    Congratulations ! You have lovely new puppy . I like much her father, her half brother " Chili " of Magnus live with us. Thanks also your nice words of our little Moa .

    Good luck with your little Tara
  • Zsuzsanna Leskó

    milyen édes a kis pöttöm TARA :)
  • Marta Magi

    Nagyon köszi a kommentedet, és ezer bocs, hogy nem írtam, de tényleg nehéz volt elhinni, hogy most ez már az az idő, amikor az a bizonyos rég áhított dolog történik.
    Tara gyönyörű, nagyon kíváncsi vagyok, milyen lesz nagy korában, ha addig meg nem eszed, mert én bele tudnék harapni :-))
    Mindjárt teszek föl új képeket a kölykeinkről, a blogok közt megtalálod őket :-))
  • Silvia Lindner-Rae

    Hello Eva
    Congratulations to the sucess of your dog in Finland - just heard about it. Great. Will you be in Szilvásvárad?
  • Silvia Lindner-Rae

    We will be at all three shows -as usual. I love the place and I love shows in Hungary. My Sashi has the requirements for the HUCH, and now I want MORE!!
  • Laura Kolbach

    áá, tökre utálta őket :-))) mentek felé, ő meg menekült... remélem, majd a sajátjaival másképp bánik! bár odinka sem szerette túlzottan a kölyköket fiatal korában. szóval tán van remény :-)
  • Laura Kolbach

    ha betüzel, akkor most már tuti lesz!
    csilla barátnőmnél van egy csomó kisdog, hetente járok hozzá, annyira cukik ők is, ülök köztük és másznak rám és az a sok puszi... áááá, nekem is kell ilyen saját élmény!! mert hiába neveltem fel németvizsiket vagy íreket kikoruk óta, ezek majd mégiscsak sajátok lesznek. izgulok már nagyon :-))
  • Laura Kolbach

    nem tom :-))))
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hello, thank you very much for your nice comment ! your dogs are really gorgeous, congratulation for you kennel !
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Hi Eva! Thanks for your comment about Siofra. Wish you the best with Tara! She looks great. Love the photo of her and the child!
  • Petra Kasznár

    Köszi, hogy kielégítetted a kíváncsiságomat:)
    Kívánok nektek minden jót, szerezzetek egymásnak kölcsönösen sok örömet!:)
  • Zsuzsanna Leskó

    köszi a comment-et!:)
    nagyon nagyon sok sikert kívánok nektek a 2 kishölggyel!!!
    jaj én is úúgy babáznék...de arra még kicsit várnom kell sajnos.
    remélem a kis Fédra is beváltja a hozzá fűzött reményeidet és majd sokat hallunk a sikereikről!!!
    végre itt a nyár...én is tudok majd KO-zni többet, megígértem neki hogy sokat kirándulunk majd, de ő most hogy voltam kicsit otthon tanulni is szeretett velem...én olvastam ő meg aludt a székemnek feszülve hogyha elmozdulnék azonnal érezze és jöhessen velem!!nagyon hiányozhatok neki,mert ha otthon vagyok el sem mozdul mellőlem:) pedig anyáék kényeztetik rendesen:)
    sok sok puszi nektek és kérünk sok sok képet a fiatalságról!!! :)
  • Laura Kolbach

    ja, levi adott k1-et. zita babyjane-je meg k2. neki sem volt típusos hátvonala, ő sem tudott mozogni, cserébe még O-lába is volt :-))) na de sebaj. az ilyeneken nem húzzuk már fel magunkat. ;-)
  • Laura Kolbach

    persze, ettől nem dőlök a kardomba. de erősen gondolkozom rajta, hogy visszaadom a többi huszon-x cacib címet, hogy bocs, nem érdemeltem meg :-))))))))))