Kristina Brannlund Westin

62, Female



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
At the time I have 2 bitches and 4 dogs
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
I bought my first Irish at 1987
About Me:
I live in the middle of Sweden out on the countryside, with a lot of woods around me. I am married but have no children (except the dogs ofcourse). I started my kennel at Mars 2005 and my kennelname is Cherry Bloom´s. I have only had two litters, but maybe it will be some more in the future.Except the dogs my hobbies is my garden and my 120 orchids.

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  • Sara Åkerström

    Jag har har varit så sur o ledsen över att jag inte kan åka ner till Köping så nu har jag fixat o trixat så att jag kommer att åka ner till ISF:en. Troligen kommer jag att åka ner på söndagmorgonen från Hudik, men om vi blir klar tidigt på lördagen så börjar jag rulla ner kvällen innan. Så vi kommer att synas där!!
    Soliga hälsningar från ett varmt kontor :))
  • Sara Åkerström

    Jajemen så nu är det bara att hålla tummarna att pälsen sitter kvar (den lockiga) :))
  • Catherine Carter

    Just read that you are on your own in this very hard moments, you are not ...I am thinking of you...I know what you are going through....My dear Billy (11 and a half) went in February this year too....
  • Benny and Pia Hansen

    Beklagar sorgen! Det är så trist, när man måste ta farväl. Det finns ögonblick i livet då man saknar någon så mycket att man vill ta ut den ur ens drömmar och krama i verkligheten.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Kristina
    You are quite welcome as to the words, I really do feel for you,
    I am intrigued as to what you want to say. Don't worry just ask...
    Speak soon
    Dee and the girls...
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    He looks gorgeous in the photo you have just sent through, and that looks like David Wong judging! Lovely Vicktor.
  • Susanne Legneskog

    Hej Kristina
    Tråkigt med Viktor. Vet hur det känns när dem gamla måste lämna oss. Men den dagen kommer ju alltid, tur att man har sina minnen kvar utav allt roligt man har haft med dem.
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Kristina,
    Thank you for your comments on my recent photos :-)
    Hope you are well and sending you my best wishes from Scotland,
  • Lynn Spencer

    Thanks Kristina for the lovely photo of you & your dogs swimming together. Cold here in Melbourne now, so it's nice to see some summer photo's.
  • sammi pease

    Thankyou Kristina for your nice comments...they give us so much pleasure, I cannot imagine a life without them!! Hope you have recovered from your swim!! I think you are very brave!!
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Kristina.
    Thanks for the comment, it was very hot and they had been very busy, but I am sure all will be well
    Speak soon Dee and the girls
  • Jo Ann Haseltine

    I grief for you Kristina. My Tucker cross the rainbow bridge in Feburary. I so enjoy writing to people all over the world who enjoy Irish Setters. My biological mother came Sweden and it is a country I would love to visit someday. My adopted parents visited and said Sweden was so beautiful. It was so kind of you to drop me a note. Jo Ann
  • Jo Ann Haseltine

    Trip to Sweden has been my dream. If you ever decide to make a trip to San Francisco Bay Area know you have place to stay. I live 12 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge, 11 miles east from ocean and Muir Woods and hour south of the wine country. Jo Ann
  • Jo Ann Haseltine

    Sounds so so wonderful! Stockholm is where my grandmother was from,but I would be thrilled to see any part of Sweden. Love to your beauitful Irish Setters. Jo Ann :)
  • Esther Siegrist

    Hi Kristina
    thank you for this super photo! I see, you and your dogs have a lot of fun together. Great!!
    We'll go to Italy for a week on saturday :-))
    have a good time, regards Esther
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Kristina,
    What a great photo of you all swimming together! I've been wanting to do that for ages but it's just too cold in Scotland for that, haha... (well, for a Swiss person at least...) I'm sure you all had a great time together.
    Enjoy these lovely summer months and lots of sunny greetings from Scotland,
  • Anna Przywecka Saturnii

    Hi Kristina:)
    Sorry that I did not write to you last days,but Im so busy with two my litters and new girl,they need so much attention that I don't have time for nothing else...
    Im sorry to read about Victor..that really I don't know how you feel,my first irish is still with me,but one day this will also come to us...Warm hugs for you!!I don't know what to his photos and wish for all our dogs to have a life like Victor:long , healthy & happy..!
    I had also read your story about Qeenstone's Land:)a Paradise for dogs:)
    Thanks for commnets unders my photos and post...

    best regards from sweltering Belgium
    Anna & Setters
  • Annika Liikanen

    Hej Kristina!
    Jag köper 2 vattenmeloner åt gången, en till hundarna och en till tvåbenta gänget.
    Äter dina också detta godis?
    Jag tittade på dina nya badfoton och kom på hur mycket jag älskade ditt foto på Charlie i vassen förra sommaren.....
    Kram Annika
  • Brigitte Goossens

    Hi Kristina
    Yesss i mean !!!!! Thanks . Your puppies of Charlie are very, very beautifull.
    Brigitte X
  • Agnieszka Rola

    Thank you Kristina :) I'm glad you like my sweetie boy :)
    hugs from us
    Agnieszka & Conner
  • Gene

    Hi Kristina - Thanks for your kind words. It's great members like you who have made the site what it is today and your time and commitment are both much appreciated!
  • Mariana Åhnberg

    Tack! Japp jag fick med suget i ögonen =) Ses vi i Alfta?
  • Anna Przywecka Saturnii

    kisses from Zorro:)
  • Kristina

    Thank you Kristina!! ;))

    Have a nice day.
  • Esther Siegrist

    Hi Kristina
    thanks for your comment on holiday blog. YES!!!! it was a great time. So pleasant people in Italy, I think there love all Setter :-) It was also for me the first time, to pick my breakfast in the garden.
    Hugs to all of you, Esther
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Kristina,
    thanks! I think Dillan is coming along nicely too:-))
    all the best
  • Elena Nagornaya

    Hello Kristina!

    Thank you for your comments for my photos :)

    I very much regret about Victor.... My condolences...
    best wishes for you and your dogs!
  • Leen

    Hi Kristina,
    Thank you very much. My mum invited me to go out tonight for dinner, so no wild party :=)
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Hej Kristina! Är inte du i Köping?! Vi valde att inte åka dit. Kanske gjorde vi rätt med gårdagens lite annorlunda bedömning. Hade bra! Kram Jenny
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    120 mil på en dag... Ja, vi hundmänniskor är inte riktigt kloka! Låter som det gick bra för dig och Charlie ändå, kul! Har du hört ngt från dagens ISF?
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Tack för resultatet! Bägge hundarna är ju fina och jätteroligt för Birgitta och Mia! Ha en bra vecka" Kram
  • Mariana Åhnberg

    Tack Tack!!=)
  • Dee Rance

    Thanks for the comment on the blog, I tend to agree with you as to the numbers, she is rather large isn't she...just hope that she doesn't explode, ha ha!!but she is going to get a lot bigger before she has them, still, as I said, two more weeks to go.
    All the best Dee and the girls
  • Benny and Pia Hansen

    Tack så himla mycket! Det var verkligen roligt att få ha sådan framgång.
    Ha det gott
    Benny & Pia

    Hi Kristina
    Have just seen now about the loss of your Viktor last month !
    At that moment, i was very busy with my work and don't go to see on internet !
    So, as you said , it's better to think of the well-being of your beloved dog then thinking of your own distress ! You really are a good breeder as i already say it when you lose your little girl at 6 months .
    Give a big kiss to the other dogs and especialy to Charlie who i like very much !
  • Kickie Boman

    Tack Kristina, roligt att du gillar mina tjejer :-)
  • Dee Rance

    Oh yes I will, she is having trouble getting up on the bed or the settee, and then when up she can't get down poor wee sole, eating is difficult too, she is on 4 meals at the moment, but I think soon on 5, and this makes exercise difficult, I like to leave at least 2 hours between food and exercise, but it is only two weeks to go, and hopefully she will get them early, its her 4th birthday on the 27th so keeping my fingers crossed for that date..
    All the best and thanks for the comments
    Dee and the girls
  • Marta Magi

    Sarah would like to thank you for wishing her a happy birthday! She's flattered by your lovely words about her and her babies.
    Well, I think, she does know what a beauty she is, but would never say that. She just happy and seems to agree when others speak kind about her :-))
    So thank you, Kristina! ::-))

    Hugs from all of us / Marta
  • Dee Rance

    I can't remember what it was that made them look like that, it was many months ago that I took those pictures, in fact there was a few of Christmas still in the camera.
    Thanks for the comment
    All the best Dee and the girls
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Tack Kristina! Lite spackel kan göra under! Vi hade ett proffs som tog bilder, ska bli kul att se dem! Kanske vågar jag lägga upp nga här:) Ha en bra helg, nga utställningar för din del kanske ?
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Oh, det låter spännande. Foto gärna charmtrollen, så vi kan få se! Det är så kul att se! Ska du ha ngn själv?
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Jag tror säkert att Challe får fler chanser. Härligt med barnbarn! Hade bäst!
  • Benny and Pia Hansen

    Din Charlie är inte bara så himla fin, han är också hund för sitt namn! Jag har sällan mött en charmigare kille. Vi gillar honom stenhårt!
    Benny & Pia
  • Benny and Pia Hansen

    Åhh vad kul att han har valpar, är det första kullen?
    Hoppas allt går bra med dem.
    Benny & Pia
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Jag förstår att du gärna hade viljat ha lilla "Grace". Hon ser helt ljuvlig ut. Hoppas att hon kommer till ett hem där vi får se henne. De andra valparna såg också fina ut! Kram
  • Dee Rance

    She will explode if she doesn't have them soon. I just pray that all will be OK for all concerned, thanks for the comment though
  • Melinda Auld

    Thanks for the birthday wishes!
  • Dee Rance

    Thank you for that Kristina
    I haven't had a litter since the early 80's so it is like I am NEW to all of this, problem is I know all the downfalls that can occur, nearly loosing Jas 4 years ago, so I do know what can go wrong, and at the moment my glass is ''half empty'' I am worried to say the least, but I am with you as to the speed of a large litter, so fingers crossed that she doesn't explode....ha ha....;o))
    All the best Dee and the girls
  • Lise-Lotte Persson

    Tack för hälsningen till Filippa!
    Hon hade en härlig dag med gott om uppmärksamhet, och massor av godsaker!
  • Annika Liikanen

    Hej Kristina!
    Visst e´hon en huligan vår Agnes, men en väldigt rolig en.
    Den här tiden i valpens liv går bara så förtvivlat fort, snart är det stora "skinnet" i vuxet.

    Ha det gott och pussa Charlie med de snygga barnen