Robert Krajnc




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
15 years
About Me:
Allegro is my second Irish Setter. I simply admire setters.

Comment Wall:

  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Robert
    Welcome to the site, congratulations on the pictures, took me ages, hope that you enjoy it here.
    Dee and the girls
  • Marija Plevčak

    Pozdravljen !
    Če se ne najdemo doma se pa vsaj na tej strani najdemo ljubitelji seterov.
    Veliko užitkov s tvojim prijateljem še naprej.
    Marija in Esa
  • Esther Siegrist

    Hi Robert
    Just love your video. 13 Years is so a beautiful age. Hope you can enjoy many years to come with your lovely Setter
    Regards from Engadin Esther
  • Alenka Pokorn

    Zdravo, lepo je najti tukaj tudi kaj Slovencev. Alenka
  • Alenka Pokorn

    Prav uživala sem ob gledanju vajinih fotografij in videa.
  • Alenka Pokorn

    Glede na to, da ne živite daleč od nas se kaj oglasite pogledat naraščaj.
  • Kristina

    Čestitke h novemu članu družine! Boš povedal, kako se razume s 13letnikom. Uživaj.
  • Kristina

    Oooo, iskreno sožalje za Šana. Nisem vedela. Boš moral popravit v profilu. ;-) Tako je to v življenju, nekaj izgubimo in nekaj pridobimo, lepi spomini ostanejo. Uživaj z malim rdečkotom.
  • Špela L.Sušnik - Rubinus Verus

    Hvala lepa, robert :-)
    lp, š&R
  • Alenka Pokorn

    Hej prva dva korenjaka sta danes odšla - Kissy in Red. Je takoj malo bolj mirno. Se vidimo v ponedeljek.
  • ereni

    Thank you for sharing your feelings....we don´t need many words to understand each other what our dear friends have ment for us. I wish you lot of pure and fresh love from your little baby.
    My Isis needs all my time so I am able to think only about very important things:O)
    Nice to meet you, Robert .
  • Eevi Huttunen

    Thank you! :)
  • lyn hathaway

    thank you for your comments on my pictures robert we have just come back from this park after staying 6 days.layla loved it because she could run freely and we were quite suprised at how she enjoyed herself with her been blind.shes beginning to cope well again after a little setbackwhich makes me so very happy
  • sammi pease

    Thankyou Robert...for your nice comments on my photos...
    Sammi Abbi and Lola
  • Loving red Joan - VITA

    Sožalje za Šana in čestitke za novo pridobitev! Zelo lep psiček je!

    Lep pozdrav

  • ereni

    Have a nice evening with your red baby Allegro ..thank you for your comments.
  • Colin Wheeldon

    Thanks Robert for your comments on my new baby girl Colin