



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
1 (I wish I had 2 :))
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
since 2006
About Me:
I am from Ljubljana, Slovenija and I work in a library.

As long as I can remember my wish was to own an irish setter. That dream came true when Seterday Flora Ira was born (11.3.2006). She is very tender, elegant, playfull, frendly towards people (even strangers), sometimes a bit stubborn but still very obidient and a joy to live with.

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  • Esther Siegrist

    Hi Kristina
    thank you for your comment on the photo. We live in a Swiss mountain valley. So we have snow from november until april. The boys loves to play in the snow.
    Regards from Switzerland Esther
  • Di Andrews

    Hi Kristina,
    Thank you for your comment. I'm so glad your dream came true. There is no greater feeling than to be blessed with and Irish Setter, your life changes forever.......they make sure of it!!! I think I live in a very glamorous dog kennel........
    Kind regards Di
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Kristina,
    The red girl in the photographs is a friend of mine's in Switzerland. She's called Faye Champion of Tiffany. Her breeder is Carmen Lorenzi, who's also on this site :-)
    Hope you and your girl are well?
    Best regards,
  • Justine Foxon

    Thank you so much! I will post photo's of my girls soon,
    Best Wishes
  • Loving red Joan - VITA

    Lep pozdrav!

    Lahko kar po domače,heheheeh
    Jaz prihajam tudi iz Ljubljane, samo začasno živimo v Grazu.
    No evo, potem sta pa male naše pol sestrici:-)
    Psički je ime Vita.
    No, si pišemo in se kaj vidimo v Ljubljani


    Katja in Vita
  • Loving red Joan - VITA

    Ja, to je moj prvi seterč sem oz. smo zelo navdušeni nad glih prav navihana, tak taprav karakter.
    V Ljubljani ponavadi prihajam bolj za vikende..Bom pa definitivno sporočila kdaj prihajam pa se seveda z veseljem dobimo na sprehodu.
    Iz katerega konca Lj. pa si?


    K in V
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Kristina
    Thank you for that, I have had to change her diet because of the Gastritis and it has done her the world of good, she is actually putting on weight for the first time ever, she is looking really good, But thanks for the support that you have given us over the past month it has been so helpful
    Dee and the girls
  • Loving red Joan - VITA

    Hvala ;-)
  • Bri and Sue Deazley

    Hiya Kristina, she's a beaut of a setter, my two setters don't get to use our bed too often, sleep, that would be nice if they did, they think its a play room, jump up, jump down, runaround time. The first time Robbie jumped up on the bed, he pee'd on me, Sean would sleep if not excited so much by Robbie, such characters.. Bri, Sue....
  • Špela L.Sušnik - Rubinus Verus

    Zdravo, berem da smo tudi 'mi' v sorodu, naša Loving Red Jacinta Rubin je tudi polsestrica od vaše Flore, pa tudi prijateljica njene sestre Fione:-)). Lep pozdrav v Ljublano, se vidimo

  • Mirjam

    Hi Christina,

    Thank you for your lovely comments on my photos! =)
    Yes, the girls are (half)sisters. They have the same mother but a different father. They don't have the same characters but they are both very sweet!

    I see that you also have beautiful pictures of Flora with a blue sky and grass!

    Kind Regards, Mirjam and hugs from Jolly & Blossom
  • Dušan Rauški

    Draga Kristina
    Želim vam i vašoj porodici prijatne praznike i uspešnu i blagorodnu novu godinu.

    Srdačan pozdrav
  • Laura Kolbach

    hi Kristina, both my girls are tall, about 64,5-65 cm. odin looks very strong, danka looks more lighter built. but danka is heavier, as she is so well muscled. odin lost a lot because of her age. also, danka's chest looks more flat but cm-wise she has more than odin! optic illusions :-)
  • Špela L.Sušnik - Rubinus Verus

    ja najlepsa hvala :-))
  • Loving red Joan - VITA

    hvala,...ja mala raste oziroma je že zrasla,hehehe. Res se imamo fino z njo!


  • Alan Pavlič


    ja škoda, da nimam več časa za tele reči. Nove fotke pa obljubim.
  • Agnieszka Rola

    hello Kristina,
    thank you for the wishes for me :)
    Agnieszka & Conni
  • Ana

    This is Mykonos in Greece and it would be nice to have all you guys here. Thai is the only irish setter on this island! I'm glad you like my video :)
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Thank´s for kind comment
  • Dee Rance

    Thank you for the comment Kristina. I am with you as to good homes for the babies, I have worried about her being pregnant, and about her health, she has stopped eating, and now I am worried about getting good homes for the babies, when they arrive. Ah well what will be will be. Thanks again for the comment Dee and the girls

    Hey, hvala za pohvalo, slikce še sledijo, samo moramo ga pripraviti da bo pri miru.
    Lep dan,
  • Carmel Murphy

    Thanks for photos Kristina! Very surprised the white has almost disappeared!!! Seems quite a lot there!! Here is photo of Rua's brother with white chest(still very visible!)
  • Carmel Murphy

    Yes Roan was used but i have only seen two of his daughters and I dont think they have much white!! They are 4 or 5 years old now! Never saw his sons though!! Flora's white really has gone very small!!
  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Kristina!!! Have a great day;o))
  • Monique VIRY

    Happy Birthday Kristina !!!
  • Pat

    Happy Birth Kristina and I hope you have an enjoyable one amongst your Irish Reds.
  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday!!(A bit late in the day, I just got back from a show)
    I hope you are enjoying your day with beautiful Flora
  • Nicole Wilson

    Happy birthday Kristina! Hope you're enjoying your day :-)
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Happy birthday, wishing you a great and memorible day,

  • Esther Siegrist

    Hi Kristina
    thanks for comment on my holiday blog. Yes, it was a great time for all of us. And Italyen poeple was so pleasant with the boys - I think there all love Setter :-)
    Regards and have a good time Esther
  • Leonor Ferreira

    Dear Kristina,
    I now have published photos of all my babies (all five of them). As you can see Maggie has a big family now. As a joke now a days whenever a say goodbyes in e-mails I write - Leonor & The Five!:-)
  • Leonor Ferreira

    Dear Kristina,
    Ziggy (sacred burmese) is four years old. Odin (norowegian forest) is 6 years old and my two borders (Luna and Bess) are both two years old. They all get along just fine. And Yes - my bed is 1.8m wide - plenty of room for everybody!...
  • Elena Nagornaya

    Hello Kristina!
    I am very glad that you like our photos. Last two years we live in Moscow, but before we lived in St.-Petersburg. I love Petersburg very much, but very heavy climate there :(
    Best wishes,
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Double the fun - don't worry! I deleted the second, so it looks fine.
    M XXX
  • ursula wilby

    Dear Flora...poor you!
    No cake either!
    How awful for you...
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hello Kristina,
    Thank you for your kind birthday wishes :-))
  • Robert Krajnc

    Hvala za čestitke. Šana 13 letnika pa žal ni več med nami. Smo ga morali uspavati 2 tedna nazaj :(
  • Robert Krajnc

    Hvala Kristina. Z malim rdečkotom pa že sedaj uživam. Enkrat na teden ga gremo pogledat in se mamo prov fajn. Kot lahko vidiš na slikah. Dans bom objavil še video od včerajšnjega obiska. Ja v profilu imam pa prov zapisan. Sam situacija je glih taka, da ne moreš vedeti.
  • Pedro Completo PortoRioSetter

    Hello Kristina,
    Thank you for your kind birthday wishes
  • Kikki Dyrendahl

    Thank you for congratulation :-))
  • Carmen Lorenzi

    Thanks Kristina...but I have to wait again 1 day:-)))
  • Carmen Lorenzi

    No problem Kristina..:-) I'm happy that you thinked about and wrote me:-)) Best wishes Carmen
  • Ann Millington

    Hi Kristina - Do I miss not having a Setter these days? Yes, I do. But it is not about my happiness... I cannot go for proper walks on the moor any more, I have no one to look after my dog when I have to be away, A lively Irish Setter can knock me over very easily... a healthy Irish Setter would probably outlive me! So in the interests of the dog, I do not have one.
    But I can use my experience to help others and I have a lot of friends to visit and share their dogs too ;o])) So it is not all bad!
  • Merilin

    Hello Kristina! We're gonna bring her home in the end of 45th or in the beginning of 46th week. We went to see the puppies to Saaremaa with Marika last Sunday. They were adorable! All of them! Just can't wait...
  • Merilin

    Oh, I thought you were Kristina from Lithuanian kennel Karmino Made. That's why I mentioned Marika, she knows her too. I'm pretty sure you didn't know who I was talking about :( But thank you for welcoming me to the site!
  • Merilin

    It's a girl. I'm almost sure I'm gonna name her Bindi (after Steve Irwin's daughter Bindi) and Bindi is an Australian Aboriginal word which means ''little girl''. Ain't that sweet? You can see the puppies here: Mine is the yellow-orange little girl:)
  • Merilin

    I've had 2 Irish Setters. One of my setters died of age related illness (she lived in Finland) and my other Irish was put to sleep in September 2007 in the age of 8 years because of uncurable illness.
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Kristina,
    Thank you for yesterday! I had a great day with family and dogs!
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    Thank you so very much, i had a lovely day :) i even gave the dogs a 2 hour walk with me hehe, thank you :) xx
  • Marta Magi

    Thanks for birthday wishes, Kristina! Have had a weekend celebration with doggies and boyfriend! It was fun!
    Greetings from hungary,