Sandra Zivanovic

47, Female



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
9, 4 females and 5 males
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
13 years
About Me:
You can get all informations about my dogs on email adress or phone +381 61 81 200 60

My name is Sandra Zivanovic and I have 9 Irish setters.I'm International FCI judge (VII and VIII FCI group) and competitor.
My very first Irish Setter was a bitch called Maza, officially known as Loni and she adopted me in 2000.
The great love of my Maza (Loni) and Ben (Fergus) brought us an even greater happiness.
We got Don Vito, Don Carlos and Donna Constans. All three have become International champions. Judged by more than 40 different judges from the country and abroad.
Their father is INTCH Multi CH FERGUS

New page of our history is written by my Donna Constans and O'CEALLAIGH'S YOLOOKATME (MOGWAI). 2009. we got seven puppies, 3 boys and 4 girls.

Year 2010. was very successful for us. I have pleasure to introduce 6 Junior Champions from the litter of 7 puppies (mother- INTCH DONNA CONSTANSA and father- OCEALLAIGHS YOLOOKATME - MOGWAY-owners Jadran and Justinka Ljuba, Sibenik, Croatia, 3 x EW, 100x BOB , 92 x CACIB, INTCH, CH of about 14 countries........he is a son of famouse WW Vicary's US DOLLAR and Shadywievs Breaking Records)
Their very succesfull uncle O'ceallaigh's Bandit is World Winner (owner Brigitte du Fay de Lavallas, Brasil).


New chapter has begun to be written last october. New member of our family is Kerrigan Saturnii Cartoon's , his parents are Vicary's Cobacabana and Evenflow Saturnii. We thank Anna Przywecka.

Only this wouldn't have happened without the unreserved support and understanding of my family, especially my brother, Alexander who is in charge hendling my dogs.

There are few people who were with me all the years and which is not enought to say ''Thank you '.
Without them it would be difficult, and many more would not be possible to implement.
It is an honor and great fortune that I have a friend Dusko Savic skilled connoisseur breeders and Irish Setter breeder from Belgrade. The long-time friendship and cooperation have been caused to the good man become a mainstay in my breeding dogs.

A very special place belongs to Dragan Ristic, international FCI judge who has helped me to achieve some of my great dreams. Dragan is Rijani's kennel owner who is primarily known for the breeding of English Setter. He is always there to advise, must have the courage to brave even the risky journey, to teach me, to criticize, in a word, to help me to live in a world of kinology and more.
Why are you applying for membership?
A. I am a human wanting to contribute to the community

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  • Béatrice Nauer

    Welcome to all of us and greetings from Switzerland - Béatrice and the 2 Santana Girls
  • nathalie

    welcome sandra greetings nathalie
  • Špela L.Sušnik - Rubinus Verus

    Welcome, sandra. Nice to meet you:-)
  • Viviane Dietens

    Hey Sandra,
    Happy to be your friend.
  • Špela L.Sušnik - Rubinus Verus

    zdravo, nemas nikakvih foto od svojih pasa?
    lp, spela&rubin
  • Špela L.Sušnik - Rubinus Verus

    Da na izložbi je uvijek tesko napraviti fpto, jer nikad ne mores dobro snimiti, ili nikog nema, da bih snimio.. Ja sam vec bila na 4izložbi, a nemam pametne foto..
    lp, spela
  • Cathy Hill

    Where are you from? I am from NY, USA. I just posted the Championship photos of my Aussie girl.
  • Vojna Medvedec

    Welcome to this site,hope you will like it.I appreciate your decision for doing proper tests.
    Send some pics of your dogs.We stay in contact.
    With best wishes
  • Jos en Els de Meijer

    Hi Sandra
    Welcome on this side.
    Greetings from Holland
  • Mojca Novak

    Lepi pozdrav!
    Baš lijepo da ste i vi našli tu stranicu ,nadam se da čete uživati tu.Želim vam puno uspeha i dalje pa naravno i sa štencima.Usput i ja sam moju kujo parila sa Mogijem.To vam je krasan dečko.
    Pozdrav Mojca
    Mogla bi još koja fotografija!?
  • Zatu Rimpisalo

    Hello! Welcome to the site! Hope you enjoy! Best Regards // Zatu
  • Leen

    Hi there Sandra,
    Happy to add you as a friend. How are the pups doing? Looking forward to hear from you.
    greetings, Leen
  • Leen

    I noticed the father of the pups is related to the dogs I started breeding with. My first bitch was sister to Vicary's Keyless Girl and my second was a sister to Vicary's Little Lolly. Hope you post some pictures of them.
  • Tineke de Jonge

    Hello Sandra,

    I've seen you have pups.I'll hope the all do well and good luck with them for the future.
    Greeting Tineke
  • Catherine Pil

    Pleased to meet you on this site. I hope you will enjoy it. Good luck with the nice pups. Catherine
  • Ana Gaspar Kozelj

    Hvala na pozdravima, pozdrav i vama iz Hrvatske!
    Čestitam na prinovama!
  • Phil Ledbetter

    Hi Sandra! Loved your pups pictures. Very cute. I can never get enough of Irish pups. Do you have good luck showing your grown ups?

    Phil from Oklahoma (USA)
  • Brigitte Goossens

    Hello Sandra,
    Welcome to this site.
    Greetings Brigitte
  • Leen

    Hi Sandra, really loved the puppy pictures, thanks for posting.
    Did you get my email?, seemed to be some trouble sending it. So here is mine:
  • Ingeborg

    Hello Sandra,
    really nice puppies

    greetings from Austria
  • Natalja-Dinniberg

    Dear Sandra,

    Nice small once. Wish them luck in the rings for the future and very loving and special owners.

    Greetings from Estonia
  • Louise Moberg Örn

    You have lovely pictures :)
  • Mariana Åhnberg

    Hallo there thanks for kind words on my page =)
  • Dadka

    Hi Sandra,
    Greetings from Slovakia! Lovely pictures :-)

  • june walsh

    Hi there
    Loved your photographs keep them coming

    all the best with the babies

  • Caroline

    Greetings from Poland
    Caroline & Luna
  • Caroline

    Greetings from Poland
    Caroline & Luna
  • ladyswan

    Veliki pozdrav Malim zmajevima od Velikog zmaja od Lokve ( to ti je ona baruština ispod mog Zamka). Vrlo sam, vrlo zadovoljan kako se posluga brine o mojim nasljednicima. I moja dadilja Jadranka je ,pari mi se, malo previše dobroćudna pa su Slonica nelica i Tuljanica niveska odlučile provesti pubertet sa nama.
    Koji je moj zmaj Uroš najjači?
    Moram priznati i da Zmajica majka izgleda opet privlačno. Vauuu! Objasnite joj da je prošli put bila stvar u sklizavom podu što je moj batler shvatio kad je slijedeća Njemica bila opremljena za 3 sekunde. Samo što je dobila omjer kojem su se moji nadali za sebe - 5 prinčeva i 1 princeza, a ne 2 + 10 ( kažu ovi grubi Dalmatinci) šupljača.
    Puno, puno Vatrenih poljubaca
    Mali skoč ( iz lijevog ugla) šalje posebne pozdrave svojoj Sandri
  • ladyswan

    Sandra dušo,
    nasmijala si me do suza, posebno s Kočijašem ( Zaslužio je povišicu, ali blagu, da se ne umisli). Dok budeš čuvala pse u Holliday Innu, možeš slobodno pisati . Podsjetila si me na onog Engleza, veterinara, ime počinje, mislim sa H pa ako nisi pročitala njegovu zbirku priča - uživačeš.
    Veliki Poljupci Vatrenima
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Sandra, Pleased to be your friend.
    Your photo's are lovely. Gorgeous puppies.
    Lynn & girls in Oz.
  • colette tuite

    Hello Sandra, Ienjoyed looking at your photos.Your puppies look very nice will you show them or will they be used for obedience competitions.
  • Dusko Savic

    At 2:52pm on June 15, 2009, Dusko Savic said…Ljubi ih deda Fergus sve redom zmajevi su zmajevi a jos mi je vece zadovoljstvo sto sam se ugurao u Mogijevu familiju tako da ce morati da me slusa kao tasta cmokici za zmajeve za naseg zeta Mogija i njegove Vlasnike inace moje divne prijatelje Justinu & Jadrana,
    S postovanjem deda Fergus
    Delete Comment
  • Vojna Medvedec

    Bok Sandra,
    čestitam na pupićima i želim im sve dobro,Nadam se da ćeš im naći dobre domove;to je najvažnoje a i najteže na ovim našim prostorima!Slatki su;jeli njihova mama ona ženkica čiji si mi rodovnik slala?
  • Meldor-Sett

    Hello Sandra
    I am glad to have a new friend in Serbia. I wish that one day I will come to the show in Serbia and meet you.
    Bigh kisses for you, familly, all puppies and all other dogs
  • Jamiela Ruotsalainen

    Hello Sandra! I have now few pictures from our dogs in my site on Exclusiveely Setters. Picture isn't very good but it tells something our dogs. Greetings from Finland!
  • Phil Ledbetter

    Hey Sandra, your pups are adorable!! The boys remind me so much of how my boy looked when he was that age. Very, very pretty!
  • Jo Ann Haseltine

    It mutual! And I love hearing how the show world is. Due to health issues I can't show,but I love hanging out a show when get a chance to go. Last time I went I end up helping my breeder by bathing before the show, exercising and when she was showing back to back I would have the next dog ready and take the dog she finished.Look forward to hearing how you are doing in shows. Jo Ann
  • Dee Rance

    Very sweet baby, I only comment on the ones I like...;o))
  • Jo Ann Haseltine

    When my family was alive it too was a family affair. I showed, Mom took picture and would make comments when T.J. didn't do quite his best and dad was the dog walker. We would take our trailer to shows. Oh those where the days. Then there were the times my friend who had 5 Irish Setters and we would pack 4 of hers and my one in her big station wagon. In the 60's they were big! Off we'd go.all our setters got a long just fine. No crates. Jillian and I send warm wishes to you and all your beautiful setters too. Jo Ann
  • Dee Rance

    Everyone seems to have a lot of puppies at the moment...I just hope that I just don't get left with several babies. I really don't have the space for a lot of dogs...Are you keeping them???
    All the best Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Wow...a real house full. I really couldn't keep that many..I am only keeping 1 boy... Good luck, I hope they all do really well for you, I am sure that they will, who is the dad?? All the best Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Ah you are so lucky, I live by myself so can only cope with a few dogs. Well it looks like you should have some very beautiful babies, I have just got my Saffy, she hasn't won anything like my other girl, no CC's or Greenstars but she has done a fair bit of winning, over here and Ireland. And you know how much winning dad has done.
    Ah well we shall see how these puppies, of Saffys, are going to turn out very soon...
    All the best and good luck with all the babies...Speak soon Dee and the girls
  • Susan Mogony

    Hi Sandra, I will scan some photo's and put them on the site. Nice knowing that you also have/had a Hunter's Home Irish setter. Did you also know Piet and Marga Roks?

  • Jo Ann Haseltine

    Please keep me posted in how you are doing at shows. And Give all your Irish Setters a pat from me. Jo Ann
  • Susan Mogony

    Hi Sandra, I put some oldies on my site (not the best of quality) from my Hunter's Home setters. Hope you like it! I am going to put some more on it if I got some time.

    Greetings from Holland
  • ilkay kurdak

    Hi Sandra,
    Thanks a lot for your kind wishes regarding my futur little red head!

    The presence all of my friends and setter lovers here in this site makes me really so happy.
    I feel so good while I’m watching the beautiful photos of your dear setters…
    Long live the Setters!
    With love from İstanbul…
    İlkay Kurdak
  • Biljana

    Hvala na dobrodoslici. Jos se malo upoznajem sa ovim sajtom, ali me raduje druzenje s ljudima koji vole ove ridjovane koliko i ja!
  • Dusko Savic

    Happy Birthday
    Dear Sandra
  • Sandra Zivanovic

    Wizard's to Wizard's
  • Jeannet Helbers

    Hello Sandra,

    Thanks for being my friend!

    Greetz Jeannet from Holland