Phil Ledbetter


Okmulgee, OK

United States

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
about 30 years
About Me:
I've owned IS my entire life and would not be without one. I currently have 2, a brother and sister, Katie and Thornton. My girl is the best setter on the planet. So beautiful, fantastic temperament, and classic Irish in so many ways(you should see her rollick!) Her and her brother are both field types. They are almost 4 years old. I have a new foster child. She is Roxy, a Gordon Setter and she is a bit old and has led a very sheltered life. She is now, after several months, starting to come out of her shell. I foster for Save Our Setters, a rescue group. I love meeting new setter people, so feel free to leave me a comment so I can come and see your Irish pics!

Comment Wall:

  • Laura Kolbach

    welcome to the site Phil, I am sure you'll enjoy. please upload some photos of your doggies!
    greetings from far-away Hungary
    laura &the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Phil. Welcome to the site Sure you will enjoy it, have you got any pictures?? can't wait to see them
    Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Ah yes the dreaded muzzles, I actually hate them, but they are necessary, when the dogs are on the beach they eat the kelp and jelly-fish and when they are in the woods and fields they just eat anything that is there, so the muzzles are an economic necessity. It saves me a lot of money at the vet, or a cleaning bill for the bedroom carpet (when they sick whatever they have eaten up) Thank you for the compliment on the girls, at the moment they are caked in mud and dripping everywhere, still what else would I do with my time.
    Dee and the girls
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Phil, Welcome from snowy England!
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Phil, thanks for your comment on my photo...the two dogs on the September photo are brother and sister. both pure Brackenfield lines...they do have coat but it is very very straight and needs very little maintenance kind regards Catherine
  • Dee Rance

    I don't have the Homeopathic connections that I used to have, the vets have stopped them from prescribing to animals, so now it has to be a vet that prescribes. But it was nearly 20 years ago, Keta had it in the Lumber Region and yes she had anti-inflammatory liquid (Metacam) I gave her many tablets and combinations of tablets I only wish I could remember what they were. She was 15 when she finally succumbed to it. If she is responding to the treatment that your vet is giving her, just keep giving her whatever it is that you are giving her, I hope that you have her with you for a long time. Please let me know how she is keeping I would be really honoured if you would. And I am so sorry that I can't remember what she was given.
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    Hello there
    Lovely setters you have there
    What are there names?
    Beautiful coat they have
    Happy new year
    Write back soon
    Rhona, Bruce and Lucy xx
  • Lynn Spencer

    Thankyou Phil. Yes, my Irish Tess does have beautiful, very long ears. Most from her particular line do also. She is a very quiet, calm Irish and is just a joy to have in our family. My English girl Megg is also very quiet, and yes, in general I think that the English Setters are quieter than Irish. Both my girls are the same age, almost 7. We got them as baby puppies together.
    Your dogs are gorgeous also. Love looking through all the beautiful photo's.
    Lynn, Tess (Irish) and Megg (English) from Oz.
  • Eduarda De Sousa Pires

    yes Artie has PRA unfortunatly. he is a fine dog very active and manage to live quite a happy and normal life. ive read "blind dogs" book and it helped me a lot and with just a litle training he was so normal that people thought he had blue eyes. blind dogs are normal dogs that cant see :-) he thought me! See his first steps learning to be confident in the first week of rescue here:
    he lives now at marbelha with gill and giles bower that are so happy to have him. he is a strong dog. he didnt know how to walk proprely when i rescued him and just a few weeks after and he was running. it was really good to have meet him!
  • Eduarda De Sousa Pires
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    Sorry we dont own a very large property but thats the fun off it
    I can take my dogs out places we have never been before and let them run wild in the countryside but i only go places where i am alowed and have access too, no private land.
    You have lovely dogs too and thank you for the comments on Bruce and Lucy
    Your dogs have such lovely names too
    how are they all?
    Write back soon xx
    Rhona , Bruce and Lucy xx
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    Yes many places
    In parks you have to keep your dog on the lead if it is a chilrens park
    But in the countryside and forests and fields we have permission to let them off as long as we clean up after them and as they do as there told and my dogs always do that so there is no problem.
    There is a forest not far from our house, about 2miles away where i let them off everyday and the council has gave everyone permission to do so as long as they clean up after them.
    There are many fields next to rivers and paths and lots of countryside that the council have gave us permission to let off our dogs in the UK and beaches etc
    Sometimes they make paths and fields public just for dogs and hillwalkers etc.
    Why is it not like that in the USA?
    write back soon
    Rhona, Bruce and Lucy xx
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    Galashiels is about 40miles away from Edinburgh
    Quite nice town with places to explore
    Edinburgh is quite good to.
    They have a lovely beach, The silver knowes, and we love letting the dogs off thre to run about
    Another public Beach.
    How are you and the dogs?
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    Nice to know the dogs are doing well
    In scotland we do use acres but i dont quite understand exactly how big an acre is.
    All i know is miles and kilometres and metres etc.
    How big is 3 acres? roughly?
    thank you
    Rhona, Bruce and Lucy xx
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    They teach us all i think but i am only in 3rd year and i have never got acres very much and the square kilometres doesnt really help sorry :)
    but thank you anyways for looking it up for me.
    How are the setters doing?
    Love Bruce, Lucy and Me xx
  • Dee Rance

    Oh yes trying to find the suitable male, doesn't matter where you are this seems to be really difficult.. I don't want to go down the 'popular sire syndrome' road, and the only dog that I like is in a different country, and my girl doesn't have a passport so things are getting fraught, I do have a back-up over here but I would prefer my first choice..... I think that you have a greater choice on the continent.....GOOD LUCK and I am sure that it will all work out in the end.
    Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Ah yes I do know what you are saying, one thing that I would argue is the Bloat thing...I think that it is hereditary, my daughter is a geneticist and she was trying to ''get to the bottom'' of this dreadful problem but nobody really wanted to say that they had it in their lines, so nothing got done, I too think that the breed has got too big, but we here don't actually have a hight standard, the Irish do however (I think) and I think that it is 25'' tops for bitches and 27'' for the dogs, but don't quote me on that, I haven't looked to confirm it. I also wouldn't like them to get too much smaller it is a very fine line...... Don't worry about soap boxes they are good on this site, have you read any of the Forum's they make good reading....and a good argument, it can get quite heated but we all bounce back, after taking the knives out of our backs.....Ha Ha its all good fun, but sometimes it is very informative. Dee and the girls
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    Hello again.
    The dogs are great there getting on very wel and today i called both dogs once and they came back just like that. Im really proud of them.
    Im sorry i dont have any kids.
    How are your dogs??
    Comment back soon
    Rhona, Bruce and Lucy x
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    Aww.....haha :-):-)
    all is very well here and the weather is beautiful
    lovely sunny days in Scotland now and not as much snow anymore either. How is the weather there?
    I guess my dogs are my kids and my best friends too i love them to pieces
    if i have any problems i always go to them and they cheer me up :-):-)
    How are your ones?How is everything there?
    Rhona, Bruce and Lucy xx
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    Its nice to hear that the little ones are getting fostered
    i just read your blog about health problems about one of your foster kids having discospondylosis. So very sad. I hope that in those last 6 months she lives a lovely life instead of being cooped up in a 10 x 10 run.
    Well today it nice and sunny again and its just about time to take the kids out for there run. Usually a good few hours a day.
    May i ask you a question
    Is six hours a day too much for a setter? perhaps the puppy?
    just incase
    Rhona, Bruce and Lucy xx
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Hi Phil!

    Nice to hear that they are in good hands! So you are waiting for a new foster now? Are there a lot of them in the states?
    Luckily there are peple like you out there taking care of them.

    All the best, Kristina
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    Its lovely and very nice to know that your foster kids are in good hands and with a vet too.
    She will know exactly what to do and everything
    Yes i am at school most of the day but as soon as i get home its straight into the living room and put the dog leads on and go out for hours with them. Usually 3:30 to 8:30 on a school day and all day on the weekend. They love it and when they get in its straight to bed :-) :-) I love it
    Im hoping to get some more photos uploaded soon as the weather is alot better and the countryside looks beautiful in the summer/spring
    Speak soon
    Rhona, Bruce and Lil Lucy xx
  • Melinda Auld

    Hi Phil - glad Chase etc have gone to their forever home. You must be a great guy to take in foster dogs, knowing they're only staying a while. It'd break my heart to give them up too, even when I knew they were going to a good home.
  • Esther Siegrist

    Hi Phil
    it's so lovely to hear that you will have a new foster in a couple of days !
    Wish you good luck and all the best with your girl.
    Regards from Switzerland
    Esther and the red boys
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Phil Thank you so much for your kind words, don't put yourself down, you have the rite to your own opinions, and others should respect you for them. You know what they say...(you can't please all the people all of the time). we don't all have the same views, and people should accept that. You have as much rite to an opinion as the next person. It would be boring if we all thought the same. I happen to agree with you, completely..Dog showing is ''judged'' by interpretation, one persons interpretation of what the dog should look like, this small clique, (the top judges) determines what the future of the breed should be, shape, size and hight etc. If we are breeding these dogs we should go with what WE like, this may not make you very popular but WE have to live with the result, and yes we should like it...''Just my opinion'', others may not like it but....I personally have to go with my conscience. Please I'm not a hero just a self opinionated old lady......
    All the best speak soon Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there again Phil
    Good luck with the 'new comer.'
    I think it is this weekend you pick up your new setter?? Keep up the good work,The world need more people like you...
    Dee and the girls
  • lyn hathaway

    hi phil many thanks for email.its good to hear that nola is settling in,she may be small but im sure she will have a big heart!!!!noticed you said she was sniffing a lot our layla does and its the other senses that are much stronger when the dog is blind.ours has got to that stage when shes walked a few yards shell roll and im sure shes just leaving her scent in case she goes too far away from us.anyway all of you take care and id be pleased if you did keep in touch
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    Hello Phil
    Not talked in a while :(
    How are you
    Hows the kids? :):)
    I hear you have a new setter Nola
    She sounds very sweet indeed and her lack of sight isnt putting her down with her life
    Its so lovely too know that you are helping all these setters and i am very greatful :)
    im sure everyone lse is too :)
    speak soon
    Rhona, Bruce and Lil Lucy xx
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Phill
    How is it going with your new 'charge'??? I hope she is settling in well, we need more like you, I wish I had the courage to do the same, I admire people like you.
    Speak soon Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Well it is always going to be difficult introducing a new dog into the house. Dogs fighting is always so scary, but I am sure that they will settle down. I am also sure that they will be sleeping together, before too long, as for the cat, well it just goes to show that her nose is still very good. Good exercise for her, don't suppose that the cat is too happy about it all though, again I am sure that she will learn to get out of her way, they (cats) so soon find out how to hide from dogs...I bet the other dogs will soon be showing her the way to go, Saffy is like a guide dog for Jas, although Jas still has some sight, (she does have an advantage over your new girl.) Please keep me informed as to how she is getting on, good luck to you. Dee and the girls
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    hello Phil
    Yes all is fine with the kids :-)
    Yes Jona Cash is a bit of a nuscence
    excuse my english if its wrong
    how are the kids
    and nola, she is real cute and sweet
    well hope all is okaii
    talk soon xx
    Rhona, Bruce and Lucy xx
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    Hello, Its going great, yourself?
    the weather is the same here, very wet and windy
    not very nice weather to take the dogs a walk in but hey somebody has to do it and all you have to do is make it into fun weather
    the dogs definetly love the weather
    i hope it is sunny tomorrow
    how is everythere?
    lovely that you are getting another setter :)
    im glad you are helping all these setters its so good of you to do so
    how is everything there?
    write back soon
    Rhona, Bruce and Lil Lucy xxxx
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    Really? a couple of days?
    i have to wait until the start of July :-(
    oh well, but we go back in august some time :-)
    its really nice here just now
    very hot, almost too hot :)
    how is it there?
    and your new foster kid, how are they?
    write back soon :)
    Rhona Bruce and Lil Lucy xxx
  • Sandra Zivanovic

    Dear Phil, I am very happy with my dogs. My older dogs are very good boys and girls and they have great results, but it is not the most important to me. My life have no sense without them. I have exelent puppies now and I hope so that they will be happy with new , future owners one day when they live me.
    If you want to know more about my dogs you can contact me -

    Regards, Sandra
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Phil How is it going with your new 'charge' I do hope all is going well, all the best
    Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Phil
    Not sure about England, but here in Scotland it is for a change warm, today, we have been getting regular rain, and its been freezing cold, no good for me but great for the girls and, I hope, Saffy is pregnant, so she is feeling the heat, she was really uncomfortable last night, she was OK once I had opened the windows though. I have to say that she is like your Gordon barks if I am doing anything that she doesn't want me to, unfortunately she could eat for Scotland at the moment, but she has just nicked some Mango skin and a quarter of the pip, I do hope she is going to be OK with that, I do have to be so careful not to leave anything on the side in the kitchen at the moment, turned my back and it all disappeared, she is so quick. Will not be able to get much sleep tonight worrying about her...Ah well the things we do, and do keep up the good work with your SOS's I wish I could do something like that I would just get too upset..I used to take in all soughs of animals once but I cant do it any more...
  • Sandra Zivanovic

    Thank You Phil, it is very important to me because I just live for them. I hope that they will find good new owners. They are 3.5 months old and they are so preety now. Tomorow I will add some new pictures.
    Regards from Sandra with love