Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

29, Female

Scotland, Galashiels

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
1 Red Setter, 1 Red and White Setter
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
10 years
About Me:
Irish Red Setter - Bruce
Irish Red And White Setter - Lucy
Why are you applying for membership?
A. I am a human wanting to contribute to the community

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  • Jackie

    Hi Rhona, thank you for the lovely welcome, This is my IRWS and her name is Caragh (which is Irish for Friend) this photo was took about a year ago doing what she does best - SLEEP, I have never known such a lazy dog - but only around the house, outside shes full of beans

    As i am typing your photos are running through, what lovely dogs, especially the puppy photos- but puppies are always so cute... :-)

    Jackie & Caragh
  • Loving red Joan - VITA

    Hi Rhona!

    Thanks for all your comments...
    I think your dogs are also preatty...The little one is sooo cute. How old is she?

    Take care and wish you happy new year!

    Katja and Vita
  • Von der schönen Matte

    Hi Rhona,
    Thank you for your welcome.
    Your Red and White looks very nice. Like you, we love these dogs about everything. Unfortunately, they grow much too fast.

    Best wishes from Switzerland
    Marija and Peter Rohner with Aingheal, Emelyann, Gwyneth and the 7 B's
  • Susan

    Thankyou Rhona. I have to buy a new bit for my computer (its broken!) before I can upload any more recent photos. She has tripled in size since that photo (she is 4 months old, today) and has almost lost all of that puppy-coat colour. Her new coat is coming in beautifully. She had her first show over the weekend and worked very nicely at the end of the lead (unlike training at home), but she was the only Irish entered.
  • Lenka Filipová

    Thank you:) yes she is so cute and she is gorgeous.Your dogs are beautiful too. :)
  • Susan

    Thankyou for your interest. Unfortunately, Kizzi was the only Setter entered on the day and was in Baby Puppy (non-competitive at her age).She moved really nicely on the end of the lead and allowed me to stack her properly. Both of these were a big improvement on her practise at home. So yes, I was very proud of the way she presented, even though the judge only had eyes for the Pointers on the day, they were lovely Pointers though - can't blame her!! Had her weighed yesterday, and she is now 11kg, she was only 4kg when that photo was taken. I have done a bit of fiddling with the photo but still can't get it to upload showing her whole (gorgeous) head, even when I reduce the size right down.
  • Dee Rance

    How are you??? Its been a long time, so happy new year to you and your family 4 legs and 2, We are just starting to think about getting ready for Crufts, a lot of hard work in a short period of time, still it will be worth it I hope.
    How are you all coping with the snow and frost, it's lucky that we don't live in the south of England, for once they are having worse weather than us.
    Hope to hear from you again Dee and the girls
  • ereni

    Hello Rhona!
    Thank you for your nice comments.
    I am very pleased to meet you.
    Your photos are beautiful, as well.
    I haven´t got any dog at the moment but I hope I will have one in the near future.
    Many greetings to your pets
    PS: I am looking forward to seeing your new pohotos!
  • Dee Rance

    Crufts is what we all strive to go to, yes it is a show, but not just any show probably the biggest show in the world. All of us that show our dogs dream of winning at it and then winning it, going best in show. Perhaps you will go one day.
    We are all doing well, Saffy is just starting to grow her coat back, she lost a lot in her moult and had some shaved off when she had an operation. Jas needs a lot of work doing to her coat to get her looking nice again.
    Will talk soon Dee and the girls
  • Susan

    Rona, as we are in different countries, and I don't know the rules there, I suggest that you go to a couple of local shows. If you approach exhibitors that have your breed, after they have finished their showing (it can be a bit hectic for them 'til after, and they may be short with you). I am sure that you will find people who will want to help you. They may even evaluate your dogs for you (to see is they are a show-prospect). Even if your's are unsuitable, there are many who would welcome a helping hand with their dogs......in this way you could watch and learn, pick up lots of valuable information and tips on your breed. And discover if you would like to plan to do this in your future. This is how I started, 30 years ago, going to shows, watching and asking questions - when exhibitors aren't busy. Hope this helps because new, young, keen exhibitors are always needed to help keep our beloved pure-bred dogs available so others will be able to share our love and joy in future years.
  • Red Feather

    Rhona thanks for comment,your dog also very sweety!!!!!!My dogs names Martin&Simba.
    Regards Marina.
  • Dee Rance

    Well I think that there are many shows in your part of the country its just finding them, I don't know how to go about that, and why wait until you get older, surly the sooner the better???
    I don't think that Saffys coat will be any good for Crufts but we will still go all the same, and thank you for the comment on my girls, I am a little bit prejudice about my girls, I think that they are the best thing since sliced bread.......
    Dee and the girls
  • Anna Wymyslowska

    Thanks Rhona for nice comment :) Yes, Faza made me proud... She died in June. She was only 8 years old :(
    I see that you have an cute Irish Red and White Setter. They are very rare in our country.
  • Phil Ledbetter

    Lucy is quite cute. And Bruce has got a really amazing looking head! Very handsome. I bet you have a lot of fun with them. Do you have a large property? I have about 3 acres. Thanks for the commments on my page.
  • Phil Ledbetter

    To answer your questions, My older foster girls are Chance and Chase and my kids are Katie(the girl with the gorgeous hair-she's my favorite) and her brother Thornton.
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Thank you very much Rona!

    I like this site a lot too!
    Your Dogs are so lovely,

    Greetings from Sweden!
  • Phil Ledbetter

    Are there many public places where you can let your dogs run? I'm curious because here in the US there aren't. I have to go to friends that have several acres to do that.
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Rhona, Thankyou for your comments on my girls, and yes, I am very proud of them both. We got them as baby puppies together and they are now almost 7. Tess does have lovely long ears, as do most of the Irish from her particular breeding. They do get her into a bit of trouble though. Can't eat without a snood on otherwise her food is in her ears, gets bits of bush & whatever tangled when she goes free running. She is a good girl though and doesn't mind me brushing them out, and yes, I agree, they are lovely. She is a very quiet Irish and my English Megg is too. Both are a delight to live with.
    Your Setters look lovely also.
    Lynn, Tess (Irish) and Megg (English) from Australia.
  • Luisa

    Thank you very much Rhona, for your wellcoming words.
    The love of my life is a 6 yesr old irish setter that has proven to be a sweet, bright, happy and dear companion. I expect to find here people that realise how this breed is objectively so very special.
  • Luisa

    How lucky you are tohave had a puppy for a present.
    I am looking for a female irish setter to make company to mine Flicker.
  • Von der schönen Matte

    Hi Rhona
    There are not all our setters. The pictures where from the 1th birthdayparty of our A-Litter. We have at the moment 4 setters, Emelyann, Gwyneth, Aingheal and new from our actualy B-Litter Britget.
  • Phil Ledbetter

    Hey there, it just dawned on me where you are from. Do you have any pics of your country? I SO want to go there. I went to England a couple years ago and want to go up to Edinburgh, but didn't have time. Where is Galashiels?
  • Phil Ledbetter

    Katie and Thornton are fine. It got very woarm for the last couple days so they got to run around outside alot. I think my old girls and going to get adopted permanently so they will be leaving in about a week. I have 3 acres that they get to run on. Do you guys in Scotland tell size in "acres" or something else?
  • Phil Ledbetter

    ok, I went on the internet and figured out how much an acre is. My 3 acres is .01 square kilometers. Does that help? Let me know if it doesn't and I'll try seomething else. Do they teach you any US units of measurement in school, or just metric? I'm a math teacher, that's why I ask.
  • ereni

    Thank you Rhona,Bruce and Lucy!
    Nice background.
  • Gudjon Sig Arinbj

    Thing you Rhona I am very fine and my dog´s olso They are to bitches.
    The older is 8 yaers old the younger is her dauther allmost 8 month old. The older has 1 pris on a dog show and 1 pris at field triel.Sorry for my englihs. I did send in some more photos.
  • Nele

    Hello Rhona,
    thanke you for the good wishes. Your Photos are really cute! And i belive that you are very happy with your setters.
    Have a lot of fun!
    take care, Nele
  • Phil Ledbetter

    Rhona, how's everything? How are your kids?
  • Phil Ledbetter

    Rhona, you're a funny girl! When I said your "kids", I meant your dogs! I call my dogs my kids all the time. So, actually, you DO have kids. You just didn't know it.
  • Phil Ledbetter

    I SO wish I could come to Scotland. This past week it was so warm that you had to wear a t-shirt. Then yesterday it was so cold that you had to wear 3 layers and a parka to stay warm. Sometimes it's like that in Oklahoma. My kids are fine, but my foster girls are about to be adopted and will leave me. One of them has become paralyzed in the rear legs and can only drag herself around. It's very sad to see. Hopefully her new parent can do more for her since she is a vet. When you get a chance tell me more about Scotland. I love to hear about the weather and other parts of life there.
  • Gini Brand

    Hi Rhona,
    the little "setter" is my "grandson" Joey Cocker, he is owned by my elder son.;0) You have also very nice setters!!! This little red/white girl looks very beautiful and promising to many success! Rodins (GS) breeder Rosanne, living in New Mexico, ownes also an red&white girls named Nellie, you can see her on Rosannes HP www.amberlovesetters.com.
    Rodin is now nearly 20 month young and Austrian Junior Champion, but also, because he is a very funny, friendly, lovely and honest boy, I am very proud with him, I love him endless! The Big Old Red is my 12y.8m. old Irish Setter male Axel, which I love also very, very much, because he is the honest and friendliest dog, I ever had. I like it very much, to walk with them, also in the city, than in the green wide areas around Vienna. To go with them by bycicle or inliners, or only walking and running.

    I wish you a very nice day and would be enjoyed, to read more from you!

    Gini, Rodin, Axel (and Joey)
  • Helmi-Orvokki and Saimi

    You'r right, but aren't we all setter owners proud of our rascals! We also have had a Red Irish Setter, but our old lady "Melina" passed by 31.12.2008 in age of 15 and half.
  • Mytty and Ruttu

    Thank you. Yes, I'm very pleased with my girls. :) They both are sweet and lovely, in my opinion. ;)
  • Phil Ledbetter

    Chase and Chance's new forever mom came and got them Sunday night. I think they will be in good hands. She is a vet. Now for your question. Six hours is not too long. When you think about it, these are hunting dogs and on a hunt they would be out there all day long! They'll love it. Mine would stay out all day if I'd let them. On the weekends, I try to stay out with them most of the day when I can. I'm so jealous that you're able to take them out that long all the time. Aren't you in school all day? Anyway, that's great for them and it also cuts down on problems when they're in the house. Know what I mean?
  • Katariina Roiha

    Our mixture is "homemade" ;)) Our already passed englishsetter male thought that he would love to mate with our irishsetter bitch :)). We were not so happy at first and the pregnancy went under termination by a medicine that did not work :). All thank to that our mixedsetter is by far the best working/hunting dog ever and he has been judged by FT-judges as well(unofficial). And every hunter would want one like him. He is 8 and a half years old already but still going strong!
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Rhona, nice to hear from you again. How are you and your family??
    I have been busy this week so far, getting the girls ready for Crufts and looking after my grandchildren, the girls need their coats preparing with oil and massage, they love all that, then there is the trimming etc. they hate all that. I seem to have come down with a cold so really don't feel like doing anything. Have had to wash all the quilts in the back of the car, so my house is like a Chinese laundry...quilts hanging on the back of every door in the house, still got to clean the car, inside and out, and it (the car) broke down at the end of last week, so now I cant go and spend any money at the stalls at Crufts, the car cost too much. Lets hope that the car can get us there, the AA can get us back, if all else fails.
    Speak soon Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    As far as the cold and the washing, they will both disappear with time, the washing has already gone the cold will take a wee bit longer, (these things do when you get to my age)
    How is your wee girl?? growing very fast I would think?? you said at one point that you might like to go to some shows, locally. Do you have a ringcraft class anywhere near to where you live, if you don't know perhaps the local library will give you the name and address of someone who will be able to help you, that is the best place to start, you can usually get 'schedules' for the forthcoming show there, give it a try.
    Chloe, (she moves my dogs for me, and sometimes shows them), she is a member of the YKC which is for young people in the Kennel Club, she has just won an art competition with the YKC and her picture will be displayed at Crufts, I am so proud of her, do you do anything like drawing/painting??
    Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Try and get some of your drawings on the site, I presume that you have drawn some of your babies???? I am sure that we would all love to see them..
    The show at Kelso is a Championship show, it is the Border Union Show.. As I said try and get to a Ringcraft Class and get you and her used to the hustle and bustle of a show, it is so different from everyday things...
    I am sure that Chloe will be thrilled to know that you are happy for her...
    Speak soon
    Dee and the girls
  • Maggie Skene

    Hi Rhona
    Thank you for the nice compliments...we do love our boy and he is a real sweetheart. I have a question....is your last name Skene? because mine is!!!
    Wouldn't that be funny...we don't know that many other Skenes (only when we went to Scotland...Aberdeenshire....there are loads of them there!!)
    Your lil lucy is just precious, where is she from??

    Maggie & Duncan
  • Dee Rance

    Great Idea,
    Hope that you get something, you will find it great fun with like-minded people, try at the Library firs, they usually have knowledge of everything that is going on in the area...
    Good luck
    Dee and the girls
  • Phil Ledbetter

    Hey there girl, we're all good at my house. Having fun with Nola. My own kids are having a hard time accepting her but It's coming along. By the way, Jona Cash is a scammer. I got an email about it the other day by the guy that started this website. Hope everything's all right with you and yours.
  • Chris Knight

    Hi There ,
    Your new puppy looks very sweet and I am sure you will enjoy training and her or will she be training you ! as these Red and Whites are very clever don't you think.
    Regards Chris
  • Phil Ledbetter

    Hey, how's it going? You know I got another foster dog Nola? Well, I barely had her a month and now she's gone! Someone adopted her. Now I've got another Gordon Setter coming soon and she's 10 years old. It's like Christmas all over again! Tell me things are in Scotland....and by the way, it's been raining here for about 19 days straight and I feel like I'm in Scotland!!
  • Chris Knight

    Hi ,
    I am glad the training is going well , I have found that my Red &White boy is more responsive to training than the other Setters I have owned ( English and Irish ) and is pretty obediant unless we are in Pheasant country ! keep up the good work !!
    Regards Chris
  • Phil Ledbetter

    Well, I'm supposed to go pick up my new foster child today but there is a mixup with the communication so I'm not going just yet. It finally stopped raining after yesterday morning so I can some outside work done today. yesterday I went to a renaissanice festival that I go to every year and it was great! It gets better every year. one of these years I'm gonna make a costume and dress up for it. Is your school out for the summer soon? I teach high school here and we just have a couple days left. HOOOOOORAYYYYYY!!!!!!
  • Phil Ledbetter

    Sorry it's so hot over there. We've had great weather lately, except for all the rain. Cool breezes and about 76 degrees. You probably use celcius?? I've been out of school a couple weeks now and it's great! I have so many things to do around the house it's kinda like I'm not on vacation at all. My kids are doing great. I actually have already shipped Nola to someone in West Virginia, if you know where that is. I have another Gordon Setter now and her name is Roxy. She's very nice. When you say it's almost too hot, just how hot is that? I love it when it's really hot. I guess you don't. We go back to school in August as well. Probably the second week. Wish it wasn't so soon. Talk to you later.
  • Kristina

    Hi, Rhona, so you are 15 today. Happy birthday. Today is your day, enjoj it!!
  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Rhona! ( We share the day !) Have a lovely day with family and dogs!
  • Nicole Wilson

    Happy birthday Rhona! Enjoy your special day!
    All the best from all of us,
    Nicole :-)
  • Dee Rance

    Happy birthday Hope that you enjoyed your day
    Dee and the gang