ursula wilby




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
3 setters at the moment
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
I bought my first setter in 1975, I lived in England at the time and he was from pure Wendover lines. I have never been without irish setters since.
About Me:
I breed and show (as few shows as I can get away with to be perfectly honest). My main interest is obedience work. I have always worked with my dogs and have got three irish setter obedience champions in a row (FCI-rules). Meaning grandmother, mother and daughter. One of the dogs I also made up to be a certified armydog for the swedish army. Just to prove it could be done...but I have to admit that after all this, I am running out of steam and seriously considering a bordercollie so that I can compete on an equal level. But I may still change my mind. I have owned (and mostly worked) a number of breeds, among them german shepards, a poodle, bloodhounds, an english setter, pugs and now half a french bulldog. My daughter ownes the other 50%. (Mine is the cute half in case you were wondering.)
Workwise I write and draw for the swedish kennel club magazine plus write/illustrate books about dogs/cats and one about horses and work as an illustrator for newspapers, magazines and just about anything else you can think of.

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  • Thomas Amport

    I guess I would have to live without computers... and had mor time for dog walks :-)
  • Lise-Lotte Persson

    Hur har ni det i snön?? Vi pratade med Rolands föräldrar i Sjöbo innan idag, och de hade massor av snö ca 70 cm. Rolands bror var insnöad. Tur i alla fall att snön är lätt, tänk om det var blötsnö.....
  • Dee Rance

    I bet we could fill some town centres around the world with that kind of demonstration, don't you???, perhaps we could start here...and build???...
  • Dee Rance

    I need a crane and some polyfiller, for that, the crane to lift everything that has 'gone south' and the polyfiller to fill in the wrinkles got any more constructive ideas...having seen the pictures of you I don't think that you will be needing any of those things...
  • ereni

    I can see you are online, so a short message.You were so right in your last message..I am going to write you more at Christmas.PS I will stay at home:O)
    Have a great day!
  • Dee Rance

    I feel like that when I go to the hairdressers, when they have those overhead lights they show every wrinkle and some. Personally I don't feel any different from when I was in my 20's & 30's until I look in the mirror and then my mother is looking back at me....EEEEKKKKK horrors.....
  • Anu Rahikka (kennel Karhutarhan)

    Thank you very much of you wishes on my birthday :)
    Happy Christmas time to you and dogs.
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Tack Ursula och ett riktigt Gott Nytt År önskar jag dej å dina vovvar:-)
    //Kristina & Co
  • Annika Liikanen

    Hästarna är fortfarande lika "skäggiga" och vi fick ett par dm snö i förrgår natt.
    Det är så läckert ute.
    Ha det gott
  • Lise-Lotte Persson

    Tack för kommentaren om min bild!
    Ja, ibland lyckas man;))
  • Dee Rance

    Both the puppy and Saffy will toss the ball from side to side and bang it off the floor, or anything else for that matter, they will throw it in the air and catch it again, so where do you get the long line balls from, I would give it a go, it looked so much fun in the picture...;o))
  • Dee Rance

    Oh yes I think that is one of the other places and from one side (ribs) to the other, its when they let go of them that's when it gets dangerous for me, I have looked in the pet shops can't even get the short ones now, so will take your advice and look around the shows, when I can get to one that is, Rusa is growing fast. Fin still seems a little small but he is nearly the same size as his mum and Auntie, and he has done a huge spurt in the last couple of weeks, perhaps he won't be too big, thank goodness, some of the UK males are far too big. Thanks for the tip, will now go and rescue the cushion from Fin he has taken to chewing the corners of them, little darling!!!
  • ursula wilby

    Rusas favorite at the moment is picking threads out og carpets and covers.,..great fun...:-( NOOOOOOOOOT for me!

    The long-stringed ball is quite a bit softer, so no danger to humans!!!!!!
  • Dee Rance

    She is very intelligent and her mum...is a really good teacher, (can you come over here and try and get a bit of sense into Saffy's head, she is intelligent but just can't get it through to her), the baby is starting to do the same naughty things...
    So well done you she is very deserving, and a good ambassador for our breed. Again CONGRATULATIONS
  • Carmel Murphy

    Of course all us females are great at multi tasking!!;o))
  • Dee Rance

    That's great, (I have always found that mine, get rebellious around 9-12months, just a nightmare) but by the time you have got your wee girl back on track, Fin will be 'at that age' so I will be waiting with bated breath.....
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Första plats är första plats..... Kanske blir det nga ler utställningar för Vildas dotter?
  • Kasia Czapla

    Thank you for the wishes Ursula :)
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Ursula, yes, it is a great achievement! I have been so slack and haven't even started my young boy off in formal obedience work, but I will start this year. The club goes back in February!!. cheers
  • Kasia Czapla

    Next time you have a litter let me know. I will come and show you some of my "magic glue" tricks ;)
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Yes, you are right, Ursula!
    Taking shot of irish with standard lens is very hard, they always get some strange expression.
    I was rather thinking in general - irish sweet eyes:)))
  • Dee Rance

    I think that I would have the best of that deal. I am sure that you can do that manoeuvre very easily, I have to say that it is easier in a bus than in a car...for a start you need a bigger hole to put it in..optical illusion I know but still easier. As for Fin, well he is a bit of a nightmare at the moment. Just being so naughty, but he will grow out of it, eventually. I do hope....must say I am starting to question my sanity..;o))
  • Dee Rance

    I think that maybe you could be rite, but he is a bit of a naughty boy!! eating everything that gets in his way paper furniture rugs cushions etc etc etc. thinking of putting one of the muzzles on him, but that would be cruel at his age, well perhaps not...;o))
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    I'm really sorry, 3 girls ! :-)
  • Ana Gaspar Kozelj

    Thank you for the nice wishes and yes,all are the right size ;))
  • Dee Rance

    No honestly didn't think of it that way at all, and yes you should have seen the rest of the kitchen, a small bomb had gone through it, well a medium sized one, but then it always looks like that, never been my thing, housework, only do what I have to, to keep it reasonable.
    Thanks for the comment always good for a laugh....thanks....Dee and the gang
  • Esther Siegrist

    Hallo Ursula
    danke für deine Bildkommentare. Es ist immer eine grosse Freunde, Glenn's Schwester mit Kimaya und ihren Zweibeinern bei uns zu haben.
    Alles Liebe
  • Claire Prangle

    Thanks for the nice comment on my view photo, you have some great shots too

    Kind regards
  • ereni

    Hello Ursula, just gon through photos and your "Close look" is still number one for me.
    Have nice weekend!

  • Jo Ottinger

    Happy Birthday
  • Carmel Murphy

    A Very Happy Birthday Ursula!!! I hope the snow has melted a bit so you can go out to celebrate!!;o)) Or is it to be cake with the reds, horses, chickens and cats????
  • Melinda Auld

    Happy birthday :) I hope you have a lovely day today!
  • Angela Roberts

    Sorry Ursula, missed your birthday by a little bit! Hope you had a good day.
  • Barbara

    Hallo Ursula! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Liebe Grüße Barbara
  • Kristina

    Happy birthday Ursula!! I hope you will have a great day.
  • Carmen Lorenzi

    Happy Birthday Ursula! Have a nice day:-)
    Best wishes from Switzerland

    All the "McBirdy" clan wish you a very happy birthday !
  • Melinda Auld

    Well, I didn't want you to miss out ;-)
  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Ursula! So? at home this year for birthday celebrations?!!!! Enjoy your day with dogs and family!
  • Daria Olko

    Happy Birthday, Ursula! :)
  • Petra Kasznár

  • Danica Morarova

    Happy B-Day,=)
  • Dee Rance

    Sorry its so late Ursula, but I hope that you had a wonderful day, at least it was a bit more relaxed than last year...have a drink on me!!!
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Happy Birthday, Ursula, hope you are having a great day!!
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Happy Birthday Ursula, Hope you had a lovely day ! ! !
  • James Martin's

    Happy Birthday, Ursula have and enjoy a good night!
  • James Martin's

    From: Rui de Carvalho & James Martin's
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Happy birthday Ursula!
  • Barbara

    Hallo Ursula! Es freut mich sehr, dass du an deinem Geburtstag ein schönen Tag gehabt hast! Liebe Grüße Barbara
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Seems I have just missed the Big Day - so sorry Ursula. Hope you had a wonderful time. Happy, Happy Birthday.
    M XXX