Robert Krajnc




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
15 years
About Me:
Allegro is my second Irish Setter. I simply admire setters.

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    Seveda , jaz sem takoj za , kar povej kdaj in pa kje.Midva sva doma v Ljubljani blizu BTC-ja imamo tudi vrt tako da ...... lahko pa pridemo mi na gorensko.
    Kakor vam bolje ustreza mi se bomo že prilagodili.

    lp , Sandra
  • ereni

    Thamk you for your comments.
    As for camera, I have Nikon D40, a basic digital camera.It can take pictures itself:O)))
    Have a nice week !
    Greetings to Allegro
  • ereni

    Isis can be very shy at the begining, when she hears barking she wants to run away.Then she starts to be a little bit agresive and she must be number 1.
    I was really afraid of louisiana dog(dog) and that pittbull (bitch).Fortunately they played together.I am very nervous of those types of dogs. One never knows what can happen....I live in crowded place and there are lot of pittbuls, argentinas, bullteriers..I must be very careful. Isis doesn´t have last vaccination so we go only near my home for a walk and I try not to meet lot of dogs.
    I try to trust people and don´t be very nervous.It is not easy when you have such a treasure and in your heart is still pain and sorrow because of your beloved friend who is watching us from heaven
    Enjoy your time with a lovely puppy with tender brown eyes.
  • Vilja Vehkaoja

    Thanks for your nice comment on my photo! :)
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Thank you Robert for kind comment on my photo!
    Really love the puppy on your profile,
    Take care//Kristina & Co
  • Kristina

    Ojla, Robert. Me vesli, da si všeč fotke s hribov. Hvala za komplimente. Smo se imele prav lušno, Flora je naravnost uživala.
  • Kristina

    Ojla Robert.
    Ti povem majceno skrivnost? Tista lojtrca res zgleda grozno in Flora je šla ob skrajnem desnem robu po skalah in sicer tako, da sva ji z mamo pomagali. Ena od naju je bila na vrhu, druga na dnu lojtre. In je šla meter po meter, dokler ni prišla do dna. Gor sem jo pa jaz malo porinila (je bilo absolutno previsoko za skočit), mama pa jo je malo potegnila in je šlo. zgleda pa res grozno, sploh ko stojiš spodaj in gledaš v dolgo, visoko lojtro. To je pot do Češke koče. Si že bil?
  • Kristina

    Kok smo si različni. Meni je pa ful dolgčas, če ni plezanja v hribih. Floro na kake kline glih ne morem zvlečt in ko sem zagledala lojtro, sem že mislila, da se bo treba obrnit. K sreči s Floro hodiva na agility in to se je izkazalo za zelo koristno. Za take, ki imajo vrtoglavico, je ful fajn Velika planina. Po možnosti takrat, ko se ne pasejo krave. Malo zaradi tega, da se jih ne moti pri pasenju, predvsem pa zaradi tega, da se pes ne povalja v kakem smrdečem kravjaku. Čez teden, ko ni gneče, lahko spustiš psa in vsaj moja, divja kot obsedena. Resnično uživa v letanju.
  • ereni

    Thank you:O) I really like it and it fits to our puppies so much:O))
    Have a nice weekend all!
  • Susan Mogony

    Like the photo's from your puppy, he has a beautiful expression!
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Lovely doggy... funny photos !
  • Jennifer Martin

    Thank you for the comments on my new addition, 'Rio' , he is a delightful chap and after many years 'pottering around' with my 'old' Girl' Jinty, it's great having a 'pup' again. I am enjoying reading the profiles and exploits of owners and their dog's on this site, I find it refreshing to find so many people who are so passionate about the breed and their dog's, it's wonderful that an Irish setters 'joie de vivre' is infectious!.
  • Ana Gaspar Kozelj

    Thank you on your nice comment! Your Allegro is also very cute,wish you all the best in the future!

    Hvala za lepe komentarje na fotografije mojega Nika. Kako pa kaj vaš Allegro? Je zvest svojemu imenu, je veseli divjakec?
    Lp, Dunja
  • Ingeborg

    Hi Robert,
    Thank you for your comment on my photos
    Best regards, Ingeborg
  • lyn hathaway

    thanks robert
  • Anna Wymyslowska

    Thank you for your nice comment about my Newton!
  • Anna Adamowicz

    Thank you for comments about my dogs.
    Youre Allegro is very beautiful!
  • Kristina

    Hej, Robert, kako ti uspe naložit filmček, ki je dolg vsaj 3 min, meni pa niti 1,5 min ne, ker je to large?? Imaš kakšno idejo kaj naj naredim?

  • Jeanette Lilja

    Hi Robert,

    I really appreciate your nice comments on my photos. I hestitated a long time before I joined ES because I thought that just one babydog wouldn´t be much to come with. But togehter with my intrest for photo and taking pictures and gardens I felt more comfortable. I´ve got so many positive reactions och comments on my photos so it will take a time for me to answer and to look at all the others pictures. I will come back ...
  • Kristina Netterwall

    Hallo Robert!
    Thank you for nice words about my Iris.
    Regards Kristina
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Robert,
    Thanks for your lovely comments !
    I wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy new year.
  • Kristina

    Zgleda da res ;) Všeč so mi tvoje akcijske fotke. Moj aparat je totalno prepočasen za kaj takega, zato mora Flora pozirat, ko bi rada divjala.
  • Rieky van Hal

    thank you for comment on the foto for charmain.
    i wish you merry chrismas and a happy new year
  • Phil du Plessis

    I just love your pics of Allegro!! He is such a beautiful boy. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Ari and Phil

    Vse naj naj ti želimo!
    Sandra , Matjaž in Kiss
  • Susan Mogony

    Thanx! Bingley likes to site for a photo. he always stands in the way when you want to take a picture of something (some dog) else ;-)!
  • Caroline

    Indeed, Robert we have very similar snowy pictures!
    Happy New Year !
  • Kay Donnelly

    Thanks for your comment on my photo. Just looked at your photos. They're terrific. We get little or no snow so yours are amazing. Today was our first snowfall all winter!! Your dog seems to love the snow. superb action shots of him running in the snow.
  • Aleksandra Janik

    Hi Robert,
    Thanks for the nice comments about my pictures and dogs.
    I must say that I'm a fan of your photos :).
  • ursula wilby

    Thank you so much for your kind comment on my photo! :-)
  • Lise-Lotte Persson

    Thank You for Your comment!
  • Rieky van Hal

    thanks for comment on my foto from merlin
  • Anna Wymyslowska

    Hi Robert,
    thank you for your comment. Actually this jumper is a little bit to small ;) We bought it a month ago but we have -20 degrees right now so I decided to put it on him. They say it will be even colder...
  • Vana Lovric

    Thank you for your comments!!
    Lijepi pozdrav
  • Dee Rance

    Thank you for the lovely comments on my pictures of 'the boy' Findlay he's getting bigger and more stubborn by the day, but Nicole takes a good picture. Thank goodness because I certainly can't...Thanks again Dee and the gang
  • Ana Gaspar Kozelj

    Thank you Robert for your nice comment on my Nakea. I enyoj watching your beautiful photos of your sweet Allegro. Hope we will se on some show in Slovenia soon.
  • Claire Prangle

    Thanks for your nice comment on my photo, you have some great shots as well

    Kind Regards
  • Cornelia

    Hi Robert, I saw your b&w studies - they are quite nice in light and texture but I wonderd: why are they greenish or yellowish and not grey scale b&w?
  • Cornelia

    Thanks for your reply Robert; I thought you might have played with filters/photoshop - well, I'm just on the verge of getting photoshop - maybe it'll arrive sometime next week - then I will know what the programm has to offer :-)) I'm looking foreward to extensive discussions then :-)
  • Cornelia

    Thanks, Robert, will actually be interresting of comparing the two. I'm pretty sure PS is less sweatty work - no seconds to keep (twentyone, twentytwo...) - just leave your work til next day when tired and press the save button :-))
  • Esther Siegrist

    Thank you Robert for you comments! Wintertime is wonderful in the mountains and we enjoy every walk!!
    Have a good time and all the best
  • Cornelia

    Thanks for your comment, Robert! Psst - don't click on the photo to often to enlarge it - you might find out that the eye of Joy is not sharp... the other pic is, but I still have to work on the contrast there! Do you know Ansel Adams? He went with some of his negatives back to the darkroom for decades! Photos like 'half dome' or 'moonrise over Hernandez' are quite famous.
  • Barbara

    Thank you Robert for your comment on my photo. Barbara
  • Norma Pape

    I think Allegro looks to be a real character and lots of fun to be with. What a perfect name for a setter as well.
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Robert,
    Thank you very much for your comment on my video :-)
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Robert,
    Thank you very much for your comment on Girly B-day !
    Regards, Charlotte
  • Lise-Lotte Persson

    Thanks Robert, I was very happy for the nice comment!
  • Lise-Lotte Persson

    Thank you again!!
    I like your pictures!
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thank you Robert, for nice comment. No, I'm not "female" Jarno, I'm Anna, and believe me, I can tell stories. I hope it doesn't sound to much feministly, haha.
    Of course, Jarno is a master in both fields: photos and stories;-)
    I appreciate very much that you compared me with him. If my photos in future arrange once more in some story, I'll write it for sure.