Johanna Blacklake

, Female



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
since 1997
About Me:
I have three lovely Irish setters at home: "Jedi" Vicary's Yedidah (-99), "Cosmo"Garden Star's First Edition (-03) and "Saimi" Jonola Xtravagance (-09). I've had one litter early 2008 under my prefix GottaGo. I have also one sh weimaraner "Saga" Femme Like U at GottaGo von Silberweiss Jäger (-10).

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  • Dee Rance

    Thank you for the 'lick' comment it looks like your main picture is ready for a ''lick'' too
  • Laura Kolbach

    hello Johanna, well done with your "old" boy, would love to see photos of the entered dogs and even the results, you are good in giving me links :-) so pleeeease :-)))
  • Laura Kolbach

    thanks :-)
  • Hanna Järventaus

    Thanks! Sit vielä kun opettelen käyttään tätä....
  • Elena Nagornaya

    Hello Johanna

    Thanks a lot for kind words and wishes!!

  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Hi Johanna! Thanks for your message and concern! We expect the baby to arrive around the 4:th of February. Well the ultrasound said so but I think it will be in a week! Have seen and felt some signs! I hope that you and your familiy, including the doggies ofcourse, are doing fine! Are you going to many shows this year? Take care! Love Jenny
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Thanks for your comment! We are all doing fine. Wish you a nice saturday evening.. Love Jenny
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Hi Johanna! It was not the best photo of Sander but it´s difficult because he almost sleeps all the time.. When his not sleeping his eating.. Well you know! Have a nice day!
  • Mytty and Ruttu

    I just found this place. ;) And you are here already.
  • Carmel Murphy

    Hi Johanna "Blacklake"!!!!!!!;o) I enjoyed chatting to you also!
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you Johanna and happy birthday to Arttu dan!
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you Johanna for Fonzie!
  • Wanja Jorge Westerlund

    Thank you Johanna for kind worlds :-)
  • Kikki Dyrendahl

    Hello Johanna, thank you for congrats, more photos will come :-)
  • Ingrid Gilray

    Hi Johanna - great to hear from another "X" family! Reggie (Xcalibur) is very sweet and full of fun. A pleasure to live with :-)
  • ursula wilby

    Hello Johanna, thank you for the comment on my blog.
    It was first thought to be joint-ill (swedish = fölsjuka).
    So they rinsed out the joint and took all sorts of test, gave her plasma etc. So it was 99% certain that it was just a general infection due to....well that is just about anybodys guess. But Ivy was found to have an infected uterus so there is a guess that this had something to do with it.
  • Laura Kolbach

    hi Johanna, any new pics of your little one??
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Hi Johanna!
    Thank´s for nice comment on my blog.
  • Susan Stone

    Thanks for your comment on Glen in the water:-)) seems an old picture came to the fore again...
    kind regards
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi Johanna, thank you for your nice comments ! Yes, the time is going so fast and at 4 months, he is not anymore a little dog ! I don't know how he will look later when he will be adult, I can just guess but I hope he will be splendid like your Jedi, what a gorgeous Irish setter !
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi Johanna, thank you for your message, I just saw now your new photos, they are really great¨. So you have the sister of my Xuberance named Lucky ... Your Saimi she is the sister of Lola ? That's nice to see each others growing, brothers and sisters. From this litter, I know Xcaliber (Reggie), Lola and Saimi ... I miss few other brothers, I don't know if they have a page on this site ?
    Congratulation, Saimi she's really beautiful and so elegant, she has a long neck as I like ... How do you do to make her standing up like this, you should train her few times per day. You made a good job ! you should tell me how you do it ? Lucky sometimes is too lazy, and prefers to lay down.
  • sammi pease

    Thanks for the reminder...Saimi looks's great to see the 'family' growing Jean-Luc says....nice to keep in touch...wish I could get a good pic of Lola standing ...but she wriggles about so much...constantly looking for mischief...she nearly had my breakfast this morning...!!
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Johanna,
    Hartsbourne Hyacinth was bred by Sybil Lennox. She is by Kylenoe Crystal Bear out of Heronswake Rennaissance. She now is owned by Steve Lennox and Wendy Morley shows her. I am one of the few in the UK who still have some of the Hartsbourne/Brackenfield stock at home. (Anacardium Elixir who got 4th in post grad dog is one of them)
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Hello Johanna and thanks for your comment! Yes I have change my last name or going to do it :) It will be "Ronnebro" now. But I must say it feels the same as before! I hope all of you are doing fine and looking forward to see some photos of your new girl!
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Congratulations Johanna! I am so happy for you and your family! Wish you all the best. will you find out the sex? I had alook at Saimi. She looks nice and I really like her pedigree. Good luck with everything!
  • Ingrid Gilray

    Hi Johanna, just had a look at your pics of Saimi - she's lovely, and standign so well. Reggie has also been loosing his teeth and getting new ones coming through, so he wants to chew everything just now. But he's so charming its very hard to tell him off for chewing where he shouldn't. I'll try to get some new pics of him soon - can't get him to stand still for long enough, so they tend to be fuzzy action shots! Lovely to hear from you.
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi Johanna, I will try to take some other photos ... I guess he will have a lot of hair later ?
  • sammi pease

    Hi Johanna...thankyou for letting me know about the news pics...great photos...looks like she had a fun time on the boat!! Hope Saimi is behaving herself...Lola is up to lots of mischief at the moment..and growing very fast now.....I'm hoping to take some photos today as it's sunny, we have had so much don't feel like getting the camera out!
  • Dee Rance

    Thank you for that I am going to have my work cut out in the next 8 Weeks, but then I can relax. If it doesn't kill me that is....
    Dee and the girs
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Dear Johanna, Thank you for your quick answer ! yes, I received your previous message you sent August 4th. Before to investigate, and make these exams, the vet checked up Lucky. Last year we had a dog bitten by a tick and as you said he was almost completely paralyzed. Lucky was not like that but so exhausted, no appetite, and he had a sort of infection in his eyes (his right eye stays red) and his gum ... So I started to be worried, specially when you have readen what can happen to your dog on the Health website page of the Irish and English Club, health and deseases in some books about the Irish setter. Even the vet was amazed by the lethargy of Lucky. Now, we try to stimulate him and encorage to come into the garden and play. Walk with us etc. He is 5 months almost 6, so he needs to move nicely and develop his muscles.
    It was very nice to have your support during these last two weeks, I was so anxious by the results.
    Hope everything is fine with you, your dogs, and I hope to see soon some new photos of the sister of Lucky ?
  • sammi pease

    Ah...thankyou for the 'half birthday' wishes......and the same to Saimi...hope that Lola won't grow as much in the next half year though!! :-))
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Thank you very much Johanna for your thoughts ! also my best wishes to Saimi. I look forward to seing the new photos of her ?
  • sammi pease

    Thanks Johanna....the flowers are called Cosmos...I grow them every year from seed....they like lots of sun and well drained soil...and come in mixed colours of pink or white...I just find them so easy..and they flower from July till the first frost......well, that's the gardening section over....are you building a house, by any chance...???? look forward to seeing Saimi in photos soon.....xx
  • june walsh

    Thankyou for you kind comments on my dogs tjhere will be more photos when l learn how to work this machine properly

  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi Johanna, now Saimi turned also 7 months old yesterday. Hope everything is ok for you both.
    Take care.
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi Johanna, I hope you will have time to add some more photos of Saimi. I'm sure she is a beautiful girl and I saw from a previous photo, she knows already to stand correctly.
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Thank you Johanna. I hopa all of you are doing fine and enjoying the autumn. Do you plan to come to Sweden in the nearest future?
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Oh I forgot that you are having a baby. I am so sorry. Can understand you have no plans for Sweden at the moment! When will the baby arrive?
  • Rieky van Hal

    thank you for comment on my wedding foto
  • Susan Mogony

    He Johanna, I wasn't there unfortunatly, but i heard that Houston of the Travling Star from Ricky van Hal became BOB.
  • Rieky van Hal

    thank you for your congrats for houston on the piet roks jh day
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you very much for your comment about Fonz!
  • Agnieszka Rola

    oh yes it is Johanna :)
    hugs from us.
  • Lise-Lotte Persson

    Hello Johanna
    Thank you for your nice comment about the picture on Bella! Bella turned 2 years on 26 September.
  • sammi pease

    Hi Johanna....Lola hasn't had a season yet...but Abbi was quite young...only about 8 months...although it was only a light Saimi could easily being showing signs of teenage-hood....!!! it probably won't be very noticeable though at her age....just watch those boys....:-))))
  • sammi pease

    Good luck at the weekend.!!...let me know how you get on....
  • ursula wilby

    Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog-post about Ivy. A super horse and a greatly missed family-member.
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi Johanna,
    Big birthday today ... Hope it was great day for Saimi ! one year old already.
    Best wishes.
  • Kikki Dyrendahl

    Thank You for nice comment !!! :-))
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Thank your for your comment Johanna !