



Profile Information:

About Me:
I live in Bratislava, near the Danube.
My love, my almost everything was my devil Gordonxxl.He was a big clown with a huge warm heart and a tender soul.
He died 19th October,2008.
He suffered from hip dysplasia-HD/D.
Very painful and horrible death.
I miss him so much
Now I have a witch Isis (Kabaret Girl form the Noble Friends).

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  • Soňa Fabová

    Isis je náádhernáá, těším se na setkání někde na výstavě.
  • Robert Krajnc

    Happy birthday Isis!

    Serious guy Allegro :)
  • Robert Krajnc

    I miss new photos from Isis :((
  • Annika Liikanen

    Hello Ereni!
    Sorry for not writing to you, i am so worried about my 37 days pregnant bitch, she got kennelcough and Bracco Agnes had it first.
    it´s tough when your pets are sick and don´t know what to do.
    I added a blogpost and there you can see a new photo of Agnes, she is wonderful and we love her so much.
    Hugs Annika
  • Sabina Martonová

    Ahoj dik za coment :-P naozaj byvame v RK vlastne tam je taka malinka dedinka Likavka neviem ci poznas :P a nasa Sally to je fakt potvora mala :-P ale aj ty mas krasneho gordonsetra ...mate ho s PP?
  • Danica Morarova

    Ups,tak to by nemali,200m od najbližšie celoročne obývaného/alebo používaného/objektu nesmú používať zbraň.A už je január?Či ešte nie,no aj tak v tomto období je povolený už len odstrel pernatej,aj to už končí,takže čo vlastne strielali?Nič netušiacich občanov a domácu zver?:O))Ani to by nemali.Prídeme,len čo vymeníme pneumatiky/myslím za zimné,nie letné:)/Majte sa a v zdraví prežite!!:OP
  • Danica Morarova

    Tak sa opravujem,som si to overila,takže ešte sa strielaju ubožiaci ušiaci+bažanti +na tento rok je povolená výnimka do 3.1.2010 aj jelenia zver.Takže vpodstate všetko/včetne nič netušiacich občanov+nič netušiacich domácich zverov/Maj te sa tam na POZORE!!Prídeme vás povzbudiť:))))
  • Garrech and Canagan

    Thank you for your comment. Much appreciated.
    At the moment he is slightly more stable having had a better period. That said he did have a bloat episode last night. But it was down to thieving peanuts and crisps off the coffee table after sneaking out of the kitchen unnoticed!
    He rather rules our lives at the moment and has done for the last year! Obviously there have been a few interruptions with a very strict routine over the Christmas period and generally he has done well but yesterday we had a family with young children over for lunch. He lapped up the attention and petting from the kids but they left a door open which we didn’t notice and of course the temptation was too much for him!! But this is the first attack for six weeks which is a small improvement.
    The specialist wants to operate again to remove some of the now useless stomach muscle so it’s getting to decision time again. Plus of course the cost is horrendous as he isn’t insured. But cost is secondary as it’s his quality of life that counts.
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Thank You Ereni!
    Wishing you and your lovely dogs a happy New Year!!
    //Kristina & Co
  • Laura Kolbach

    a bit late due to the circumstances but i would like to wish you a happy and healthy 2010. hope everything comes true that you wish for. enjoy every single minute with your baby!
    love from me and Danka and Odin in doggie-heaven :(
  • Annika Liikanen

    It is really cool with horses who have beard.
    We got more snow and even Agnes think it´s much.

  • Lynn Spencer

    Reni, love your videos of Isis & Cairo. They are so sweet.
  • Laura Kolbach

    you know maybe that she was mated last year, but she went empty. now i am sure that fate (or god or whoever) wanted to give Odin a calm last period of her life. usually i don't believe in things like this... but now i am sure. as everything was perfect. so we are going to try again this year and hopefully some beauties arrive for the summer. and as planned, i am going to keep a girl. :-)
    and don't worry about Danka now, she is totally okey. she knew already on the 31st that Odin is going to leave us, animals are so much wiser than we humans. right now i am preparing her b-day cake, she turned 5 today :-)
  • ursula wilby

    Ah...but I have to sort my own one out first...she is quite a handful!
    Little Rusa...:-)
  • Rieky van Hal

    thank that you like the foto off merlin
  • Nicole Wilson

    see what I mean? :-))) not too great for publishing :-)))
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Thank-you Ereni for your comment and support on the loss of my very special "Monty".
  • Soňa Fabová

    Renatko , Isis je nádherná.Jak to že jste ji nevzala do Trenčína ?
  • Nadine Bonjean

    thank you Ereni for your comment!
  • Suzanne Humphries

    Thank you for your kind words regarding Lisa & her movement. It is her 'forte' so to speak. I am hoping to take her to Crufts 2010 for the last time, she is now a veteran.
    Your photographs are delightful. It has been cold here in GB, but it looks even colder where you are!!
  • Suzanne Humphries

    It is always thrilling to go to Crufts, I have been attending now for over 25 years!
    A BIG show, meeting up with friends, and seeing all there lovely dogs too.
    I hope to take 3 dogs this year, my friend will be coming with me to help out, hard work otherwise.
  • Robert Krajnc

    I hardly wait that you collect enough money to buy a new camera :))))
    Photos are so bad and Isis is so beautiful.
    Regards, Robert
  • Kerstin Thaens

    I am glad that you like my pics with my new camera:)) Greetings to Slovakia!
  • Suzanne Humphries

    Really enjoyed looking at your photographs.
  • ursula wilby

    Thank you so much Reni...:-)
    I love that photo too.
  • Deborah Christopher

    Thanks for your thoughts, we all miss him so much.
  • Lynn Spencer

    Thankyou Reni, for your very kind birthday wishes for Megg.
    It is very much appreciated.
    Love to you & your beautiful Isis. She is a lovely girl.
  • Annika Liikanen

    Hi ereni!
    Thanks for comment.
    Isis is a big girl now.
    Look at our Agnes , she is big but still a baby for me.

  • Barbara

    Thank you Ereni for your comment on my photo. Barbara
  • ursula wilby

    Thank you Reni! I just love Sunflowers! :-)
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Ereni,
    many thanks for your enthusiasm no my 'Grouse blog' and pics. As you can see we had a wonderful time:-)
    all the best
  • ursula wilby

    Have a totally brilliant easter!
  • Lise-Lotte Persson

    I'm glad my picture made you smile
  • Julia Batty

    Thank you. Your Gordons are beautiful!
  • Danica Morarova

    Zviera rastie a blbostičky s nou.A tak to má byt:O))
  • Lynne Murray Hogsflesh

    Thank you Ereni...every week is a happy week for me with my Red family...they put all the silly, unimportant things in the world into perspective...wouldn't swap them for the world!!! :))) xxx
  • Lynne Murray Hogsflesh

    Red Wine
  • Barbara

    Thank you Ereni! Best wishes Barbara
  • nicola manduca

    ok, ereni soon new photos on exclusively
    ciao from italy.
  • Hana Bočková

    Děkujeme, vaše fotky a hlavně pejsci jsou krásní! Hodně radosti!
  • Danica Morarova

    Kamaráti s irčankou si môžu požiadať o duplikát rodokmeňu.Na Štefánikovej tuším.Stojí to asi 8 EUR.Ked sa Meško k tomu nemá:))
  • Dee Rance

    They look really good, congratulations, your wee Gordon is looking well. Dee and the gang
  • Barbara

    Thank you Reni! All the best Barbara
  • Esther Siegrist

    hi Reni! thank you for your lovely comments on the photo! Hope, you are fine? we are looking forward on Saturday: we go to Italy, Toscana for 2 weeks :-)
    have a good time and regards
  • Barbara

    Thanks Reni! Best wishes Barbara
  • Gene

    Hi Reni - Thanks for your note. I am planning on covering the costs for this. No worries here...
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Hi Reni, Thanks for greetings:-)
    Ania with Bajka
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Thank you very much ;-))))
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Thank you ! you have a Gordon ... but also English and an Irish setter ? how many do you have ?
    Your photos are really great.
    Have a nice day.
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Thank you Reni ! Have a great summer as well.
    Your are very lucky to have friends with setters. Unfortunately, I don't have this luck, even by chance ... any setters around my place, in France or Switzerland ?
    Take care.