Silvia Lindner-Rae

, Female



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
4 red setters: Elinor of Ferryset. Red Crown Side By Side Arthur, Red Crown Tiny Queen Of The Mist Brianna and Luxatori Heritage Da Vinci, 3 IRWS: Saoisse Red Nokomis, Chaerisveen Celtic Music and Reddeer Can't Buy Me Love 'Coilean'
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
for 6 years
About Me:
I cannot imagine a life without setters any more - especially the red and whites, they are something very special!

Comment Wall:

  • Judyta Gnyp-Nosal

    Hello Silvia,
    Great that You are here :-)
  • Claes Viviane

    Hi Silvia its nice to see you here
  • Laura Kolbach

    hallo Silvia, willkommen hier!
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there welcome to the site, hope you enjoy it as much as I do Dee and the girls
  • Silvia Lindner-Rae

    An alle ein herzliches Dankeschön für den netten Willkommensgruß. A big thank you to you all for your nice welcome.
  • Silvia Lindner-Rae

    Fotos von der IHA Wieselburg findet Ihr unter
    Es fehlen einige Bilder, da ein Teilnehmer nicht wollte, dass er und seine Hunde zu sehen sind. Bin gerne seinem Wunsch nachgekommen.
  • Yvonne Joerling

    Hallo Silvia,

  • Silvia Lindner-Rae

    Hallo Yvonne, so trifft man sich wieder. Freut mit total. Sag kannst du uns helfen? Mir fehlen die Bewertungen von 603 und 604. Bei den Fotos kannst du dir gerne die mit euren Hunden raussuchen bzw. mir di Nummer sagen und ich schicke sie in groß.
  • Yvonne Joerling

    Hallo Silvia, ich freue mich, wenn ich meine Hunde im Internet sehe.
    Liebe Grüße
  • Silvia Lindner-Rae

    Danke, das hört man gerne.
  • Judyta Gnyp-Nosal

    Hi Silvia,
    finally we have IRWS puppies :-)
    yesterday in our home were born 7sweet puppies:
    4 females and 3 males. :-)

    best regards,
    Judyta and now 12 setters :-)))
  • Pedro Completo PortoRioSetter

    Thankyou Silvia!
    I'm shure you have too!
    The IRWS are always specials!
    best regards
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there. Unfortunately I am now getting too old to start in a 'new' breed. It was about 9 (?) years ago.
    The person was someone who I had sold an Irish Red to nearly 30 years earlier, I had always kept in touch with the family, they had gone into IRWS after there Red had been killed by a drunk driver mounting the pavement and mowing down their red. they were devastated naturally, and eventually bought an IRWS he is now chairman (I think) of the society in the U.K. but I don't blame him for not taking me seriously he knew what I thought of my reds. I know what you mean about buying a puppy.
    Will always have an interest in the breed though. Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    I do, unfortunately for IRWS, have a litter planned for the end of the summer, with my young girl, so again unfortunately the dream of a red and white will just have to stay that, a dream, but that doesn't stop me living vicariously through all the IRWS owners on this web and watching them at the shows that I go to, especially in Ireland, (their birth place). So do keep me informed as to how your beautiful 'kids' are doing, I must say yours are lovely, good colour and shape etc, this site does seem to attract a good specimen of SETTER. Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Margaret (?) that was very nice, how long do you get to keep him...I don't think that I could give either of mine up at any time, I had to for a few months with my older girl, and it nearly killed me and her, NEVER will that happen again, that is another story and not one to go into...........Dee and the girls
  • Esther Siegrist

    Wir sind wieder zuhause. Vielen Dank für die tollen Fotos aus Salzburg. Weiterhin viel Erfolg und viele Grüsse aus der Schweiz Esther mit Glenn und Jamie
  • Dee Rance

    I have already gone through the eBay clippers, I can I think get something better because of the exchange rate from the US, but I have taken on board the leaf blower, I have always just used an ordinary hair dryer. I will have to look into it.. thanks for the advice, I think that is what this site is all about, we all have out little tips that could help others. thanks a lot Dee and the girls
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hallo Silvia!
    I hadn't realised your husband is Scottish? So is mine and that's why I live over here at the moment. It's nice having the "Scottish group" and I'm curious to see how many more will join :-) I like your setters. Is Sierndorf near Vienna?
    Vlg, Nicole & Busby
  • Yvonne Joerling

    Danke, wir freuen uns immer noch.
  • Verena Forman

    Yes- die Oberwart Ecke hat sich wieder gefunden :-) - Elis fehlt noch, sonst sind alle da!
    Dank Dir ganz herzlich für die nochmaligen Congrats - logo sind wir super happy und stolz - aber inzwischen hat sich mein Dauergrinsen schon wieder a bissi verflüchtigt und der Alltag ist wieder eingekehrt :-)
  • Verena Forman

    wir waren doch schon zwei Mal an der BS Tulln und jedes Mal meinte Harry: da könnten wir mal eine Woche Urlaub machen :-) Wäre net weit weg von Wien, Bratislava etc... ist eh erst nächstes Jahr spruchreif, heuer klappt es urlaubstechnisch eh nimmer, kleine Pension ist immer OK, wenn man Hunde mitnehmen darf oder noch besser ne FeWo! Das ist super lieb mit Deinem Angebot, aber was meinst was da los wäre mit 3 Rüden und Deinen Hündinnen?
    Wenn`s in den Zeitraum einer Ausstellung fällt, wäre es natürlich auch Klasse.
  • Verena Forman

    Hi Silvia,
    na dann schauen wir mal - dann nehmen wir Dich aber als Fremdenführerin auch gleich mit in Anspruch gell!!!
  • Verena Forman

    das hört sich toll an - Harry ist so der Burgen & Ruinen Freak;
    Das mit dem Weinkeller ... da müssen wir hin :-)))
  • Ann Millington

    Hi there again, Silvia.... are you planning to come to the IRWS Festival 25 next year?
  • Yvonne Joerling

    Hallo Silvia, möchte Dir noch mal zu Celt`s tollem Erfolg am Samstag und Sonntag gratulieren.
    Liebe Grüße
  • Yvonne Joerling

    Schnupfen werd ich wahrscheinlich auch bekommen, waren noch bis zum BOB da, ca. 18:00 Uhr, ging an Mr. Jingles. Leider weiss ich von den englischen gar nichts, hoffe es veröffentlicht jemand die kompletten Ergebnisse von Samstag und Sonntag. Ich hab nichts mitgeschrieben, nur geschaut und gefroren.
    LG Yvonne
  • Frost

    Hi Silvia,

    Yes it really is. I have grown up with dogs. Bouviers.
    But when I got in touch with setters I got addicted.
    I really love them.

  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Silvia,
    I'm assuming you are in Scotland now and hope you're enjoying your holidays :-)
    All the best and good luck,
  • Nicole Wilson

    Oh Silvia, I'm really sorry to hear that, it's really rotten people do such things. I'm glad you and your dogs were not harmed, though, and I hope that you'll get the insurance money back. I know that Belgium is known for its car thieves but Germany?? I hope you still managed to enjoy your stay in Scotland and I wish you a good recovery from your travelling and all the best with the insurance. Hope your dogs are OK too!!
    With my best wishes and regards from Scotland,
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Silvia, sound like you had a really adventurous journey - not what one would expect travelling outside holiday season and heading north... hope you manage to sort things out with insurance.
    Thanks for your comments on Glen's success. It looks as if he benefits from the R&W - his training partner was United Spots O'Hara owned by Forsters.
  • Dušan Rauški

    Hello Silvia
    Wish you and your family Merry Christmass and a happy and successful 2009!
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    love the pictures of the dogs
    there beautiful
    Are you a photographer?
    Happy new year
    love Rhona Bruce and Lucy xx
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    so sorry your eqiupment got stolen
    the pictures are great
    love them so much
    rhona, bruce and lucy xx
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    where are you living just now
    you have lovely setters
    love there markings
    hope you liked the cards
    write back soon
    rhona, bruce and lucy
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    nice to know everyone is doing well over there
    Happy New Year
    From Bruce Lucy and Me!
  • Susan Stone

    first impressions of the new year...

    PS the video of Glen was taken during our last holidays in the very north of the Netherlands (not all flat...)
  • Marta Magi

    Thanks for your comment on the litter and the friend request as well. Yes, I am lucky to have only five in Sarah's first litter, so I can enjoy them more instead of just constantly cleaning up after a big litter. I can imagine what big your work with them must be. But you do it well, they look nice.
  • Sandra Mather

    hello there how are you and your doggie family.i was one of the ones who made the photo call for es and im there on the left of the board.Ive had my oldie off colour but after tests hes been given the all clear for his age.
  • Eva Stájer

    Hello Silvia!
    Thank you of your congratulations. I very proud of him.
    Of course, we will be go in Szilvásvárad Setter Clubshow and the CACIB. And you?
  • Big Red's (Suzanne)

    thanks for your comment.we didn't take pictures so if you got any,they are verry welcome.
    gr suzanne
  • Esther Siegrist

    Hallo Silvia
    vielen Dank für Geburtstags Wünsche an Glenn. Wir hatten einen schönen, warmen Frühlingstag :-)
    Grüsse und Busserl an alle
  • Chris Knight

    Hello Sylvia ,
    I enjoyed looking at your lovely pictures and yes Red & Whites are great characters that is true.
    Regards Chris
  • Fiorella Mathis

    Thanks Silvia, it was the first time Fabrizio had her...and he didn't really understand why I got so thrilled when she had the CACIB. I think that being as clever as she is in field trials she deserved this opportunity and I am glad it went well. Thanks again. Fiorella
  • Kristina

    Hi Silvia.

    I take a look at your homepage. To bad not all of it is in English. I especialy liked the video of Pointer and Setter championship - thank you for that! Is there a link on the web where I could get more of videos like that?

    You got your first dog because of your doughters illnes. Is she better? Hope so.

    What does the name of your affix Redder means?

    How many pupps are waitng for their new home? I would love to have an IRWS one day, I am not sure now is the right time :-(

    All the best!
    Kristina from Slovenia
  • Kristina

    To bade the boys dont have homes jet. Do the puppies already have their names? I would like to know what they are.

    Regards, Kristina
  • Yvonne Joerling

    Guten Morgen, wann geht es denn los nach England?
    Liebe Grüße Yvonne
  • Yvonne Joerling

    Na, dann wünsch ich Euch viel Spass, und mach viele Fotos, damit wir auch was davon haben. LG Yvonne