David McIlveen Wright


Coleraine, Northern Ireland

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
Two, Darwin has been joined by Mac in June 2011 (I still say 2, but it's now only one, the old one passed away in May 2010)
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
15 years
About Me:
I live near the beautiful north coast of Ireland, where Irish setters can have a lot of fun on the beaches or in the woods nearby.
My first setter was Agivey Grouse (aka MC, Tartuffe, Alphonse, Artur - his personality was too big for one name), a dog with FT champions in his pedigree, born in May 1996 and died May 2010. My second IS is Walshestown Darwin, born October 2004, who comes from show dog stock [one grandfather is Thendara the Tourist and the other is Thendara Incognito among Ronzaldo], and he's our wee darlin, Darwin. Our new boy is Mac aka Thendara Fascination (Sumaric Shadow of Mr Jingles x Thendara Vanilla Ice) who is as dynamic as he is gorgeous!

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Welcome to this great site! cheers from down under
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi David,

    Welcome. I'm sure you'll love being here. Can become very addictive.
    I'm Lynn, & I have two setter girls, one Irish & one English. We got them both as baby puppies together & they are now 8yrs. Best friends & the light of my life.

    Again welcome.
  • Lynn Spencer

    Thanks David,

    Yes, I agree, the ES has a lovely, very soft nature. My Megg is absolutely wonderful with my little twin grand children. She adores them. My Irish girl Tess is fine with them but after the initial 'greeting & lick', then she will then disappear for some peace & quiet. Actually, don't blame her.............
    Could not imagine my life without either breed.
  • Agnieszka Rola

    Hi David,
    welcome on this site and thanks for your comment.
    Best wishes
    Agnieszka & Conni
  • Kerstin Thaens

    Hi David, es ist urkomisch, dass ich in so kurzer Zeit zwei "alte Berliner" bei ES kennengelernt habe:-)) Willkommen!
    Eure Setter scheinen die irische Idylle ebenso zu genießen wie ihre Zweibeiner. Gut, dass du dich damals in Berlin für diese tolle Hunderasse entschieden hast!
    Ich bin ein bisschen neugierig und würde gern wissen, warum es dich nach Nordirland verschlagen hat.
    Freue mich schon auf weitere Impressionen von den liebenswerten Iren (ob Hund oder Mensch) und der unglaublich schönen Landschaft. Viele Grüße nach Northern Ireland!
  • Kerstin Thaens

    Hi David, liest sich sehr interessant, welche Umstände dich veranlasst haben nach Berlin zu gehen! Eine Stadt mit ganz eigenem Charme, die Geschichte auf Schritt und Tritt lebendig werden lässt. Ich bin zwar kein Fan von Großstädten, aber in Berlin lande ich doch hin und wieder u.a. wegen meiner beiden Töchter, die dort studieren. Erstaunlich, dass ihr später zurückkehren wollt, da ihr jetzt so beschaulich wohnt. Ich glaube, dass die Deutschen im Alter lieber vor dem Großstadttrubel fliehen und sich in abgelegenere Gegenden zur Ruhe setzen.
    Was hast du/lehrst du eigentlich an der Uni? Welch Zufall - ich bin auch Dozentin :-)) Lg Kerstin
  • Angelika Park

    Thank you for yor comment. :-)) Your Photos are overwhelming. I'm impressed. This is where our Irish Setters originally came from. Great! I need to visit Ireland.
    Best regards from Germany, Angelika
    Nun sehe ich, dass der Kontakt auch in "Deutsch" möglich ist. Alles Liebe natürlich auch für Euren wundervollen Hund! Auch ich spreche immer noch von "unseren Hunden", Layla ist als einzige noch da. Cosima ging vor einem Jahr. Wir haben in den letzten Jahren 4 Setter verloren. Ohne diese wundervollen Geschöpfe leben? Hoffentlich niemals!!! LG, Angelika
  • Angelika Park

    Hallo David, danke der lieben Worte! Schön, Dich nun als Freund auf meiner Seite zu finden. Alles Gute, Angelika
  • Angelika Park

    Hi David, auch ich bin Deiner Meinung. Es sollten, wenn möglich, zwei Setter sein. Dann haben sie sich und die Menschen, ein Idealfall. Wir überlegen auch noch, wann der Zeitpunkt für einen zweiten Setter gekommen ist. Natürlich spielen auch äußere Umstände eine Rolle. Alles will überlegt sein. Hoffen wir beide auf eine Lösung, damit unsere Hunde wieder ein Kleinrudel sein dürfen. LG, Angelika
  • Tina Clamp

    Hi david
    just looked at your photos they are lovely. I am relatively new to this site, but it is lovely to see so many beautiful and happy Irish setters. Was sorry to see you had lost one of your lovely companions in may. x
  • Deborah Christopher

    Thank you for the comment on the photo. I notice you've had both field setters as well show setters, my bitch is half and half probably favouring field side intelligence wise i.e can open the fridge, doors, gate etc. Have you noticed a difference in certain traits?
  • lyn hathaway

    you have some wonderful photos for us to share david and some lovely memories
  • Monika Hoth

    Hallo David,
    dann wäre ein Schlammbad das Richtige, Endlich kann ich auch mal in deutsch
    antworten,das macht die Sache viel einfacher. Lebst Du dort,wo deine wunderschönen Bilder herkommen?.Es ist ein Traum.
    Bis demnächst
  • Monika Hoth

    Wusterwitz ist ungefähr 1h inRichtung Hannover von Berlin entfernt. Wir haben
    viel Wasser in der Nähe und es ist nicht so hektisch bei uns. Ich bin immer noch so
    unglaublich begeistert von dieser tollen Landschaft. Das sieht alles so magisch
    und imposant aus . Ich bin sowieso ein Fan von diesen nördlichen Ländern.
    Dort muß man sich einfach wohlfühlen und vor allem ideal für unsere Vierbeiner.
    Bis bald Monika
  • Monika Hoth

    hallo David,
    keine schlechte Idee, wieviele Menschen leben dort bei Euch?
    wie lange ist man mit dem auto bis zu Euch unterwegs? ich glaube
    die Einreisebestimmungen für Hunde sind sehr kompliziert,kannst Du mir
    mehr darüber berichten.
    bis bald Monika
  • Stephen Clegg

    David, my wife and i have really enjoyed looking at your stunning pictures, we are really lucky to have all this on our door-step, Has put us in the mood for a wee drive up the gold coast lol.
  • Stephen Clegg

    Hi David,
    Did you make it down to the Show today ?
    We had a great day , So many lovely Setters on show , got some pictures will post them later.
  • Cathy Smythe

    Thanks David. Chantal said your photos were amazing - she wasn't wrong!!! Excellent and gorgeous dogs.
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi David,
    Thank you very much for your kind comments on some of my photos....sadly Billy passed away shortly after the photos were taken.....
    I suppose you know all about me through Chantal?!
  • Karen McKelvey

    Hi David, Glad you enjoyed our open show on Saturday unfortunately I did not meet you but I think you may have been the chap with the setter with the sore paw? I hurried past to get a dog into the ring from the car. Sorry wasnt being rude just had to take him back into the ring and the judge was waiting.Didnt see you again when all had ended to chat.While it was a small show the atmosphere was good and nice to see so many from south of the border take the trouble to enter and exhibit and were successful too which makes the journey home more enjoyable.Introduce yourself next time.
  • Karen McKelvey

    Maybe you will get the show bug too! You need to check with the show organiser if dogs which are not being shown can be brought to the venue usually this is not the case for a number of reasons. However if you wish to see the show and the weather is not too hot to leave the dog in the car and then walk him near the show no one would be likely to object.
  • Karen McKelvey

    Just saw your photos shame the hall was so dark!
  • ricky young

    Hi David
    Thanks for the kind comment on Oct 6. Connie has as you don't have to guess an Irish heritage (Casey,Green,Fitzpatrick,Bryne,O'Malley)
    Cheers Rick
  • Astrid Landsaat

    David, I just checked out your album. What a lovely photo's!
  • Karen McKelvey

    Thank you David I had her at the open show you were at. She's a live wire so it wasn't easy to get her to stand long enough as there were birds (her favourite chasing things) where we were taking the photo.She enjoys nothing better than chasing rabbits etc and the muddier the field the better so its nice to have a reminder of how she can look.
  • Carmel Murphy

    Thanks for the Birthday gift and greeting!! Had a great day with my girls and my two boys(Milo and Luka!!!!) ;o))
  • Karen McKelvey

    No David 3rd March 2008 I think is the date on the picture of Harvey He was 3 on the 1st March 2008 and is Katies litter brother.
  • Karen McKelvey

    I actually checked the photo as I cant work the date thinghy on the camera and thought all my dates were wrong having said that would snow surprise you in july nowadays!
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Hi David, well I think that for me there is no place on the sofa!!
    Best wishes, Marjolein
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    You're welcome David! I really enjoyed watching the pictures, especially the beauty with the grey face! He looks like my lovely Angie who passed away in 2008...
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Feel sorry for your loss David... I am sure that you have a lot of wonderful memories. Best wishes, marjolein