Dušanka Božič

, Female



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
I have one at the moment- Seterday Filip-Lepi. Before I had two (Seterday Ron and Seterday Brandon).
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
I have my setter 14 years, before I had 13 years collie rough (Chika and Chincha).
About Me:
I love DOGS.

Comment Wall:

  • Laura Kolbach

    hello, welcome to the site! have fun!
    laura and the girls
  • Dušan Rauški

  • Laura Kolbach

    oh yes, we know you! :)
  • Mojca Novak

    Hojla Dušanka!
    Dobrodošla na tej strani.Pa veliko uspeha in veselja z Filipom ti želim
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there welcome to the site you will find it great fun Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Hi Dusanka, I apologise for not writing your name correctly but I don't know how, we had a Slavonian (?) judge last year in Ireland and he really liked my young girl he only graded my older one as Very Good, she is almost an Irish Show Champion, although she is definitely a show dog and couldn't do a days work but the young one ''looks'' like she could work, looks can be deceiving!!!!! all the best Dee and the girls
  • Alenka Pokorn

    Zdravo Dušanka in seveda Filip!!! Dobrodošla.
  • nicola manduca

  • Vojna Medvedec

    Hi Dušamka,welcome to this site,hope you will enjoy it.
    Thanks for your comment.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there. Thanks for the comment, I am just a wee bit predujist as far as they are concerned, We are off to our Club Championship show tomorrow (Scottish) so everyone bathed and spruced up and the dogs look good too!!!!!!
    Dee and the girls
  • Dušanka Božič

    Haw are you, girls, today spent?
  • Ana Gaspar Kozelj

    Živjo Dušanka :) Seveda,setri se tako zavlečejo pod kožo, da človeka osvojijo za celo življenje:) Upam da se vidiva na kakšni razstavi!
  • Cecilia GUIOT


    Your dog looks really beautiful.
    The photos are very representative of the " setter attitude"....

  • roland alain

    Hello,j'espere que toutes les photos vous plaisent,j'en ai encore en stock,car il a une expression peu commune
  • Dušanka Božič

    Oui, j'avais vu toutes les photos; toutes sont merveilleux , mais " les petites " sont toujour fascinateur. Demain alons nous avec Filip sur expo cacib Celje.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Dusanka, how are you doing, it has been lovely hear for the dogs, they love lying in the garden and chilling out but its raining now they love that too. Are the puppies yours?? Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there if you get this 'before' you go good luck, if 'after' I hope all went well, I had the most wonderful day yesterday in Dublin, my older girl Caspians Modesty J.W has now got to be known as Irish Show Champion Caspians Modesty J.W. I am so proud of her , it has been so long in comeing, mind you it would not have happened but for my friends 15 year old granddaughter, Chloe. She moves her for me, and they look so good together, all the best Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Thank you for your congratulations, she was a star, I love her to bits Dee
  • Dušanka Božič

    Hi, Sue
    Thank you for hearty comment. Yes, we are very well. May boy has palmerston at head, like the krown and his pet name is therefore Filip Lepi ( Philip Good-looking).
    Congratulation to Willem Lauvert, as well my Filip has made CH J-Slovenia and Croatia by only 14 months. Now he made CH in working class in Slovenia, Croatia, Austria and Italy. It is very strennous for me (my age - 58).
    Best regards
  • Dušan Rauški

    Pozdrav Dusanka
    Drago mi je sto smo se upoznali u Budimpesti.
    Filip je jako sarmantan decko!
    Sve najbolje
  • Kikki Dyrendahl

    Hi Dusanka!
    Thank´s for comments
    greetings from sweden
  • nicola manduca

  • Vojna Medvedec

    Hi ,congrats for Filip's cacib win in Vrtojba!It means he is close to int.ch.if not already ready;starting four extra championates sounds fine.Just keep on going,and train the" Pass gang"!
    Best wishes from daddy and all the red family!
  • nicola manduca

  • Laura Kolbach

    hello, i wanted to go to zagreb but with danka's shaved leg, i decided not to enter :-) and yes, i am thinking about ljubljana, and you also have nice judges! also, danka should be back in full coat by then. we'll see. have a nice weekend!
    laura and the girls
  • Wanja Jorge Westerlund

    Thank you! It's taken in the early spring, it's the first swim for the year!
    Regards Wanja
  • Ewa

    Hallo Dušanka,
    Thank you very much for your nice comment. I enjoy your photos and see Filip is a very beatyful boy.
    I am also thinking about Ch Italy and Austria. Perharps we cen meet each other.
    Ewa and Palisander (Jonasz)
  • Špela L.Sušnik - Rubinus Verus

    Najlepša hvala za dobrodošlico,
    Me veseli da sva se spoznali. "Poznam" vas ze preko Mojce :-)

    Vaš Filip je zelo Lep in všeč mi je, ker je zelo odlakan. V bistvu je pa pol bratec od naše Rubin, ker imata istega očeta. ..

    lp, Špela&Rubin
  • Laura Kolbach

    thanks for your comments Dušanka!
  • Špela L.Sušnik - Rubinus Verus

    Hvala za komentar. Ja, tako sem jo razvadila, da v naročju najbolj mirno in spokojno zaspi :-), a kaj ko je kmalu ne bom več zdržala v naročju.. Raste kot mala gobica!
  • Dušan Rauški

    Draga gdjo Dušanka
    Želim vam i vašoj porodici prijatne praznike i uspešnu i blagorodnu novu godinu.

    Srdačan pozdrav
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Hi Dusanka,
    thank you for your graetings to my Krusia.
    I love your photos, esp. with setter slipping in the hammock.
  • Heidi Husu

    Thank you for your nice comments about our boys. Filip looks also very lovely, a handsome boy! We wish you all the best in the future!

    Heidi, Luigi and Pablo from Finland
  • Dušan Rauški

    Storm je dobro, hvala na pitanju. Ocekivao sam burnu reakciju ali nije je bilo za pravo cudo, mozda zato sto mu sada poklanjamo tri puta vise paznje pa mu se to svidja.
    Ne znam za stene jos nista, ipak sam prilicno razocaran sto se to izdesavalo i sto nisam uspeo da nastavim ovu liniju koja mi je bila vrlo draga.
    Sta ima novog kod vas? Kako je lepi Filip?
    Srdacan pozdrav
  • Loving red Joan - VITA


    Seveda se vidimo! Kdaj pa je razstava v Grazu?

    Hvala Dušanka. Če se ne bova videli, pa si bova tu pa tam kaj napisali in povedali.
    Lp, Dunja & Nick
  • Marija Plevčak

    Filip je zares zelo lep in vem da imate z njim veliko užitkov
  • Vojna Medvedec

    Thank you Dušanka for your nice comments,Hugs to Filip and we see us!
    I am proud of him for the wins in Portorož!
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Thank you Dusanka for nice comments on my wather photos,
  • Selin Sylva Celtic

    DUŠANKA ŽIVJO!!!!!!!!!!
  • kristine thybo hansen

    Hello, and thanks for your kind comment..
    Beautiful photos with beautiful dogs on your page..
    Have a great weekend with your four legs :)

    Cheers from Norway
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Dusanka
    I am a wee bit prejudices about these babies, and thank you for the kind comment on them, they just get better day by day.
    Thanks again Dee and the gang

    Hvala lepa za dobrodošlico :).

  • Melinda Auld

    Thanks for the nice comment about my boy!
