Lynn Spencer


Melbourne Victoria


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
one Irish & one English Setter
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
14 years
About Me:
I have 2 Setter Girls, one English & one Irish. They are both aged 6yrs. I am married with 3 children, grown up now. I am Australian and live in Melbourne. I have loved Irish & English Setters for more than 20 years and now have one of each which are both an absolute joy to own. We got them both as baby puppies together. They are best friends and are always looking out for each other. We belong to a local obedience club where the girls have done well. Tess, my Irish, continues to go to school each Sunday.

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  • Deborah Christopher

    Thanks for the comment on Daisy, the bed is so soft we have to keep the others off it so she can have some peace. Deborah
  • Laura Kolbach

    hi Lynn, thanks for your comment on my photo. the english setter's name is Smiley and is a very funny girl!
    hope you are all well,
    laura & danka
  • ereni

    Thank you Lynn!
    Sunny greetings from Bratislava:D
  • Michelle Webster

    Wonderful photos Lynn. I've just spent a very happy hour lookng at them all. Thanks for sharing them with us.
    Best wishes,
  • ricky young

    Thanks Lynn for your much appreciated comment about our grand daughter Connie and Youngin. We are proud of them both. Hope to get to Melbourne sometime next year.
    Cheers Rick
  • ereni

    Thank you Lynn!
    Many hugs for Tess and Megg.
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Thanks Lyn for your comment on my lovely Bridget. cheers
  • Laura Kolbach

    hi Lynn, yes yes, beautiful new baby girl and oh so smart! she is called Neita, it means "little girl" in Sami language.
    another wonderful news is that Danka seems to be really pregnant, hope all goes well in the next weeks and even after. definitely not a boring summer this year!
    hugs to you all
    Laura, Danka, Neita and Odin from above
  • Laura Kolbach

    oh well, trying not to but... maybe my parents can keep her, dad already wanted to take neita :) also, i would have to think about another unusual name :-) (ok, lets face the facts: i am sure that one girl stays...)
  • Esther Siegrist

    Thank you Lynn for your comments! Yes, Jamie to grow up to little genleman :-) we have much of fun with him. Glenn show him, how he must retriev from the water ... funny!
    Have a good time and hugs to Megg and Tess
  • Karina

    Thank u v much, its really nice site;-)

    U have to love that breed;-)

    Setters are great dogs and The Best friends;-)
  • ricky young

    Hi Lynn
    Yes, they are very special. She has a special gift with all dogs and they all adore her. There is a lovely photo of her and a poodle pup on home page
    Cheers Rick
  • Tina Clamp

    hi lynn i see you have two different types of setter are they similar in their personalities. They are both beautiful dogs. x

  • Laura Kolbach

    thanks for all your comments Lynn! they are just sooo wonderful, all of them! will be very very hard when they leave. but still some weeks left!
  • ricky young

    Hi Lynn
    The site is still there. can get on through dogzonline. Its www. The astii has two i's
    Cheers Rick
  • ricky young

    Hi Lynn
    Sorry its only .com not (
    Cheers Rick.
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Lynn,
    Thank you for your lovely words !
    Best regards from belgium,
    Charlotte & Co
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Lynn
    Thank you for your comment, I am keeping my fingers crossed for her, my vet is looking into things for her treatment, and we are hoping that this new injection will help her,
    Thanks again for your prayers I am sure she will appreciate it, Dee and the gang
  • Monika Hoth

    Hi Lynn,
    thank you for your comment
    best regards
    Monika also from Tanja
  • sarah jackson

    Hi Lynn, Meg and Tess! Thanks for the comment on our photo together. She is a very content girl and we love her to pieces. You have some beautiful pics of your two girls...they are very beautiful. Love your E.S page by the way it looks amazing!
    Sarah and Jasmine.x
  • Esther Siegrist

    Hi Lynn
    thank you so much for your lovely comment. It is a pity that you live in such a big distance, because Glenn and Jamie would enjoy it very much, to swimm with your lovely girl!!!
    Have a good time and regards Esther, Glenn and Jamie
  • MicheleD

    Hi Lynn!

    Thank you for Welcome!
    My Parents also lives in VIC.
    They are emigrated to Australia for 12 Years!
    What a coincidence! ;O)

    Best regards
    Michele& Lohnesetter's
  • David McIlveen Wright

    Hi Lynn,
    Beautiful dogs! I've seen one or two English setters around here too, and I must say, they impressed me with their wonderful natures. If I weren't getting an IS, then it would be an ES for me.

  • anne logie

    ur rite im hooked on this site id have every dog on here x
  • Dee Rance

    Thanks so much Lynn for your thoughts on my old lady, Jas is such a sweetheart and if I can have her for a wee bit longer, so long as there is a good quality of life, that is the main thing, so hears hoping that this vaccine will help, it won't cure but hopefully help, all the best and thanks again Dee and the gang
  • Laura Kolbach

    dear Lynn, thanks again for your comments! they are already 8 weeks old!!!!!!!!!! unbelievable how time flies! the first one leaves already tomorrow, second beginning of next week, one girl stays for sure until i find a better home for her as i can provide and red boy, hm, not sure yet, i canceled his booking due to some disagreement with the buyer, so he is for sale again. would love to keep him near though. he is soooo nice! (lots of crying ahead when they leave...)
  • RAISON-LAFORGE Dominique

    Merci pour lui !!!!!
  • Workert Violetta,Automne

    very beautiful dogs.
  • Laura Kolbach

    hello Lynn, thanks again for your comments! as you see, the babies found the most loving homes one can wish for. all have doggie friends as well within the families, biggy has a golden retriever, glady has 3 other irish setters and bella a hairy mix-breed. and zilou, oh well, she has mum danka and nanny neita to entertain :-) danka changed 180 degrees after the pups were gone, she behaves like a half a year old baby. jumping around, pulling on the lead, very very playful and quartering the fields in full speed - so back to normal again :-)
    i think i am quite happy now.
    hugs to you and the 4-legged ones
  • Laura Kolbach

    yes, i decided t keep most of them here around, black boy is on cyprus though. and yes, zilou stays. after long long thinking and sleepless nights... she is just to good in every way to give her away. and well, it has been my dream to own an own-bred dog, so why should the plans change? ok, neita came in the meantime but she has been such a good nanny and just can't be the reason for not keeping a baby. :-)
  • ereni

    XXX for Meg
  • lyn hathaway

    So very sorry to hear about meg lynne thinking of you at this sad time
  • Tina Clamp

    Hi Lynne
    So sorry to hear about your meg, sorry for your loss. Sorry i did not see sooner only i had a virus on my computer. will be thinking of you at this sad time. xx
  • Tina Clamp

    sorry for your loss
  • Sandra Zivanovic

    Dear Lynn, thanks for words of solace, pain and sadness are unspeakable, it's a big loss for me and my family. Once again, thank you
  • ereni

    Hello Lynn!
    How are you ?
    We wish you a very happy St.Nicholas Day!
    We- mostly children, celebrate this day tomorrow.They find their packets of sweets and fruits in their CLEAN boots. It is different from Christmas Eve.We still believe that Jesus brings presents under our Christams trees...
    Thinking of you...

    Reni and Isis
  • Sheree Parrish

    Thank you for the warm welcome Lynn, I'm looking forward to meeting lots of like minded people who love setters as much as I do.


    Sheree & Henry

  • Sheree Parrish

    Red Ribbon
  • ereni


    How are you?

    I ve just listened news from your country..


  • Di Andrews

    Dear Lynn,

    Thankyou for your beautiful words.  It was very upsetting to hear you have lost Megg.  I still have Mahogany 14yrs 1mth,  thanks God but she is very frail & I know she hasn't long.  We have dogs & love them but some spirits are given to us that somehow are just very special. I know Megg was like that for you.  Thinking of you.

    Love Di & Mahogany xxx

  • Andrew Morris

    Thank you for your warm welcome to the site and its lovely to see all those who love the english setters i will make sure to keep you posted and up to date with our lovely boy and his many antics
  • Andrew Morris

    Red Ribbon
  • Dee Rance

    Thanks for the comment on the picture, I think that she is a very special girl,...thanks again Dee and the gang
  • Finding_Beau

    We hope you have all been safe with the floods in Vict. Because these natural disasters have been predicted for some time I found a piece of land on a ridge in the mountains. We get belted by the winds which can wreak havoc and the torrential rain does cause erosion and other problems but at least we will not be flooded. I own horses as well as dogs and I could never leave them.
  • Mary Slater

    I enjoyed looking at your photo's of your two girls. My two girls are best of friends as well. I was very sad to see that you lost Megg. I hope that Tess is coping with out being with her best friend.


  • Tony Williams

    Hi Lynn, thanks for inviting me to be your friend and for your welcome to the forum.

    So very sad to hear that you have recently lost your beautiful Meg. My heart goes out to you and your family. It's a massive shock to say the least when they go at such a young age. We were devastated when we suddenly lost our English boy Gus, he was in his prime at just 6 years of age.

    Mitch is improving by the day. Hope to upload some photos of him soon...will let you know.





  • Marie Scouse

    Hi Lynn

    Thankyou for your comments.I have just been admiring your pictures especially the water ones.

    Bailey has already found every water filled ditch and looks longingly at the local widlelife pond when we walk past each day. Ia m sure if he was not on the lead he would be straight in. But then at least he would come home clean

    I am not sure if it is the water or the ducks he is interested in but maybe both

  • Kathryn Heyes

    Hi Lynn. Thanks for your lovely comment about Jakers. These photos were taken quite a while ago, he is now 18 months old. I will put some up to date ones on as soon as I can.
  • ereni

    Hello Lyn:)

    How are you?

    Many hugs form Isis!


  • ereni

    Bad news form the opposite side of the world again.

    Hope for no more news about flood or quake.

