Patricia Meehan Lerch


Glastonbury, CT

United States

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
40 years
About Me:
I am a teacher in Hartford, Connecticut, and I love Irish setters so much...they are my children, my companions, my most loyal friends. I just wish they lived longer.... See their pictures on my Facebook album, under Patricia Meehan Lerch.

Comment Wall:

  • Michelle Webster

    Welcome to this site, hope you enjoy it on here.
    Best wishes,
  • Michelle Webster

    It is always so hard when we lose our beloved reds, especially when it happens so suddenly, so I do understand how you are feeling. It is now almost 15 months since I lost my darling Fergus and I still feel it as keenly as I did at the time.
    It's not easy, but try to focus on all the happy times you shared.
    Best wishes,
  • Astrid Landsaat

    Hi Patricia,

    welcome to Exclusively!

    Best wishes,

  • Dee Rance

    Hi Patricia I hope that you enjoy it here and congratulations on the pictures it took me ages..
    Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    I think that they both are wonderful, but I am prejudices. My old girl is virtually retired, and my youngster was due to whelp today, but she is determined to keep me waiting. But thanks for the compliment.
    Dee and the girls
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Patricia
    I live just outside a place called Dunfermline, which is just north of Edinburgh in Scotland UK, you live in Glastonbury in the states, we have a Glastonbury over here where they have a huge Rock Concert every year, a bit like Woodstock living through the 60's I love all of that kind of thing, just a hippy at heart....even though I am now a pensioner, still I think all the original hippies are now pensioners. All the best Dee and the girls
  • Carmel Murphy

    Hi Pat! Sorry about your other two girls who are now gone! I had heard about your loss from Leah in Kerry! Leah has two red heads from my Rua's litters(one from '07 Molly and the other from '08 Finn, is a sister of my Abbey) Setters are the most wonderful dogs!!
  • Carmel Murphy

    Thanks for kind remarks about my reds and the website!!! Look forward to seeing the rest of your photos on facebook! Thanks for confirming the friend request! Maybe we will meet some time either in Ireland or in the US! Might visit where I lived for a while in the 70's in Red Hook NY ;o)) Always loved the trips to Vermont, New Hampshire and Connecticut!!!!
  • Carmel Murphy

    It is a small world!! I used to go shopping in Kingston and the band that my ex was involved with often played in bars up in the Catskills, often during the winter, and I so miss the snow!;o)) The setter I had then loved his swims in freezing conditions and would melt by the wood stove when he came inside!! Great memories of a different life!!;o)
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Patricia
    I have gone down the way of Gin and hot bath, am now thinking about squeezing them out, one way or another.
    And yes a ''relief'' it will be
    Thanks for the comment Dee and the girls
  • Stephanie Galindo

    Hello Patricia, You mean with "puppies" the guinea pigs? :-)
    A nice evening..
  • Patricia Meehan Lerch

    Yes, I did mean the guinea pigs. Your dog is so incredibly beautiful...shiny and dark, but the babies, well, they're cute as guinea pigs. It's a great picture, showing how gentle the setters are.
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Patricia
    I do think he is lovely - maybe a bit bias! Thank-you for your best wishes.
  • Patricia Meehan Lerch

    I think it's wonderful that they like the water so much! I've had setters for 42 years and never had one who would swim. The best they could do was just walk in the water...
  • Astrid Landsaat

  • Stephanie Galindo

    Hello Patricia, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Best regards from Switzerland. Stephanie