Sandra Mather

72, Female

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
About Me:
married with 2 adult children.
ive done some judging and regulary attend shows.ive had quite a few litters of puppies which i enjoy rearing .I keep in contact with the new owners and follow the progress of them ,.When leaving until there bemise.i now have visited some of my stock in the new homes they enjoy seeing their mum again.I have owners
having a second dog off me so ive got lots placed as uncle and nephew,brother and sister etc.

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  • Elaine Joan Wall

    hi Sandra,glad about Willow, I have had a few days in Cardigan with the we are waiting for Marrona to have these puppies,Should have gone to to the ISAE today but couldnt leave her. see you
  • Marie

    Hi Sandra,

    Freezing cold and wet wet wet here today.Been busy the last couple of days buying and getting it into storage for the cattle.Back breaking work nowadays.Used to be able to pick the bales up and throw with ease !!!!!All to hard for the body now.
    All well here.
  • Marie

    OOpss missed the hay out of the sentence
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Sandra,
    I know - walks can be such a nuisance sometimes. I like walking early in the mornings when there's hardly anyone around... Hope you will get a bit of peace again soon!
  • Elaine Joan Wall

    Hi,Marrona has had her puppies ,7 dogs and 1 bitch ,oops,guess who had orders for 3 bitches,never mind .So I wont be at training with Amy this week again.See you soon
  • Carmel Murphy

    Thanks for the birthday greetings for Abbey!! She had a great day with her setters family!!;o))
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Sandra,
    I hope Erin will make a speedy recovery and soon feel well and back to normal again. Sometimes those things just have to be removed and I'm sure she'll feel better for it.
    I too prefer the earlier and later quiet walks - mainly because people always feed Busby even if I tell them not to and it is getting quite annoying.
  • Elaine Joan Wall

    The little sweeties are growing rapidly ,the weather is a bit warm for them but we have the fan on.Only one left to sell now ,all lovely people ,two very local,Wolstanton and Audley,My car is in hospital so wont be able to attend classes .
  • Marie

    Hi Sandra,
    Hope Erin is well on the way to recovery.My oldie Chay is still getting about.She is a bit unstable on her back end now,but still insists on going to the block for her potter around.
    Freezing cod and a fair bit of rain here at the moment.
    Lucky Ah off to Peru.
    All my "Reds" are well.Had entered a show this weekend but didn't get there I hadn't been feeling to well and gave myself a day at home doing nothing.
    Feeling a bit better today but have to go to work.
    Hope all is well and you are all coping with the hot weather you are getting.
  • Marie

    Hi Sandra,
    Well here we have gale force winds this morning!!.
    Did have a show but have decided it's not the day to be out there driving.
    Freezing cold as well.
    All well here. The dogs are well,old Chay is still pottering along and just come back from her toddle to the local shop.
    Will try and catch up on housework today!!!!????
    How was Ash's holiday???
    My daughter is VERY sick with swine flu,so have been doing her running around and all the Mum things we need to do when the kids are sick,dosn't matter that she is 38 she still needs her Mum..
    (just hope I don't get it!!)
    Hope all is well with yourself and your family and all your dogs.
  • Marie

    Hi Sandra,
    Good to hear Erin is coming along ok.
    The wind has abated today.It was awful yesterday.
    My daughter has improved a little and managed to get out of bed for 30 minutes yesterday.But she was exausted after that.
    We are having some good rains here,but do need a lot more.I will try and find you on face book as I also use it.
    Talk soon.Marie
  • Cheryl Newland

    Sorry for not getting back to you. Everybody is ok now. Just seem to be really busy just lately and everything seems to take twice as long. Getting very old and arthritic now, ruddy joints just don't work anymore!!!!!!!!May see you in person again one day. Cheryl
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Sandra
    How are things? Got some more puppies at the moment, definately keeping one FOREVER this time!! Can't decide which one though, I've got one girl with a big white blaze which I like but then there's one with a dodgy toe so might keep her just to make sure she's okay.
    How are things with you?
  • ereni

    Hello Sandra,
    thank you for your message.
    I am OK, waiting for my new GS puppy.
    I wish your Erin long and healthy life and send her many hugs.
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Sandra
    I don't have a facebook account, all my kids do!! Work is a little better, nothing fantasic but its better than nothing. Peru sounds really nice. We are going to Spain in October, never been before buts is cheap holiday I suppose.
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Sandra,
    Sorry it's taken me so long to reply! I'm glad to read that you're all well again. Hope you're all enjoying the summer. We're waiting for the fields to be cut so we can start with the training again.... hopefully not too long to go now. Lots of cuddles to Erin and hopefully she'll be back to her self soon....
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Sandra,
    I'm glad Erin is feeling better. Yes, I'm also on facebook although I'm trying not to be on too much as it distracts me from work too much (I'm already spending so much time on here)!! ;-))
    It is quite tough everywhere with jobs I think at the moment but there's not really much we can do, just to try and hang in there. Hope it'll pick up soon for your husband....
  • Deb Bouttell

    Hi there, thanks for the wecome - when I work out how to DO pictures, I'll put some on!
  • Nicole Wilson

    Yes, it is very humid these days. I'm never sure what to wear. Hope this rainy weather won't last for much longer. Watch out for the wasps too - they are particularly aggressive these days!
    Good luck for Birmingham and take care...
  • Nicole Wilson

    Thank you for your lovely comment on Percy! He had his first show on Saturday and won his class so I'm very pleased! But he's still young and we'll have to see how he develops... Congratulations on your results and good luck for Birmingham! Will you be coming up to Ingliston in November?
  • Nicole Wilson

    I'm sorry to hear about Erin and I hope she's feeling better. Just as well it was spotted and treated in time. Lots of cuddles to her and a very speedy recovery!! Keep us up to date on how she's doing...
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Sandra
    Sorry to hear about Erin, my English Setter had the same condition about 4 years ago, my husband sounds the same as yours, he complained about the vet bill too, he always does!!
    My new Irish Setter got bloat yesterday, so he will no doubt complain about that bill too, it was touch and go but she's a lot better this morning so keeping my fingers crossed she can come home today.
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Sandra
    She's doing really well now thanks. Haven't taken her on our usual walks yet as she just runs off at a great speed looking for the ducks. I've got a facebook account but I don't go on it very often, can't get on there for the kids!
    All the best
  • ereni

    Hello Sandra!
    Thank you for your nice words and comment. My Isis grows very quickly and make me very happy. I had a facebook account but cancelled it because of my students :O)
    Many greetings from Reni+Isis
    PS A lot of health and smiles!
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Sandra - that's terrible news with Cory. I hope he is feeling better now? I hope he'll make a speedy recovery and won't be too traumatised by this.
    Lots of hugs to Cory,
    Nicole :-)
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Sandra
    Merry Christmas to you too. Sorry to hear about all your problems. Talking about knees I've just had a complete knee replacement two weeks ago!! So still sore, it's quite a traumatic operation, bones and muscles are really hurting but hopefully in a few months everything will be back to normal and the dogs will be able to walk miles further!
    All the best
  • Deborah Christopher

    It's still rather painful at the moment, bruises are only just starting to go. Will just have to wait for it to heal. Wasn't expecting quite so much pain but then they wouldn't tell me that before would they!! At least I have an excuse for not doing the dishwasher!!
  • Nicole Wilson

    Merry christmas and a very happy new year to you and all your family and setters too! Hope Spice is feeling better again...
    Lots of love from snowy Scotland,
    Nicole & the boys
  • Deborah Christopher

    Doing much better now, thanks. Been driving for a week now so that's a lot better. I do have some exercises to do yes, or it stiffens up.
    Hope you are all well and getting out better now the snow has nearly all gone.
  • Suzanne Humphries

    Thanks for the comments on My Family of I.R.W.S. I enjoyed watching your video of Reds, and just love your kitty kat!
    More than likely see you at Crufts.
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Sandra,
    The photo you took on my camera is lovely! I am not on I cannot see what you have put there. I got home at about 8.30. The traffic was really heavy....I think the recession must be over in the South and all the people are back to going shopping and driving on Sundays again! I have really enjoyed the whole day....meeting so many new people!!!! Here the weather is gorgeous today so I have been on walks with my dogs!
  • Suzanne Humphries

    HI Sandra,
    sorry to have missed you at Crufts, but like you say it was a busy time for all, and our R/W benching was not very well placed. Some set quite a way from the ring 4. We had a good day, 2nd with our Veteran B. & a 4th from our naughty boy. He muffed the run up!
    Sorry to hear your not feeling so good, hope it soon passes. How did you get on?
    We have mated our young R/W bitch 3 weeks ago, so we are hoping for the patter of tiny paws!
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi there Sandra - that's a shame that you picked up a cold at Crufts. Actually I did last year too. I hope that it'll be a short one and that you're feeling better soon. Did you show at Crufts or did you go as a spectator? I watched a lot on the internet. Hope you all had a great time together :-)
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Hello Sandra, Happy Birthday. Enjoy!
  • Linda Baldry

    Happy Birthday Sandra, nice meeting up again at the ISBC show, enjoy your day, x Linda.
  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Sandra! All the best. Barbara
  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Sandra! Have a great day with dogs, family and friends!
  • Dee Rance

    Happy birthday Sandra, hope that you have a wonderful day, not too much work...
  • Suzanne Humphries

    Happy birthday to you, have a great day.
    Pleased to accept you as a friend.
  • Carmel Murphy

    A Late Happy Birthday Sandra!! I hope you had a great day;o))
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Congratulations Shadow!
    Best regards from Holland, Marjolein
  • Deborah Christopher

    Great to hear you are feeling better. Looks like the dogs enjoyed that cake. My Great Dane died on 24th February but we bought a new puppy to fill his bed, I think its going to take a few months before he manages that though!
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Congralutations and best wishes on your litter, cheers
  • Cheryl Gorey

    That's great news Sandra, glad to hear all is going well and look forward to updates as they grow and develop. cheers,
  • Elaine Joan Wall

    hi sandra,hope you are enjoying your babies, what will you be keeping,i bet you cant wait to get your new baby in the ring.I know I cant How are you doing with selling the pups??
    I hear that Pat is expecting a litter as well
  • ereni

    Thank you for your kind comments:)

    I ´ve sent you a friend request on Facebook.


    Reni and ISis

  • Monika Hoth

    i wish you and your dogs all the best for 2011 !!!

    best regards Monika

  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Sandra!
  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Sandra!
  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Sandra;o)