Vojna Medvedec

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
2o years
About Me:
The owner,the breeder and FCI judge of the breed.
At the first place the friend of this wonderful breed.
Vojna and Lovingred irish setters Croatia

Comment Wall:

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  • Petra Dimic

    Hvala, gđo. Vojna.

    Evo, moram priznati da sam uz svu ludnicu i sve obaveze potpuno zaboravila na ovu stranicu. Danas su me trgnule obavijesti na mailu.

  • Špela L.Sušnik - Rubinus Verus

    Hvala na lijepim riječima :-), Špela& Rubin
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Thanks Vojna! We are so proud of all the doggies! Love the head you have in your avatar, simply beautiful
  • Caroline

    Hi Vojna, thank you for nice comments. I was suprised, when i saw new comments under old pictures :) We have already little break in handling, and shows, so we have nothing new to say ;) But it's really nice, when someone want's to talk, and write to you.
    All the best
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Sounds like an exiting litter!!!! Let us know more when the plans are decided!
  • colette tuite

    It is nice to hear from you Vojna,hopefully some time in the future i will be able to upload some photos of my Irish Setters.
  • Marta Galuszka

    Hello Vojna,
    Thank you for your nice comments on my pups:)
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you for your comments
  • Loving red Joan - VITA

    Hi Vojna!

    Kako ste? Kako crveni? MI smo super! Vita je najbolja....
    Pusa od nas
  • Firstroyal and Jarlaith

    Hi Vojna,

    Many thanks for your nice comment!
    Its always a pleasure to see them running, what a team.
    It was a good test to see the condition off the handler t'is time, running, running , running... unfotunate the rings are always to small for the dogs in Groupe 7, they needs space. There are no minimum rules??? Hope to see you again, greatings from Belgium, Roger, Anni and Royal
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hello Vojna,
    A big big thanks for your comment !
    It was a great day and a great win for us yesterday, Girly make me happy every days ! a litle girl with a big presence. She is my baby ;-)
    Best regards, Charlotte
  • Marta Galuszka

    Hello Vojna,
    Thank you very much for your kind words about my puppies. Also think that breeding is a hard work. And I am that kind of person who thinks too much and worry too much so it makes everything much more harder;) But try my best. Will try to upload new photos of the pups so you could see how they develope.
    One more time tahnk you for your comments:)
    Greetings to you and your reds,

    Vojna, thank you for the congratulations on our win and I hope you are proud of your grandson. It really means a lot to me that you, as an expert breeder, like Nick.
    Thanks again, Dunja
  • Nunzio Dimauro

    Ciao Vojna, perdonami se nn ti scrivo di frequente per darti notizie di Jose'. Ormai e' diventato un cane adulto , il suo carattere diventa sempre piu' serio, ci fidiamo a tal punto che a volte rimane solo in casa.....oggi pero' ha strappato nuovamente il suo materassino( e' il settimo che gli compro) l'ho gia' perdonato.....un caro saluto Jose', Clara e Nunzio
  • Nenad Mocorka-Red Irish Dream

    Hi Vojna,
    Hvala na cestitkama. Poslao sam vam fotografiju Dreamovu glave na mail adresu.
  • Loving red Joan - VITA

    Hey Vojna!
    Red was beautiful at the CACIB show in Ljubljana....We were cheering for him and Rubin!
    Great...and congrats!
  • Nunzio Dimauro

    ciao Vojna, come va, forse nn ti sono mai giunti i nostri auguri per le passate festivita', Jose' sta bene, gli dedichiamo ogni attenzione..... a Te come e' andato l'intervento? spero bene. Attendiamo tue notizie.
    Un caro saluto Jose', Clara e Nunzio.
  • Claire Prangle

    Thankyou for the lovely comments, I am very proud of the photo's I have took over the years and the pleasure they have given to so many people, I am glad we are now friends, I will shortly have my own e- mail but in the mean time I can be contacted on claire.prangle@wiltshire.gov.uk, if you would like to keep in touch & I have yours as well now. Croatia is not so far away these days

    Kind regards

  • Claire Prangle

    Very pleased

  • Loving red Joan - VITA

    Thank you dear Vojna for those kind words! We are so happy to have Vita!
    Take care
  • Eva Stájer

    Dear Vojna,
    thank you of your kind words!
    Best regards,
  • Loving red Joan - VITA

    Cao Vojna!

    Kako ste? Mi super, bas dosli iz Italije....Pozdrav iz Ljubljane
  • Esther Siegrist

    Thank you Vojna, for your lovely comment! Sorry, no photos from the show :-(
    have a good time and kind regards Esther and boys
  • Ana Gaspar Kozelj

    Thank you Vojnafor your nice comment on my page. Saw your Rubin in Klagenfurt on Saturday and she looked very nice,matured very well.
  • nicola manduca


    Hvala za čestitke. Od kod pa vam novica? Morda od Mojce ali Dušanke? Tudi če vas je preveč lahko pridete, saj imamo velik vrt-
  • Marta Magi

    Thank you Vojna!
    They told me how kind you were to them :-)) I am glad you saw Bruno and liked him, so great to know! LOVE / Me
  • Laura Kolbach

    thanks Vojna! been waiting for my very own litter for so many years now, and i know it won't be an easy summer with the new pup and all the Danka-pups but i am ready :-) hope all goes well and all of them will have wonderful owners.
    hope you are well in this heat.
    laura, danka, neita and odin from above
  • Laura Kolbach

    oh well, nice number to cope with: yes. but hard to tell people that they won't get a pup as there are not enough. :-(
  • Laura Kolbach

    2 boys, 2 girls. all big, fat and happy.
    not sure though if i want to have a litter again :-) think i stress to much...
  • Barbara

    Hi Vojna! Love your profile photo. Is it Celi? Best wishes Barbara
  • Corinna Stroempl

    Hi Vojna, thank you for your kind words to Lancy and his latest edition!
    He is really a treasure for me. Best wishes Corinna & the boys
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.


    You took superb photos and your Irish setters are really beautiful. Congratulation !
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Thank you Vojna for your nice words. We miss Tessieke very much and are grateful for all the beautiful years she has given us.
    Best wishes, Marjolein
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Vojna,
    Thank you for all your lovely words about my precious babies ! ! ! I'm very very happy with them all and they have all found a lovely familly ;-))
    Thank you about my little Riverwood Jungle Rock aka Scott, he is a true charming boy as is daddy !
    Now I'm looking a boy friend for Girly, not so easy, she is so special so she need a special boy.
    I hope you and the dogs are fine !
    Best regards, Charlotte & Co

    Hi Vojna
    Thanks for your lovely comment. Hope you and your lovely redheads are doing well. I will let you know how many I keep :). Have a super evening. XXX
  • Laura Kolbach

    hi Vojna, sorry for replying so late but you can imagine how busy i am... babies, neita and danka of course, the 2 latter needing their daily run, and the babies.... yes, you know...
    to your sentence: "By the way have you give any injection to Danka some 14 days before whelping?" - i am not sure what you mean. Danka did not get anything.
    i am extremely happy with my babies, honestly said i never thought that they would be that nice :-) all beautiful, thick shiny coats, nice conformation (could have longer neck at the moment but that will come for sure) and most importantly: wonderful temperaments!
  • Simitz Gertrude

    Hallo Vojna, nein, es ist ein anderes Mädchen! Meine Hunde haben sie gut aufgenommen, besonders Kira spielt total liebevoll mit ihr, so wie sie es mit unseren Babys immer gemacht hat. Ich habe große Freude mit der kleinen Beau, vergesse aber Nice dadurch niemals. Sie wird mir im Herzen immer sehr nahe bleiben.
  • Nunzio Dimauro

    la mia e-mail ...nunzio60@tiscalinet.it.. un caro saluto da nunzio clara e jose'
  • nicola manduca

    e' vero non e' mai tardi, grazie vojna ti voglio bene. nicola.
  • Zbigniew Dzionek

    Thank You Vojna !

    THank you Vojna.. we are so proud of this little beauty !
  • Marta Magi

    Thank you Vojna! You know how much I apprecite your kind words on our winnings. This one under Mr Jakkel was a special one as he is one of the greates judges I think!!
    Well, Bono wins also nicely, for example he went BOB in Debrecen CACIB show in August, but I didn't publish the great news as I didn't have any photo from the show. Both are doing super and little girl Burnie is coming on so nice ... planning to enter her soon, too :-))
    Love to you all, and take care ! Marta
  • silvia

    Hi Vojna!

    we had Oberon from a Uk breeder, close to London where we live. Oberon is a Rionore (sir Reddins Pause at Magiconkers, Dame Covarney Bewtched Between Rionore) and came from Sue Randle, in Dorset. He is our joy :)

    all the best !!
  • Simitz Gertrude

    Hallo Vojna, danke für deine Commentare. Ja, ich habe ein Juwel verloren und einen ungeschliffenen Rohdiamant dazugewonnen. Wir werden sehn, wie sich das Baby entwickelt, aber eines steht bereits fest : sie hat es faustdick hinter den Ohren
    LG Gerti
  • Nunzio Dimauro

    auguri anche a Voi Tutti per un Sereno Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo... Jose' Clara e Nunzio
  • Monika Hoth

    i wish you and your dogs all the best for 2011 !!!

    best regards Monika

  • Monika Hoth

    thank for your friendship, i see yoü have very nice dogs!!!!

    you understand german ?

    best regards Monika

  • Loksley-Zeljko Kovac



    Pogledao sam ovih dana vas sajt i veoma mi se svidjaju vasi psi a pogotovo kuja Celestial Dia Celi. Nadam se da cu imati priliku da se upoznamo i da vase pse vidim uzivo.

    Primite puno pozdrava od odgajivacnice Loksley

  • Laura Kolbach

    thanks for your comment on puppy zilou. at the moment she is nothing to look at - but time will prove my decision, i am sure :-) she is that kind who need time, more time and even more time to mature.