Dušan Rauški


Novo Milosevo


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
three: "Stormy Morning Tornado", "Evita's Celeia Calypso" and "Coppers Snowangel"
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
17 years
About Me:
I am 33 y.o. living in Vojvodina (northern Serbian province). Big dog enthusiast, especially Irish setters. Always looking forward to learn more about this lovely breed and to meet new setter friends.
Why are you applying for membership?
B. I am a dog and my owner is at work all day

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  • Ana Gaspar Kozelj

    Hvala na lijepim željama, i Vama i Vašoj porodici lijepe praznike,sretan Božić i zdravu i uspješnu novu godinu!
  • Susan Stone

    Dear Dusan, thank you very much for your Christmas wishes! May I wish you the same: Merry Christamas and happiness, health and a wonderful time with your Irish in year 2009!
    Susan & the Coppersheen Irish Setters
  • Kasia Czapla

    Hello Dusan,
    Thank you for the Xmas greetings, all the best to you and your family also, Merry Christmas and a VERY Happy New 2009 Year. Hope we see each other soon again!
    Kasia & Diervilla gang ;)
  • ereni

    All the best in new year 2009, Dusan.I am still thinking of you and your Luna.
  • Petra Kasznár

    You are very kind for sending me the greatings in Hungarian! I'm not so smart to try it in your language, but I'm wishing you a merry christmas and a very happy and successful new year!
  • Chris Sheldon

    Hi Dusan,
    Great to hear from you. Best wishes to you & your family for a Merry Xmas & a Good New Year. Hope to hear from you again in 2009! Chris & the Delsantos
  • Laura Kolbach

    hello my friend, sorry for neglecting you but i promise to write soooon. did you receive my mail with the switzerland pictures link?? wish you and your family and dogs a merry christmas and also a happy new year!
  • Paula Rausch

    Thank you very much the same to you. Have a wonderful Christmas.
  • Dušanka Božič

    Dragi Dušane!
    Hvala za ljepe rjeći. I ja želim tebi i tvojoj porodici sve najbolje u novoj godini, da se ostvare sve skrivene želje i da život bude dobar s vama.
    Puno pozdrava i od Filipa
  • Laura Kolbach

  • Anna Wymyslowska

    Thank You :) I wish you and your family all the best for coming Christmas and Happy New Year.
  • Mojca Novak

    Dušan puno zdravja i svega onoga što ide pored pa naravno i puno para u Novoj godini želim tebi i svim tvojima pa i tvojim psima.
  • Dusko Savic

    Duki Oprosti ,
    dugo se nismo culi puno toga se izdesavalo u mom zivotu nisam te zaboravio znam da sada dosta radis i da si puno zauzet pozdrav cika Dusko
  • Dusko Savic

    Cao Duki,Artur je sada kod meme i presrecan sam zbog toga velika je maza i nigde me nepusta da mrdnem ukopio se u sredinu isad je pravo mangupce samo bi da juri zenske i da se igra sa igrackama dok mu ih Fergus nepokupi i kaze sada je dosta vreme je za spavanje pozdrav cika Dusko
  • Dušanka Božič

    Hvala za javljanje! Liniju možeš nastaviti Stormom, trebaš samo jednu kujicu.
    Filip je dobro, baš danas sam dobila nove fotografije njegove dece.
    Srdaćan pozdrav
  • Nenad Mocorka-Red Irish Dream

    Hvala Dusane, super je fotka!!!
  • Marta Magi

    Glad you like my pups, Dusan. I think you will have some more favourite photos as I am posting some new soon :-)) They are getting more cute each day.
  • Laura Kolbach

    i told Odin the same :-))) because both of them are my all and everything! don't worry!
    (nice music you have here, btw! never had voice on until now, or i don't know, but never listened to them before - on any of the personal pages...)
  • Susan Stone

    Thanks for your comment on the Glen-photos, Dusan!
    Now I must listen to your music...
  • Michelle Webster

    Thanks for your wonderful comment about Fergus. I adored him and am very lucky to have his son, so I still have some of him here with me. Your dogs are beautiful and the photos you have on here are stunning.
    Best wishes,
  • Michelle Webster

    I am so delighted that you liked my web site and pleased that you found my Irish Tails so funny. There are many more that I still have to add...when I get the time!
    Best wishes,
  • Michelle Webster

    Yes I have lots of information still to add to the site, I try to do some each day. If you want to e-mail me the details and photos of your Irish I would be happy to add them as well.
    Best wishes,
  • Michelle Webster

    Yes I was talking about that too. The other was just an after thought.
    Best wishes,
  • Dusko Savic

    Cestitam napobedi danas u Kikindi pozdrav cika dusko
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Dusan,
    About the French problem....unfortunately this is not an isolated incident but has been going on for many years. We are urging international members of ES to write to the FCI to express their concern about what is happening in France...
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Dunsan,
    Thank you very much for your comments ! ! !
    Hope you and Storm are well ;-)
  • Dusko Savic

    Duki od srca ti hvala na cestitci pozdrav cika Dusko
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Fantastic pictures! Hope to meet you once in one of the international dogshows!
    Best regards,

  • Stefán Ildikó

    Thank you very much!!! It was not my day, but I won a new friend.:-))
    Dou you can send me some photos by email?
  • Eva Stájer

    Dear Dusan,
    Thank you of your photos, what you send to me with Laura. I am very happy because we met.
    Best regards,
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Dusan, good to hear from you - how's things your side of europe?
    Thanks for the comment on Glen's pic - it is real all right:-))
    greetings from faraway
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Dunsan,
    Thank you very much for your comment here and on FB.
    Hope you are well ?
    Best regards from belgium,
  • Susan Stone

    Thank you Dusan. Shannon holds a very special place in our heart.
    all the best
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Thank you Dusan! it is really nice to have Witch here for some time, so she can participate in Dutch dogshows and I hope that she will be very succesful also here!
    Best regards from Holland,

  • ereni

    Thank you Dusan.
    Greetings to Serbia and Montenegro!
  • ani

    Nisam ni ja vaše pse vidjela nikad ali eto možda nekad na nekoj izložbi se i vidimo, samo što ja više Connora ne izlažem jer je u 10 godini života i ima sve titule koje je mogao osvojiti, tako da sada idu po izložbama njegova djeca. Imate lijepe pse ovo što vidim sviđa mi se. Kojih su linija vaši psi.
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Thank you Dusan! I am very excited about the litter and will keep you posted! Best regards from Holland, Marjolein
  • Nenad Mocorka-Red Irish Dream

    E Dusane,
    Bas ti hvala. Cujemo se ovih dana.
  • emir delic

    hvala i pozdrav iz Tuzle :))
  • Marta Magi

    Thanks for your congratulation Dusan!
    Wishing you all the best! / Marta
  • Petra Kasznár

    Hello Dusan!
    Thanks for your comment. Yes, I have a new family member, so life is again very intensive:)
    What about you? I see you also have another girl, is she from the BonoxDess mating?
  • Loksley-Zeljko Kovac

    Hvala na dobrodoslici, nadam se da cemo se ove godine videti na nekoj izlozbi!
  • Esther Siegrist

    Hallo Dusan

    vielen Dank für deine lieben Grüsse! Darf ich fragen, woher Du so gut Deutsch sprichst?

    Liebe Grüsse


  • Loksley-Zeljko Kovac

    Zdravo Dusane!


    Interesuje me kako napreduje prinova, imas li nekih novih njenih slika. Pozdrav iz Nisa!

  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Thank you Dusan for the comment on Killian's picture! I am very happy with him! Best wishes from Holland, marjolein
  • Sandra Zivanovic

    Hvala ti Dule na lepim zeljama, leglo nije kod mene ali cu svakako preneti tvoje cestitke odgajivacu. Nisam se nadala da ce ih biti bas desetoro ali majka je bila pravi heroj.

    Srdacan pozdrav od Sandre i crvendaca

  • Chris Sheldon

    Hi Dusan, yes had a great time with Alfie. He is still young & headstrong & loves life!! Chris

  • Laura Kolbach

    sorry for being a bad friend nowadays... trying to teach the baby girls how to behave. i do obedience minutes with each of them. works fine - until they get together again :-)))
  • Marta Magi

    Thanks Dusan!

    Wishing you a joyful summer with Storm and Lady, it seems I will be a bit of busy .-)

  • Susan Stone

    Thank you Dusan. Hope all is well with you and your two - or is it three now?

    greetings form Switzerland
