Ana Gaspar Kozelj

44, Female


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
three little crazy spoiled monsters whose names are Nika, Nakea and Klajd but they don't know that obviously;)
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
from 1995
About Me:
I am a proud mother of little daughter Maja and three crazy irish setters and proud wife of my husband:)
I work as a doctor of medicine in a private ambulance.
We have 3 irish setters, male CHJ Danser Red Irish Dream and females CHJ Bumble Bee and Nakanyienne Nakea Red Nokomis .We established kennel named Remorker. Our dogs are memebers of our family,sleeping in our home and going everywhere with us. We adore them and are very proud of those three fuls;)

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  • Vojna Medvedec

    Čestitam na novorođenim puppićima u Karlovcu!Neznam jesu li to tvoji prvi?
    Pozdrav Vojna
  • Vojna Medvedec

    Čestitam Klajdu,neka,neka,idu dobre linije,jer pasmina je zbilja u silaznoj liniji bar na ovim našim prostorima,a problem je i vidjeti dobre,jer što se bolje smjesti štene ,mislim u dobre kuće gdje dobro živi i gdje neće završiti na ulici kad dojadi pogotovo djeci,to manje takve obitelji imaju interesa za izložbe.Šteta!
    Ta Klajdova cura živi u Austriji i sigurno su svi malci dobro smješteni.Ja sad imam dva legla u Austriji,jedni su stari 20 dana i svi su već s 5 dana prodani po 12ooEu,dok se drugo leglo tek očekuje.A gdje su naše domaće cijene strašno, a i naši nemaju para pa je sve manje dobrih pasa.Moje je prošlo leglo sve išlo van,imam i sada neke rezervacije,ali ja neidem u rizik,jer ja neživim od pasa.
    Ipak su to štenci tvoje ženkice u Karlovcu i to čujem krasni ljudi koji sve čine za nju i malene,a ne ko oni koji nisu nikad ni pitali za onu,koju je Kiki spasila s ulice.Ta sada super živi s njenim ostalim psima.
    Vidjela sam ju i djeluje sretno i veselo.
    Hvala na čestitkama.Ja vrlo malo idem na izložbe i to uzimljem sada samo turistički i to kad sude dobri suci.Gdje si ti sada,čujem u Karlovcu,jesi li zadovoljna i imaš li posao,jer to je ipak najvažnije.
    Pozdravi tebi i tvojima.
  • Xavier Vazquez Bracho

    Thanks for your comment. You have a very nice page. I send you a hug from Mexico City. jijiji
  • sammi pease

    Thankyou for your nice comments Ana...your dogs are beautiful...with such lovely poor Abbi has lost hers this summer and she looks like a deer!! :)
  • ursula wilby

    Thank you for your birthday-wishes Ana! But I was actually looking forward to a nicer dinner than the one I ended up with!
  • Marta Galuszka

    Thank you for your nice comment on my puppies Ana:)
  • Petra Dimic

    Hvala, Ana
  • Caroline

    Hi Ana
    I'm waiting to your girl get Lunas crown, hahaha
    It's nice that you like my girl. But the most beautiful in her is heart and her setter soul.Kisses
  • Susan Stone

    Thank you for your comment, Ana!
  • Zbigniew Dzionek

    Thank You for Your nice comments Ana!
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi Ana, many thanks for your nice comment ! Your dogs are really beautiful, and both of them seem so sweet, that a real pleasure to discover your page and your website.
  • Mirna Osekovac Kurtovic

    Ime mu je Roof.
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Your ladies are beautiful too !
  • Aleksandra Janik

    Hi Ana,
    Thanks for the nice comments for me and my dogs :).
    Alex and Red devils
  • Agnieszka Rola

    I bought our new little "red" on the internet :)))
    hugs to your sweet three.
    Agnieszka & Conner
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Hi Ana!

    Many thanks for your kind words about Abbey. Love the setter head you have in your avatar. Typical irish.
  • Robert Krajnc

    Hi Ana! It is Nikon D5000 with lenses 18-105mm. It costs 800€. Very good camera for hoby fotografers and entry class in DSLR.
  • Dee Rance

    Happy birthday Ana..From Dee and the gang
  • lyn hathaway

    happy birthday ana have a lovely day
  • lyn hathaway

    Red Ribbon
  • Laura Kolbach

    have a nice b-day, Ana!
    hugs from me and tail waggings from Danka
  • ursula wilby

    Ana, have a totally brilliant birthday to day and I hope the sun shines on you and that you get swamped in presents (all the right size)! :-)
  • Rieky van Hal

    hello ana
    thank you for comment on the foto from houston.
  • Sabine Cziesla

  • Rieky van Hal

    thank you for the congrats on houston
  • Kikki Dyrendahl

    Thank´s a lot for congratulations!!
  • Rieky van Hal

    hello anna
    two placed dog is Lordly Filibuster.
    a son from mr jingels
  • Robert Krajnc

    Zdravo Ana! Prvo zahvalujem na ljubaznom komentaru na moj blog. Ovi snimci su nastali u ZOO vrtu u Ljubljani. Evo ovde i link na članak

    No ako usporediš te fotografije sa mojima, vidječeš, da su moje bolje :)))
    Pozdrav, Robert
  • Carmen Lorenzi

    thanks for your nice words to Meagan's Birthday:-)
    Best wishes from Switzerland
  • Esther Siegrist

    Thank you Ana for your lovely comment!
    Kind regards Esther and the boys
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Thank you very much! Your pictures look great!
  • Monika Hoth

    thank for your commet
    Best regards
  • mahagonii

    He thanks for congratulations.
    I am greeting
    Wojciech Kryger
  • Susan Stone

    Thanks Ana! I could not make up my mind so just loaded the lot...;-)
  • Zbigniew Dzionek

    Thank You!
  • Marta Magi

    Thank you Ana!! It was a win that means a lot to me!!
    Kisses to you all / Marta and the gang :-)
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you Ana!
  • Cornelia

    Thanks for your comment, Ana! Yes, the woods here are beautiful, especially in sping and autumn!! Greetings from Switzerland, Cornelia
  • Esther Siegrist

    hi Ana
    thanks! I will be at Wels in dezember! hope you will be there also?
    best regards
  • lyn hathaway

    hi ana thanks for lookin at my pics its just nice to show layla our irish havin so much fun in the snow especially as she cannot see.hope you are at crufts next year ......
  • Monika Hoth

    i wish you all the best for 2011 !!!

    best regards Monika

  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Happy Birthday Ana!!
  • Loksley-Zeljko Kovac

    Nadam se da ce biti kao njegov tata a sto se tice njegovog imena odluku su donele moje cerke i ja sam morao da prihvatim.Nadam se da cemo se upoznati na nekoj izlozbi.

    Pozdrav od porodice


  • Aleksandra Janik

    Happy B-day :)!
  • Nenad Mocorka-Red Irish Dream

  • Marta Magi

    Wishing you a wonderful Birthday!

    Hope you have spent the day with doggies :-)

    Marta X

  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Thank you Ana! i am also happy with the result and hope that you had a lovely birthday with your best red friends ;-) Best wishes, Marjolein
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Well done Ana and congratulations for the fantastic results!!
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Thanks Ana :-)
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Thank you Ana, A real bunny this little boy :-)