Suzanne Humphries


Chippenham, Wiltshire

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
One Irish Red & five Irish Red & White Setters
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
since 1982
About Me:
I have owned and bred Irish Red & Red & White Setters since 1982, and have been showing them ever since.
I judge at CC level, and also judge English Irish, Gordons, GSP, Wmr.
Spaniels, Pointers, and most gundog breeds.
Also judged in Holland a few years ago. Also in Bremen Germany in 2010.
Have loved both Reds & R/W's for more years than I can remember.

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  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    HI Suzanne,
    I buy this grooming table from the shows last Saturday. The table was in sales to very good prize 300 £.I am very satisfied with !
    I just love your dogs for me they are the best example for the breed !
    All the best, Charlotte
  • " Lordly " Jean en Rita Struyf-De Groof


    Crufts 2004, same dogs at an other moment. Just found photo in my archives.

    Kind regards, Jean

  • Sue and Cash

    I take your in the not in the US. I did see some similar but will wait till Cash grows up before investing in one!
  • Cornelia

    Thanks, Suzanne, I do have fun with our girl! You have absolutely gorgeous R&W's!! And I could really fall in love with that breed; maybe when Joy is a bit older :-)) All the best from Switzerland (We've been to Lacock in 2007; just when they were preparing the village for the Cranford Chronicles...)
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Suzanne, thanks for liking the sunset picture:-)) I am getting an enlargement done and will see what it looks like. I can get one done for you if you like?
    take care
  • Susan Stone

    Sorry, I meant the 'Evening walk'.
    love to you and the doggies...
  • Susan Stone

    Suzanne, could you please send me your private email address?
    Mine is
    Thanks & bye for now
  • Yvonne H

    Hi Suzanne, Just trying to get used to this site and think I've answered your question on my page as well .........Bess is from Jane V., Tullamore Ted x Dalriach Glory Be For Tullamore. By the way, do you remember whereabouts in N Yorkshire one of your puppies went and how long ago? I haven't seen many up here although I did hear of a puppy that was in village just north of York just after I got Bess. I was going to get in touch but lost the details...
  • Yvonne H

    Yes, I'm sure you do know who I am......Tullamore Tiggywinkle's owner? Hopefully I'll be showing Bess a bit more this year as long as I can make her look a lot less like a sack of potatoes in the showring which is how some unkind person described my attempts the last time I had a go........oh well, we all have to start somewhere but I probably won't be brave enough to show her at Crufts although may do the open show in March if we go. As I said before, I love all your photos and it's great to see so many IRWS on this site isn't it.
  • ereni

    Thank you for your nice comment!
  • Carmen Lorenzi

    See you soon Suzanne:-)) big kiss to Jazzmine !! and of course to all Spyefire's:-)
  • Sandra Mather

    Hi looked for you at crufts . but it was very busy and some folk i just counldnt first i couldnt find your bench. Dont know what results were for the red/whites.I only saw one class.i was shooted between red and pointers so i was worn out by the end of the will see i made the photos for the exclusive group session. Ive been off colour since.I was already laid up and cheered up going and the yesterday i fell ill again,so back to bed.
  • Gill Hart

    Hi Suzanne, sorry I did not call you back yesterday but we were out most of the day and did not get back until late. I am jaunting over to Ireland this weekend to look at a litter of puppies with very different lines than we have over here, must not let my heart rule my head when I get there tho :)) Have received mixed comments from people, but have taken onboard all the pro's and con's and am grateful for peoples help and advice, whats your thoughts? Gill x
  • Gill Hart

    Hi Suzanne, I have looked into the health side of things, and I'm confident that all is ok. My worry is my lack of experience in choosing the right puppy. I am quite prepared to come home 'empty handed' if I do not feel I can make the decision, I really do want to get it right.
  • Gill Hart

    Hi suzanne, That is what a lot of people have said and I know that it is sound advice, I just wish I had more experience. If you send me your private email I will send you the pictures of the two puppies we are looking at, although we have pick of litter, these two stand out.
  • Gill Hart

    I have sent them to you Suzanne, look forward to your constructive critism. Gill
  • Catherine Pettifer

    Hi Suzanne. Thanks for the welcome. I've been on Exclusively Setters for quite a while but hadn't been receiving any notifications. Congratulations on the litter. I look forward to seeing photos.
  • Gill Hart

    Have sent you an email about Ireland, hope all goes well with Jazz Gill x
  • Margaret Sierakowski

    You remember Neige, the little white puppy who was born after a Caesarean the day you and Ve arrived here? She was so small and frail, and we carried her home from the vets in a shopping bag.. Ve spent hours trying to get her to start feeding.
    Well, she has been running in her first field trials the past week, and going very nicely.
    She has come a long way from her difficult start in life, she is so fast and athletic and full of life. I'm so glad she survived
  • Kristina

    Congratulations on the little ones. They look lovely. Very nice spotted. Are the red spotts larger as puppies grow or smaller?

    All the best!
  • Suzanne Humphries

    I would like to thank my dear friend Claire Prangle, for all the help that she gave when our Jazz produced her litter on 1st May.
    It was a long day and night, , and I will never forget her companionship. We worked so well as a team bringing those 'big' babies' into the world.
    Thats what friends are for! Thank you so much.
  • Carmen Lorenzi

    thanks for your birthday wishes Suzanne ! Meagan had a nice day and some "Biscotti" poor girl is on diet;-)

    A big congratulation to your beautyful litter !!!! Jazz did such a great job !! And you and Claire too:-))

    Bye Carmen
  • Jennifer E Bennett

    Congratulations on the arrival of the puppies Suzanne,well done Jazz.
    Love Jennifer
  • Kristina

    Thank you for your fast replay. I hope you will post more photos in the coming weeks, I would very much like to see them as they develop. Do you have a home page?

    All the best!
  • Jennifer E Bennett

    Thank you "Echo" hope you had a nice time on your birthday,I shared my day with my mate "Tegan",she is a wild one! What is is like with all those squidley bundles that have invaded your space these last few days ? best to ignore I reckon.
    love Moll xxx
  • Claire Prangle

    Happy 4th Birthday Echo lots of love Claire
  • Carmen Lorenzi

    We study their markings:-)) He's really a biiig boy!!!
  • Carmen Lorenzi

    Yipppie:-) Hope it works well:-)))
    Say Claire best wishes please!
    Bye Carmen
  • Thor Erik Pape

    Hello Suzanne. I know that some, trim their ears,but as far as I know that is against the standard. There is not so many shows that we join. My dogs are more working dogs.
  • Thor Erik Pape

    Thank you Suzanne. I should like to hear about your dogs, pedigree.
  • Thor Erik Pape

    Your puppies looks great, so is your dogs too. A different pedigree from my dogs, Are they working? I think all IRWS, more or less, are working if we let them from the start.
  • Thor Erik Pape

    My first dogs is Dalriach Goshawk ( litter brother of Garryowen ) and Dalriach Highpoint ( Archie - Ardbraccan Glennfiddich ) I kept a bitch when I mated them.( Toboggan`s Alice af Horntued ) I mated her with Deargban Joyce ( litter brother of Deargban O`Faolain ) I kept a bitch ( Toboggan`s Brooklyn ) and she is now mated to Shannobally Bracken Buster which I got from Raymond Monroe. Last year I got Dalriach Pink Pepper ( Silent Seeker of Shannonbally- Pepperstown Polly ) I also got a bitch back from my second litter, the owners vorsteher dogs allmost killed her. She is Toboggan`s Bronx. Soon I will get a new dog from David Byrne, Sherryfield Viscount ( Craigrua Osprey- Deargban Millie ) he is now 11 mnds.
  • Thor Erik Pape

    Yes we have Arab horses my youngest daugther and I. Mainly trained for distance riding but Linn Cecilie has competed in showjumping for many years. She has a lot more photos on her profile, Linn Cecilie Moen. She has taken most of the photos and are now starting to educate herself in photo journalistic. My dogs are living both, in the kennel and in the house.I have room next to the stable, in the barn. And a dogyard outside.In the winter all live in the house.For nearly 50 years I have been breeding and racing sleddogs, but some years ago I had a riding accident. A close friend of mine took over the sleddogs and he became, in 2008, Norwegian and European champion. IRWS has been of my interest for many years but impossible to get here in Norway. I took contact with Ann Millington and a few mnds later my first dogs was in Norway.
  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hi Suzanne,
    I don't know anyting about IRWS and where I live there are none being shown, but your puppies are gorgeous.
    Cheers from Downunder,
  • Jennifer E Bennett

    Lovely little pups Suzanne, they look so adorable.How many can you keep ?????
    Looking forward to the next batch of "Reds" that are due next week.
    Cheers Jennifer
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Happy Birthday, Suzanne. Enjoy your special day.
  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Suzanne!

    All the Mcbirdies wish you a very happy birthday !
  • Kristina

    Happy Birthday Suzanne! Mine is also in July. ;-)
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    I wish you a very very happy B-day ! ! !
  • Jennifer E Bennett

    Hi Echo
    Just a note to let you know that I have one of those annoying little red monsters come to live with me. How do you cope with them ? I was quite happy on my own getting all the attention and now there's not a moments peace.
    It is okay when Mum steps in and sorts Grace (that's it's name)out and puts her behind bars!!
    Perhaps she will my friend when she grows up, whenever! Lots of love sis - Molly xx
  • Ossian

    Hi Suzanne I keep meeting a lady at ringcraft in Edinburgh. She has an Irish setter and knows you well? Dog is loopy and she insists that when it sees Norna it thinks its one of yours...........
  • Jennifer E Bennett

    Hello Echo
    How are things in your house these days ? my word it's like a whirlwind in my place at the moment the little monster is all over the shop into everything ,never still.
    I get in the crate most days for a bit of respite, but it s a bit small for me to really relax.
    I do have a bit of a rough and tumble with Grace ,she keeps hanging on my ears and that don't half make me cross!!! so I have to put her in her place.
    Hope you and the kennel mates are well
    Love sister Molly xxx
  • Monika Hoth

    Hallo Suzanne,
    thank for your nice comment and i wish you a beautyful weekend
    best regards Monika
  • Monika Hoth

    hello Suzanne,

    i wish you and your dogs ,all the best for 2011 !!!!

    best regards Monika

  • Clément Castelli

  • Marta Galuszka

    Hello Suzanne,

    Thank you for your nice comment on Charlie.


  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Happy Easter Suzanne!!

  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Suzanne, Thank you for your comment about Girly's head !

    Best regards, Charlotte

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Suzanne thank you for your comment's