ricky young


Tieri Queensland


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
36 years
About Me:
First Irish 1974 Kinvarra Shannson Then Aust ch Quabana Amber Breeze With Mum Then Aust Ch Lawrethen Erins Pride.
Now have Ch Brodruggan Masterpiece
Pendoric Phenomenal arrives 25/02/2011

Comment Wall:

  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Hello Ricky - enjoy!
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Welcome Ricky, Good to see you here!!
    Hope you and Virginia have a great time on your trip down to NSW and see you next month.
  • Claire Prangle

    Welcome to the site Ricky, have lots of fun, loved your photo's
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Ricky. Just got your message on Downunder Setters. It is a great place here to share photo's & have a chat. We live in Melbourne & have two Setters, one Irish & one English. We got them as baby puppies together & they are now 8yrs. Just the light of my life.
    Welcome here. Love your pics, especially the 'bed' one. Just gorgeous.
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hey Ricky,
    Oh well, as long as you are having a good time and enjoying the shows and catching up with family and friends. We are leaving on Sunday to start heading down to Brisbane, so we will have a few days down there before the show on Saturday.
    chat soon, Cheryl
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Thanks Ricky. Bet it's cold out west at the moment? Won't see you at the shows next weekend as heading to Sydney to pick up Bridget. cheers
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Rick

    Probably won't catch up with you until August unless you are heading down to Rocky mid July. I won't have Bridget registered in Aus until July sometime!
  • John B. Hughes/Absinthe

    Hi Rick,
    I'm not that familiar with Australia yet, but I am becoming more so. I have friends outside of Melbourne, but haven't been there yet-soon I hope. You have a nice boy. I am familiar with his father. Your pics look like you are having fun and on to a promising career.
    My girl Tarah is just 22 months old right now, but I do plan on breeding her after 2 and I have her hips x-rayed. She finished too early-in Canada at 7 months and in the US at 13 months-so now it's just sit and wait for her to mature. I think I need either puppies or another setter to keep us both busy. ANyway, thanks for taking the time to talk. John
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Rick,

    I went to that website but it said it doesn't exist anymore, hmmmm., so can't see the photo of Connie. The first pics. I saw of her were on Gails Irish Setters Australia site. I'm sure she looks as lovely with the poodles, but definately something very special of her with the Irish. Not that I'm biased at all (lol).
  • John B. Hughes/Absinthe

    Hi Rick,
    Yes I did-second pick male out of the frozen breeding to an Avon Farm bitch here in the US born July 6, 2010. It's been a very long time since I had a puppy so this should be fun and I love his dam. If everything works out I hope to breed my bitch to Harvard ( frozen semen). He is one of my favorite Irish and I think would add much to our Irish in the US. Thanks, John
  • John B. Hughes/Absinthe

    So how is Australia treating you ? I live in Arizona and it is hot and sunny here at this time of the year. We look forward to summer's end and our time with beautiful weather and cooler temperatures---and so do our dogs! We just sort of exist until it cools off--but the rest of the year is awesome, so it is worth the effort. Cheers from the US, John
  • Diane Anderson

    Hi Rick,

    The likeness is stunning....who's his mum?
  • Melinda Auld

    Hi Rick

    Fionn is out of Gr Ch Brodruggan the Dubliner and Ch Linleymvorne Lady Rose - mostly UK lines from Caspians, Timadon and Danaway, with some US lines on his sire's mother's side.

    Not sure yet who I will breed my Garden Star bitch (Aneira) to. I have a few ideas up my sleeve, and a few dogs I'm keeping my eye on, but it is a good 3 years away yet, so I'm keeping my options open.

  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Ricky, Just checked out the poodle website & Connie looks beautiful.
    She sure is one gorgeous young lady.
  • John B. Hughes/Absinthe

    If you check out my photos, there is a pic of Hugo's male pups at 5 1/2 weeks. One of those is mine-just don't know which one yet. I have 2nd pick and I think Leslie will make some decisions at week 8-10. Just a FYI. We should talk sometime-you seem to be a guy who speaks his mind. John
  • karmino

    Hello Ricky, thank you for your kind words about my dogs!
  • Michelle Webster

    If you give me the names of your dogs then I can trace the pedigrees and will have more idea.
  • Michelle Webster

    Actually, just had another idea. Can you scan the pedigree(s) in and send them to me at hooley1@virginmedia.com
  • Michelle Webster

    Hi Rick,

    On the first pedigree, there is a connection through Nz Ch Wonderful Of Acres & Aust Ch Wendover Shandy Of Casamia, who both have CH Wendover Beggar as an immediate relative. He is behind all of my boys. He is grandfather to Sh Ch Wendover Gentleman who was one of the greatest stud dogs in our breed and sired the famous 'T' litter.

    Best wishes,
  • Michelle Webster

    No problem.
  • John B. Hughes/Absinthe

    Good morning and thanks! J
  • John B. Hughes/Absinthe

    Thanks and the puppy is everything that I hoped for-especially the attitude-and such a lover. I took him to a show here last weekend and he created a stir - when asked who he was out of-I told them he was a rescue puppy! I guess I just enjoy a surprise now and then! As for the forum, I hope it does make some think. ES has opened my eyes to so many nice Irish Setters from all over the world and AI enables the sharing of those gene pools. We are no longer limited to the "dog down the street" and hope that we get an "uptown champion". 40 years ago all I heard about were US Irish and all the rest were put down. Last night I reviewed my 1970 pictorial of US Irish in the 60's and WOW-we in the US have come a long way. We're not there yet and we have our own who can't think "out of the box" . That's OK-just not for me. So thanks again and stay in touch. I like your style too. John
  • John B. Hughes/Absinthe

    Hi Ricky,
    All is very well here in the desert as this is our very best time of the year. For the next 8 months we live in Paradise, but that's after 4 months of Hell. My girl Tarah got invited to the Eukanuba Classic, so we'll be off to California in December. Prophet, Hugo's son, is growing and being a puppy and showing the promise of his heritage. He should be very special, but I don't plan on showing him until our National in May.
    I see that you are getting a puppy from Leigh and Anne-Marie/Pendoric, so you too will have a very special Irish to enjoy-congratulations. They are good people and their Irish the best-another BIS for you ! I will look forward to seeing pics with ear feathering.
    If I can get Prophet to stand still I will post some for you -OK! I will watch for your new puppy post with anticipation-John
  • John B. Hughes/Absinthe

    Hi Ricky,
    Hope your rain abates and you get some good sunny weather. I'm back from the show and glad to be home. It was awesome and I got to see some great dogs. Tarah showed well, but I guess she is about 10 lbs overweight. I got great compliments, but they all ended with you need to take some weight off her-about 10 lbs. What no one realized is that I did take 10 lbs off her in the last month-eeeeeeK! Oh well, next show.
    The results were a big upset and there were some unhappy people-but, oh well! The judge chose according to her interpretation and was very professional. You can't ask for more, but some do when it doesn't go their way. I was just happy that my girl looked good except for the weight thing-my fault or preference. I don't worry about it and had a great time. The site was spectacular and the hotel awesome with good room service. What more could I ask? John
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Happy Birthday Rick,  hope all is going well for you all out west.  All the Best for a Great Year Ahead.  cheers from soggy Mackay!  We actually had 1 day of sunshine, but overcast now and a thunder storm coming!  cheers
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hey Ricky

    WOW, what a journey home.  Glad you all got home safe and well.  Hope Connie is OK now and Youngin has recovered as well.

    Good news on your pup.  He must be on his way home at the end of the month?

    cheers, Cheryl

  • John B. Hughes/Absinthe

    Hi Ricky,

           You must be getting very excite and a pup out of such beautiful parents-should be very special.  Sorry about all the water-we heard and followed on CNN.  My assistant's family is from Melbourne and they got the fires last year and were entirely burnt out.  The good luck was that they were on holiday and not home.  They rebuilt on other property  and the new home is very nice, but all the momentos lost-sad.

          I've been following your potential pup and would love one-just don't have the room right now.  It's an exciting litter and  you should have a lot of  fun and do some major winnings.  I show Prophet for the first time in 2 weeks.  I'll let you know how he does.  He's a little wild and full of piss and vinegar-so who know-he  does look great and all will be well in time.  Take care and dry out and enjoy the new puppy.  Cheers, John 

  • John B. Hughes/Absinthe

    I am getting excited for you-please send pics when you have any! The Hearns sent semen from Perfect Timing and Foggy to the states, so now that is available to us as well.  They have some beautiful dogs-I like them a lot!  John
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Ricky

    We haven't entered for Rocky, so have a great time.  I bet you're excited about getting your boy on Friday.  What are you going to call him?



  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Ricky,

    I bet Friday can't come quick enough for you.  So exciting.  Nothing quite like a setter puppy.  Look forward to seeing lots of photo's here.

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Ricky

    Well, I hope Josh travels well on his way home tomorrow. 

    OK, look forward to seeing you and Gin at Mackay with your boys.  We plan to be there at this stage.  Troy's girl is due to come into season, so may be away getting AI.  Yep, I am entering Bowen too at this stage. 

    chat soon


  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Ricky

    We had a good day in spite of the muddy underfoot.  No rain, so fine weather from above.  Troy's Rebel took best of breed and BOG 3 and Bridget took runner up of Breed and Junior in Group.

    I hadn;t heard about Paris, so Congrats to you all.

    Catch up at PV Shows.... hoping for some fine weather!!!!



  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Ricky

    Thanks.  I will pass your congrats to Troy next time I am talking to him.

    Today was a good day too!  Clancy took Best of Breed and Reserve in Group so I was stoked!!  Troy's boy, Rebel took Australian Bred in Group.  Miss Bridget played up today, but she got her points.

    So, definitely a great weekend for us all. 

    The weather was fine this morning, but turned ugly about lunchtime, so it was horrible for general specials and very wet and heavy rain on the way home.

    chat son


  • Justina Kiškūnaitė

    Greetings Ricky,


    thank you very much for your nice comment about my Milly! She really makes me happy and I am indeed proud of her Australian ancestry. Puppies from her first litter moved to live in various countries - Austria, Poland, Russia and Greece, as well as here in Lithuania. I am pretty sure we will hear about their future life :)

    I would like to add that I saw some really beautifull Irish in your photos on this site! Best of luck with them!

  • Eunice Marott

    glad u r recovering
  • John B. Hughes/Absinthe


           Hope you are well and your pup looks great-I love his parents!  PLEASE SEND PICKS WHEN YOU GET A CHANCE-OK?  Prophet is coming along nicely, but not together yet long enough for the judge to focus on.  I am not concerned as I can see the quality coming together.  Soon, he will make his mark.  John  

  • John B. Hughes/Absinthe


           Wishing you a very speedy recovery and many more wins in the ring with Josh.  Keep me up on both your progress-OK?  Cheers, John

  • John B. Hughes/Absinthe


            Sorry to hear about your illness, but glad that you are healing well.  Josh looks spectacular.  You are going to have a lot of fun with him.  Please keep the pics coming.

            We are into our summer here-117 F yesterday.  We have about 16 weeks of really hot weather and then back into a long Spring/Fall and no winter.  I barely remember winter and don't want to-hated it.  If we are very lucky we get summer storms from the Gulf of Mexico that occasionally cool things off a bit.  I don't mind as my rheumatism almost vanishes with the heat-one small benefit of the desert. Thank God for air conditioners/swamp coolers/misters/and pools!   The dogs don't seem to mind and love the pool-good thing.  

          Keep healing and feeling better.  Your guys look great!  John  

  • Daria Olko

    Hi Ricky,
    Thank you for your comment on my boy !
    Best regards

    Daria :)