Alison Neale


West Yorkshire

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
About Me:
I currently own one irish Millie who is 11 weeks old as well as Rosie my English who is 12. Millie is my 2nd irish i have recently lost my first Holly at 12 and a half. I also had an irish Seamus when growing up at home and having him started my love of setters

Comment Wall:


    Enjoy your birthday Alison !!
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Alison
    Great photos, you weren't wrong about the smallest being the one with the biggest character!
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Alison
    How are things with you and yours? Lily is becoming very naughty, anything she can get her teeth into at the moment is fair game! She keeps taking the towels off the radiator and sleeping on them and as for kitchen rolls, well....... but then she looks at me with puppy dog eyes and everything is forgiven, got me round her paw!!!
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Alison
    Looks like I picked the naughty one then. She's slowly eating her way though a leather sofa!! I bought them two from Ebay, good job they only cost £30!!! I know what you mean about them enjoying life, Lily runs round and round in circles just for fun! Would love to meet up but just had a new knee so can't drive until 21st January!! Which is very frustrating.
    Have a great Christmas and New Year.
    All the best,
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Alison
    Hope all is well, have you got any new pictures?
  • Deborah Christopher

    She looks like her mum, but then its hard to tell mum from daughter here sometime!! The kids have to go by the collar colours. We are out on Sunday, taking the dogs to the seaside but I'm in Monday all day, what time would you like to come?
  • Deborah Christopher

    Yes thats great, are you bringing your English too?
  • maddy/ Staratlanta Irish setters

    Hi Alison yes I do have Guinness Millie's dad, she looks adorable
    there is some photo's of Guinness on here
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Alison
    Great to see you and Millie the other day, did you find the walk? I've had to take Daisy to the vets today as she's started coughing got to go back tomorrow for a chest x-ray they think its either her heart or lungs. Where would you like to meet up for dog walk? I usually take mine before breakfast about 9.30 once I've dropped Millie off at school.
  • Deborah Christopher

    Forgot to mention, Natasha White is on here too, she owns Barley's mum and dad!
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Alison,
    I've just been looking through your photo's & they are just gorgeous. Love the one's of your beautiful English girl Rosie with baby Millie. Just too precious.
    I too have an English & an Irish Setter. We got them as baby puppies together & they are now both 8yrs. Love them both to bits.

    Lynn & girls
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Alison
    Lily is in season! How about Millie? I think it was her last walk out today, got the unwanted attention of a large Staffie! Jinney are Barley had another massive fight today, don't know what sparked it this time, no food about, all just been out for a walk but went upstairs and could hear the fight so rushed back downstairs to find them trying to tear each others throat out!! So for their own safety I'm afraid I'm going to have to find Jinney a new home, shame really as she's such a nice dog apart from this!
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Alison, Jinney has gone to live in Essex with a lovely couple that have just lost their setter, the atmosphere here is a lot more relaxed now, she's a lovely dog on her own. I'm not looking for an English till the end of this year. There were only 289 registered last year according to the ESA so will have to be quick! That would be a real shame if they were no longer available. Will have to breed my own to make sure I'm never without one!
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Alison
    Hope everything is well with you and yours. My husband was working in Scarborough last week and saw a man walking an English and an Irish, first time he's ever seen it apart from me!! I've been looking at English puppies I can't wait now!!! Will have to save up though. Just say a time for a walk, always looking for somewhere new.
  • Deborah Christopher

    Happy Birthday Millie!
  • Deborah Christopher

    I'm so sorry about Rosie, it breaks your heart doesn't it. There isn't a day goes by when I miss Daisy. Although happy memories are a great healer. I'm definately getting another English puppy later in the year. I've had them since I was 19 and I'm not going to be without now. I love my Irish to bits but there's something about an English setter that makes your heart smile no matter what they are up to!!!!

    Barley is in season now so will be able to go walking in about a week!!

    Sorry about not replying to your last comment, I wasn't notified about it and I don't come on the site as regularly as I used to.

    All the best Alison and let me know when you want to meet up.
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Alison
    Hope the holiday in France was great. Got an English TODAY!!!!! An orange bitch puppy, haven't had an orange before. We've called her Olive, although Millie said the name was rubbish and she was going to call her sweetie! Hope to get some photos of her on here soon.
    All the best
  • Deborah Christopher

    I got her from Gemsett and Mariglen setters in Burton-on-Trent, she is very naughty, as you would expect! Holidays are great but the coming back is always rubbish!
  • Deborah Christopher

    Barley had 13 again! I was hoping there wouldn't be so many this time. It means having to bottle feed some of them and weaning them sooner. Olive is a typical English, totally deaf when I want her to do something that she doesn't! It's just like a full time job where you work 18 hours a day here, that's why I can never go back to working!!! Only difference is I love my job. What sort of kitten have you got? I'm getting a male maine coon at the end of this month from Cornwall, must be mad!
  • Deborah Christopher

    No not keeping one this time, as tempting as it may be!!! You retire in 6 years! You don't look old enough! Just has to take 3 of the pups to the vets to have dew claws cut off their back feet, poor little mites.
  • Deborah Christopher

    Barley won't let the other dogs near them yet. She's quite protective for the first month or so. Had quite a few enquiries but I've told them to wait until their eyes open before coming. Someone is coming from Scotland again! Must be a shortage up there. They are getting plump and wobbling around the box they should get interesting soon. Love the kitten, how's Millie with him? Lily looks as though she's had pups too!
  • Claire Prangle

    Wishing you a very happy Birthday and lots of fun today with your doggies
  • Tina Clamp

    Hi Alison
    what a lovely picture at the top of your page. Lovely to see them getting on so well.
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Alison
    They are growing nicely, yes very tempting to keep one, especially the small one that I have been bottle feeding but if I did then I wouldn't be able to keep one of Lily's. I can see how people end up with so many. Four reserved so far, might have a houseful yet!
    Moose is going through a naughty stage at the moment, ate my purse today, luckily spat my cards out just ate the money! Ran into the back of me yesterday at full speed, thought he'd broken my new knee, chewed the corner of the conservatory at the weekend!!!! Why oh why!
  • Deborah Christopher

    Hi Alison

    Hope you are all well, did you have a good Christmas and New Year? Lily has been in season again so have had to keep her away from Moose! All the puppies have gone to their new homes, although one couple sold one after having him for just a week!!!!! The new people have phoned me to let me know where he is and that he's ok. Apparently the first couple slept with him in the front room every night as he was crying and after a week couldn't stand it, they told me that their baby was allergic to him!!  Got any tips on keeping an English Setter off the kitchen table?  Every time I turn my back Olive has all four feet on the table and then panics when I catch her, wagging her tail like mad and all her body in the hope I won't stay mad, it seems to work!!

  • Deborah Christopher

    I haven't had her hips scored yet, I had to cancel it due to car troubles!!  Hoping to get it done sometime next month.  Stopped using my vets that I've used for the last 30 years as their prices are now riduculously expensive and the one in Dewsbury is always booked up for weeks on end. Tried a new one in town but I know more than they do!!!!   Been looking for a suitable stud for Lily think I may have found one in Wakefield, I think she'll need an experienced male for her first time.  He's a nice show dog, hip scored etc.

    Let me know about those woods you walk in, getting bored with the same places!