Dianne Whittington


South Australia


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
About Me:
Home duites and looking after our Setters

Comment Wall:

  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Dianne, & welcome. We'll all look forward to seeing your photo's when you post them. This is a great site. I'm sure you'll enjoy it very much here.
    I'm also from Australia. Melbourne. I have two Setters, one Irish & one English. We got them both as baby puppies together & they are now 8. Just the best of friends & a joy to have in our family.
    Again welcome.
    Lynn & girls.
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Dianne, Welcome to the site, cheers from Sunny Queensland
  • Peter Hennig

    welcome to the site Dianne hope you have fun with it
    cheers Peter
  • Pam Verrier

    Hi,Diasy,Long time no see Ryley and Lacie hi to all the boys nice pics.
  • Peter Hennig

    Hi guys, just wanted to let you know our sad news. Morgan developed a tumor on his liver and was not revived from surgery. We are devastated and mourn his loss deeply. He was in perfect condition with no signs of illness right to the very end. For that we are greatful, Thought you'd want to know. Love Peter and Sue

    Red Ribbon
  • Cheryl Gorey

    I see you owned Shanilla breeding. I too own/owned similiar breeding. Just lost my old boy, Monty earlier this year, but still have my Emby who turns 12 in December. I love those old lines. cheers
  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Guys
    thankyou very much for the dvd I've watched it a few times now it's great as we missed most of the shows due to car dramas so it feels like we're there. Thankyou once more for sharing your canopy on the sat. it was good fun
    cheers Peter
  • Rhonda Fisher

    Very sad to read about Korey's passing. Kind thoughts for you and Dennis at such a sad time.
