ursula wilby




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
3 setters at the moment
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
I bought my first setter in 1975, I lived in England at the time and he was from pure Wendover lines. I have never been without irish setters since.
About Me:
I breed and show (as few shows as I can get away with to be perfectly honest). My main interest is obedience work. I have always worked with my dogs and have got three irish setter obedience champions in a row (FCI-rules). Meaning grandmother, mother and daughter. One of the dogs I also made up to be a certified armydog for the swedish army. Just to prove it could be done...but I have to admit that after all this, I am running out of steam and seriously considering a bordercollie so that I can compete on an equal level. But I may still change my mind. I have owned (and mostly worked) a number of breeds, among them german shepards, a poodle, bloodhounds, an english setter, pugs and now half a french bulldog. My daughter ownes the other 50%. (Mine is the cute half in case you were wondering.)
Workwise I write and draw for the swedish kennel club magazine plus write/illustrate books about dogs/cats and one about horses and work as an illustrator for newspapers, magazines and just about anything else you can think of.

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  • Dee Rance

    Oh you are very welcome, sounds like you had a great day, what could be better than a glass of Champagne and friends all around you on such a day...;o))
  • Catherine Carter

    It sounds like great fun! a house full plus champagne!!!!! Was it a special year then? You see how nosy I can be!.........
  • Dee Rance

    Well it wasn't one of those 0 birthdays so the ones in-between are mostly good, As for Crufts, can't make it this year, (first time in a long time) cant get anyone to look after the 'kids' and cant take them with me, so I stay at home. But will definitely be there next year, Findlay qualified at his first show, so will be good for 2011...;o)) But this year I will be so jealous of everyone that is going..
  • Catherine Carter

    Well many congrats again!!!! It is my husband's 60th next week....but it will be a quite affair....as this is what he prefers.
  • Catherine Carter

    sorry for the typo....should have written quiet affair!
  • Ossian

    Hi Ursula - you at Crufts on sunday? I will be in the IRWS sextion with two of mine
  • Cornelia

    Danke, Ursula, für Deinen Kommentar auf mein Foto - das ist sehr wertvoll von Dir, da Du ja aus der Kunstrichtung kommst. Ich mag Deine Bilder, besonders die Pilze, Ratte und das Blatt - meine Grossmutter hat ähnlich gemalt; sie und ihr Mann waren beide Kunstmaler (haupsächlich Oel). Liebe Grüsse, Cornelia
  • ereni


  • Dee Rance

    Ah well still a couple of years ahead of you, and good that you didn't escape it. sorry it took so long to reply to. Going mad, see what a couple of extra years does to you, get forgetful...
  • Danica Morarova

    Thank you Ursula:)
  • Dee Rance

    Do you need a pedigree form for the shows then?? Oh my it is so lax here, you just need to enter, and turn up with proof of posting the entry and you are in...
    It will be in the most obvious place and the ''looking fairies'' will put it on the top of the pile, but you will have looked for it there many times...
    Its like the car keys...they are the worst....darned things have got legs and walk away from where you put them..
  • Susan Stone

    Ah well, only a third: but we have a yellow ribbon to proove we were there!!!
    Will tell you more about our pre-Crufts adventures when I have got over the work load that was waiting for me on return.
    But isn't this one just too good to be true?

  • Lise-Lotte Persson


    Jag förstår att du fyllt 60! GRATTIS i efterskott!!
  • Dee Rance

    Ah that is a good one...I can't do that, if I had the car running out side, someone would get in and drive off....So have to scrape and spray, and nearly freeze to death doing all of that...
    Ah well the pedigree will turn up when you least expect it...
    All the best Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    Ah well that is the advantage of being Dyslexic I didn't even notice that you had forgotten the T see it does have its advantages, not many but some...;o))
    I used to live out in the SICKS but now live in a built up area, and keep forgetting to lock the car, one day it won't be there when I get up in the morning..But never know what to expect when I look out in the mornings..
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Ursula,
    thanks for the brilliant bit;-))
    It actually helps to take along one's husband on trips like these... providing they have nothing else to do they tend to take random shots at running dogs;-)) So it was a team effort!
    Sorry I missed your Birthday, so a belated HIP HIP HURRAY to URSULA!!!
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Thankyou Ursula - love you too!!!! :-):-)
  • ereni

    Happy Easter:)
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Ursula
    Good to hear from you... very quiet these days... What are you up to?
  • Susan Stone

    A shame but ES is not what it once was... remember when Laura almost started WW III ? Ah well, at least we now have time for the less important things in life;o))
  • Ossian

    Hi Ursula. Looks like I am well in the sh*t. However I have taken a mopment to explain to Elizabeth on her own page why I had such a bad reaction yesterday. We run a large training org and just as you say they all want a quick fix. Owner working with one of our trainers on dog dog issues took her dog to a training class. The dog went for another dog, dog injured, handler bitten, class trainer bitten dog PTS, trainer distraught. When she asked the woman what she was doing she said her "chat group" thought it was more appropriate to get the dog out and about.
    Elizaeth was just in the firing line yesterday
  • Ossian

    I am not alone - I feel better!
  • Kikki Dyrendahl

    Tack Ursula !:-)
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Hi Ursula, I think it is high time I returned to your beautiful country, to brush up on the little Swedish I know!
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Thankyou for your lovely offer - you know I may just take you up on it next year.
    M XXX
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thanks for comment;-)
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    So very kind, Ursula...look forward to seeing you again.
    M XXX
  • Kim Murray

    Hi Ursula,

    I breed Irish Setters in NZ for both confirmation and obedience and also have both obedience and show champions. We compete here in NZ to the UK std (ie same as they do at Crufts) and I definitely prefer them to Border Collies. I'm very interested in the fact that you do obedience and in any irish doing obedience and was wondering whether you have a video of your irish doing obedience any where that I could view as would love to see it.

    kind regards
    Kim Murray
    Karamu Irish Setters
  • Kim Murray

    Hi Ursula,
    I can actually relate to the lack of motivation for the moment which is why I have taken a bit of a break from obedience for the moment myslef and concentrated more on breeding and confirmation showing. However as with you I have a couple of really very very good dogs here that I should be campaigning and will. Do you know if there are any Irish setter obedience videos of any other Swedish dogs working maybe on Utube or something as I love to watch Irish doing obedience as they do precision so well when they are truly working.
    Lovely to talk to you.
    kind regards
  • Deborah Christopher

    Thanks for the comment on the photo, it's amazing what you can get with a camera phone!
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Ursula, I read your comment on your blog, and Oh how I agree with you re the C-section, I am so glad that this has turned out so well, I know just how much hard work a section can bring to you and sweet little Ines. Keep the lovely pictures coming....please...can't wait to see more of them, so cute...All the best and good luck with them all...
  • Dee Rance

    After Saffy having a C-section I know where you are coming from. She just sat there allowing the babies to nurse, But not really knowing where she was. With eyes bulging, poor wee sole, if poor Ines had here eyes bulging, any more, they were probably popped out....
    I look forward to many more pictures.. And thanks again for the coming back 'greetings' I am now on line wirelessly, so am now a happy bunny again. Its only taken over a month, and a new computer, (which wasn't actually needed. Bummer)
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Ha Ha Ursula! Great comment - thankyou!
    I will delve in to the party box and see if I can find a costume for Madge - what a hoot she was!
    I will be in Sweden at the end of August, so maybe we will see each other.
    Hope that delightful Ines is being a good Mummy.
    M XXX
  • Ossian

    oh fiddle I never even looked at the dates - thanks
  • Nicole Wilson

    Thank you Ursula for your nice birthday wishes! Spent my birthday on holiday in Switzerland with my family so thoroughly enjoyed it :-)

    Thank you Ursula ..!! It's impossible to stop the counter ..!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    YoooHooo Dear Friend,

    Happy, Happy Birthday, for tomorrow. Hope you have a wonderful day.


  • Jo Ottinger

    Happy Birthday,  Hope you have a wonderful sunny day
  • Barbara

    Hallo Ursula! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Hoffe du hast einen super schönen Tag.

    Liebe Grüße Barbara

  • Laura Kolbach

    vet att du inte ofta kollar här, men vi skulle vilja önska dig en jättetrevlig dag!

    kram, laura & tjejerna (som tar ALL min tid)

  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Ursula,

    Happy Birthday!!!!

    See you tomorrow!

    Catherine and her red gang!( Anthony joins his best wishes too!)

  • Carmel Murphy

    I hope you enjoyed the rest of your Crufts visit;o))

    It was great meeting you at last, after "chatting" on ES since 2007;o)) And you now know that I am small and talk too much;o)))))) Hugs from Rua and Abbey;o)

  • Carmel Murphy

    Greetings from Ireland! So happy to meet you at Crufts;o)
  • Carmel Murphy

    I felt exactly the same meeting another  smaller person(Ha Ha to you too!!;o)), and being able to speak eye to eye is so nice for a change;o)))) Its  a pain in the neck(literally!) speaking to tall people;o)))) Looking forward to visiting Sweden some time;o)) or meeting at a Kay McCarthy Concert in Italia!!;o)
  • Laura Kolbach

    en till Coppers som har det där "if is was a bird, i would run" uttrycket :)
  • Jo Ottinger

    It always feels good to get home after you have been away for a while,  hope things stay quite for you
  • Carmel Murphy

    I'm not a concert type either!! The last oneI I was at was U2's new year's eve one in Dublin in the 90's I think;o))))) And that was because we were invited guests;o))

    I am more curious than anything, to see Kay in concert!! Her music isnt exactly my cup of tea;o)))) She knows that;o)


  • Carmel Murphy

    Kay's style is Irish traditional with a classical twist! She does have a beautiful voice though;o))

    I am more into rock, jazz and Joni Mitchell, James Taylor,Carol King etc., and was always a fan of Rod Stewart too;o)),

  • Cornelia

    Alle Jahre wieder, erreichen Dich herzliche Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag aus der Schweiz. Ich hoffe, Du kannst den Tag so richtig geniessen und wir wünschen Dir auf diesem Wege alles Gute, C & J xxx

  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Ursula ! Hope all is well with you, family, dogs and animals! Have a super day ! Xxxx