

Labrador, Queensland


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
This time - since July 2008 : previously 1977-1986
About Me:
My partner & I live on the Gold Coast, Qld, Australia. We have five children between us and I have foyr grandchildren. We are honoured to be owned by Seamus who came to us in a roundabout way from Carmel @ Shadowvale. He was nearly 8 months old. Previously I had an 'Irish' in the 70's - Shannon (Ch Wendover Gentleman progeny) who was the most amazing dog - she gave the love of the 'irish' to me & my family, which we are once again lucky to share in and can now pass the love to our next generations. In between I had another amazing dog, Zoe, who definately had an irish setter soul. Which wasn't surprising when I found out she was a Flat Coated Retriever and the breed had come from Irish Setters & Newfoundlands.

Comment Wall:

  • Sharyn Latchford

    Hi Jackie...love the pictures of Shannon, very pretty....and I think Seamus looks lovely, love the photos of him having fun at the beach..Is Seamus related to Brodie?

  • Laura Kolbach

    welcome to the site, i am sure you'll enjoy it!
    laura & the girls
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Welcome Aboard, Jacky.
    Thankyou for giving Seamus such a good home!
  • Dee Rance

    Love your page Welcome to the site congratulations on putting everything on so quickly it took me ages.......
    Dee and the girls
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Thanks Jacky - good to hear from you.
    It really is a small world, isn't it? Willhelm is a wonderful man - he stayed here with John last July when I was away judging in Sweden.
    M XX
  • Sharyn Latchford

    Hi Jackie..Well then, Seamus is related to my boy Finnegan...& yes Finn loves the snow, which is quite funny really, considering he comes from Perth, where its usually very very warm, even in winter....

  • Dee Rance

    Hi there so you came from Cleethorpes?? I lived in Louth (quite near there) only for a few years, I now live in Scotland where I came from, took me 50 something years to get back here. How many Grandchildren do you have, I have 1 boy and 3 girls ranging from 5.12---almost 18 months, because I look after two of them during the week (not both at the same time usually) it takes a lot of my time, Saffy my young girl (dog that is) isn't really keen on these little things that keep taking her toys, but Jas my older girl (dog again) just loves the kids......
    I envy you living in the sunshine all the time, its white outside at the moment, but only a little, but still cold..
    Dee and the girls
  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hi Jacky,
    I see you have 'met' Myra, Sharyn and Dee. Dee has been giving me some great advice on coat care and Sharyn has Seamus' 'uncle'. He is a half-brother to Brodie's dad.
    I hear you have met Whilhem as well. Two of Seamus' full brothers are down your way and go into his shop as well. Whilhem is a lovely man. He told me he used to show fish...could have been pulling my leg. Don't know how you could do that.
    Talk soon,
  • Dee Rance

    Jas is the same, I have been trying to get a picture of my youngest, (I think that she is going to either be a vet or a show judge), she keeps going up to Jas and lifting her nose and pulling down her bottom jaw, examining her teeth but every time I try and get the camera she stops. I will get there in the end.
    I always wished that my parents would emigrate when I was young, I hate this cold weather.
    Have fun with your grandkids, I am at the moment waiting for one of mine to go to sleep, for her morning nap....
    Speak soon Dee and the girls
  • Sharyn Latchford

    Hi Jackie...small world eh!....although I am sure Woodend has grown (like topsy) since Peter was last here.....has Peter still got his kiwi accent or has he gone over to the dark side and picked up the Aussie twang?...hehehehe ...yep follow the one dayers....especally if we are winning..... question for Peter...who does he yell for....All Blacks or Walliabies

  • Elizabeth Maher

    You inspired me Jacky with your lovely page--I didn't realise we could change the default until I saw yours which I really wanted to copy but instead settled for a similar bright theme.
  • Elizabeth Maher

    Thanks Jacky--lovely to hear from you--did you get my email of 21/2/09 where I mentioned that Rufus is now behaving like a normal dog as he has started digging. We have just come back from our daily walk and he was so good not straining on the lead. He still jumps up a lot and I can't get him to "stay". I remember I taught Seamus to stay quite easily. It was lovely of Kelley to make me a contact --you have such a handsome family.Have a lovely weekend and a big cuddle to Seamus.Liz
  • Annika Liikanen

    Hi Jacky!
    Thanks for your nice comment on blogpost.....
    Today all red friends have been resting.

  • Dee Rance

    Ah Jacky thanks for that...I am sure, whatever happens in the ring, it is going to be a really good day, I can't wait to meet everyone, and someone has said that I am taking ''the mobile bar'' with me. I just hope that everyone has a wonderful time for Barara's sake she has organised all of this.
    I just wish we could have some of your weather on this side of the planet, can you bottle some and send it over???
    Dee and the girls
  • Michelle Webster

    Hi Jacky,
    What a small world it is, fancy you coming from Cleethorpes, never mind having heeard of it!! What was your surname when you lived here? My parents have lived here all their lives and as it is such a small place know many people, so may remember your family. They used to holiday on the Gold Coast for three months every year when my dad was alive and even there met people who they knew!

    Yes I miss Fergus so dreadfully, he was such a very special boy in every way.

    I love your photos.
    Best wishes,
  • Dee Rance

    Happy Birthday to you for today, have a great day
    Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    You are quite welcome, I am glad you had a good day. as for the puppies well they are lovely but I am prejudice about them. All the best speak soon Dee and the gang
  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hi Jacky, just wondering how Seamus is going. Do you have any new photos of him?
    Cheers, Carmel
  • Melinda Auld

    Hi Jacky

    What's Seamus' breeding? Maia is out of Sophy and Brody :)

  • Rieky van Hal

    thank you jacky for comment on my foto's
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Jacky, I thought they were half brothers! I think your Seamus' mum would be Carmel's girl, Sophy. I saw one of the boys from that litter, Pippin, his name was, he was just lovely too!
  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hi Jacky,
    Happy New Year to you and Seamus and family,
    yes, Boston and Bently are Seasmus' full-brothers from Sophy's first mating. The pups I have at the moment are half-brothers. Different Dad. Sophy is 7 in April so this is definitly her last litter, but she is looking gorgeous. Motherhood agrees with her.
  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hi Jacky,
    Sophy's sons will take control of the Gold Coast! Another boy is heading in your direction in 2 weeks.
  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hi Jacky,
    I will certainly point them in your direction. Will post some photos of the boy I am keeping from Sophy's last litter. I am also going to try retriever trials with him! Could be fun but he has a Field Trial Ch in his lines so worth a go.
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Happy Birthday Jacky, hope you are having a great day. cheers, Cheryl
  • Eunice Marott

    hi Jacky

    Just looking at your profile.... Carmel has our Molly's dad. Annabelle is Molly's sister. Do we have any relations to yours?