Peter Hiscock


Reading, Berks

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
24 years
About Me:
Heathclare Something Magic has just started to enhance our lives. Severnvale Fine and Dandy (Finnbar) did this job for over 12 years but sadly has now gone to the Rainbow Bridge and will never be forgotten. His predecessor Flynn passed in 2000 aged 14 years which also caused a big hole in our hearts and lives.

Comment Wall:

  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Welcome Aboard Peter. Good Luck with your Grace baby.

    Cheers, from Down Under.


  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Peter, just reading you are waiting for a puppy how exciting, and i've seen photos of the Heathclare dogs they always look beautiful, look forward to seeing your puppy soon (",) 

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Forgot to say my boy is called Finlay, but we jokingly give him middle names all begining with F so he is Finlay Fionn Finnbar Flynn (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Peter, i waited for nearly 6years between Paddy going and getting Finlay, you forget what there like as puppys but it's been great i wondered why i waited so long, but if i didn't it wouldn't of been Finlay, even though my sweet boy is not well he's so lovely, when do you get your new puppy? I have to wait for my daughter to put my photos on here i've not mastered it and she does it to quickly for me to pick up (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Peter and Elaine for your friends invite pleased to accept

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Peter for your message and wishes for Finlay, i've had a lot of good wishes from others on ES regarding Finlay, in december last year the day after he was 2 i was told he had a bone tumor in his front leg vet said he would only have 6weeks if amputated he might have a couple of months longer, i just couldn't think of any thing other then loosing him it made me ill but i couldn't amputate and i'm glad i didn't as he's still here all four legs and active 10 months later, vets dont know what to say anymore only that he's  a miracle dog, he's had so many tests biopsy and x-rays been refered to specialist who agreed with my vets,while he's well im not having anything else done he has a small dose of metacam daily and looks the picture of health, im just gratefull he's still with me.

  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    You are on the home-stretch Peter - not too long to wait now. Very exciting days and much fun and joy ahead. :):)