Eunice Marott


Sydney New South Wales


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
25 years
About Me:
first IS Sharla died at 15 years. second IS Cherie died Feb 2010 to cancer. Very sad. I was not going to get another IS but saw an add in the paper for pups and could not resist. We bought our Molly down from Queensland by plane. It is 1 year yesterday that she arrived and looked so cute in her crate at the airport. The staff were great and Molly travelled to our home some 45 kms from the airport without any problems. Called in at the vet on the way home to show the new pup off and together with the vet nurse named her Molly. She has become a huge part of our lives.

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  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice. Hope Colone is nice and you enjoy Christmas there, i would like to be going to Rome, maybe one day, Finlay is great thanks we had a lovely walk this morning, had some breakfast and now he's asleep on the settee looking as cute as ever, bet you miss Molly, but i'm sure she's enjoying the pet resort and the swimming, hope you get the e-mails sorted i can send them ok. Take care Ellen and Finlay xxx

  • Gene

    Hi Eunice - Sorry you are having email issues.  I would need more specifics to assist.  What browser are you using?  Are you using a PC or a mobile device?  Could you try a different browser or try it on a different PC or device?  Could you send me a screen shot?  Since I am not getting any other reports on this, assume it is specific to your machine.

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, thanks for your Christmas wishes, i hope you, Neil and Corinne have a lovely day, shame you didn't get any snow for your white Christmas, love Ellen&Finlay xxx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, Hope you had a good day, we have had a lovely time, every time i go in to the kitchen Finlay thinks he's getting some Turkey, shame you still cant send e-mails, enjoy Rome (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, Yes next year with Molly, hope everything is ok at home, cant understand why e-mails dont work sometimes i might have to resend the odd one but usually ok


  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi i Bet it did make you miss Molly more seeing another setter, there was a blog on here some months ago showing photos of holiday in europe and i thought then that the dogs seemed welcome in a lot of places, it would be nice to take them with you alot more, hope your enjoying Rome (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, i dont mind call when you want too (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Sounds like Rome is the place to go to see Irish Setters you have seen more there then i ever have here (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Happy New Year and have a good time tonight (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, Happy new year, i'm so envious of you seeing the Pope at St Peters i will really have to go, hope all is well at resort i'm sure it is maybe youe emails not getting through to them either. I will have to look up that recipe again as not sure where i put it, you know i tidied it away somewhere. When you back in London?

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, hope Molly is ok, i'm sure it's just that you are away for longer this time she will be fine when your home, hope the house works out for you too, are you going somewhere else after Sorrento or back to London, you have been to some nice places, maybe if you come again you should come in the summer

  • Ellen Turberfield

    You really are on a setter hunt you find them everywhere, i will be nice to get home to sweet Molly and a new home for you all (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi. Finlay is well he's asleep as usual, thats his favorite pastime, yes i would like to visit Italy sometime, would like to be able to afford to do more traveling, where are you off to next  

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi i love Paris the area around the Eiffel Tower is my favorite, so nice that you could bring Corinne with you this will be a holiday she will always remember. Talk soon (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, you do seem to be having trouble with the internet and your emails, hope you enjoy Paris, wish i was there (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    These parts of Europe seem to be more pet friendly wiyh dogs and cats on trains (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, sorry to hear you are not well have you got this bug thats going around, i've not been well either i feel sick and have stomach pains have had it a week now, i was wondering about Molly when i seen on news how hot it was over there, is she eating ok now, Finlay is well thanks, at moment he's waiting for his breakfast he just keeps giving me that look. Glad you are enjoying Paris i always like to go there, have you gone to Disney? i went few years ago i must say i enjoyed it but i do like the rides, well some of them, take care xxx

  • Jacky

    Hi Eunice, you left me a msg over a year ago! Apologies for not replying sooner, haven't been on for ages! You asked about Seamus's breeding. Carmel's Brodie & Sophie are his parents. Would Molly's Dad be Brodie too?
  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, it was nice to hear from you again last night and to meet you both before Christmas i know you have enjoyed your holiday but cant wait to get back to sweet Miss Molly, give her a big hug from Finlay and me (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice have you finally got to see some snow? we have woke up to a fine covering this morning and it's still snowing now, hope it is down by you before you fly home (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Eunice what a thing to do just as your holiday is over, are you ok to travel? i was just going to look for Clares walking boots in case i slip while walking Finlay. was going to call your mobile later before you go but cant find my mobile as it has your number in it, i know it's in the house somewhere i'll tryb abd call when i find it

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Have a good journey home, Finlay hopes Molly enjoys her toy (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi you will be on your flight to Austrialia now just as we have had more snow here, hope your arm is not to painfull. take care Ellen and Finlay xxx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi hope you get sorted out with a house soon so you can have Molly home shame she cant be in the rented appartment, Finlay sitting on settee just staring at me dont know what he wants think he's after a treat (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hope it goes well at the doctors and you get settled in ok

  • Ellen Turberfield

    It must seem strange to be back is it 5weeks you have been away, have you got to see Molly (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Yeah pleanty of snow and it's only the first day, schools are shut and the buses stopped running at 9 this morning so i couldn't get in to my other job, thats a lot of money for Mollys kennels but at least you know she has been well looked after there. I saw on the news how hot it was over there such a diffrence to here, hope the houses are nice take care xxx 

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice no i'm not on facebook, hope your arm is a bit better (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice were both fine thanks, Finlay still enjoying the snow, i'm begining to be fed up of it as it's very slippy now it's alot of hard ice. Shame about the houses hope you find something soon, and that your arm feels better, take care xxx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi i'm so pleased bet you cant wait to get sweet Molly back home, when will that be? Give her a big Hug from me and Finlay xxx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi bet you cant wait to get Molly home, she will be spoiled when you do. Finlay is well, he's giving me the stare which means hurry up mom i want my breakfast, all the snow gone now but the paths were so icey this morning it was worse then the snow (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Did you have the scan on your arm? Is the new house in the area you wanted to move back to, when will you be moving in? Is Molly in the other kennels now thats nearer and not the resort one? I'm full of questions this morning, off to clean bathroom before work, what fun (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi something weird going on with my home page all resent messages i've sent dont appare on there looks like i've not sent any messages for over a week or recieved any but i have dont know where they have all went too, let me know if you get this, hope your all well (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi bet you cant wait to have Molly home again, it has been a long time but you know she has been well looked after. Maybe you will be able to send emails when you have your proper computer up and running. Finlay sitting waiting for his breakfast best go and feed him (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, i'm having trouble with my home page, all resent messages have dissapeared from it, you know if i message you it's at the top well they have all gone, so cant tell if i've been left any either, bit strange, just some were missing now all gone. How's your arm, you all sorted for the move, you best bake that cake for Molly's home coming xxx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice sorry to here your elbow still no better it's not the reminder of your holiday you wanted, hope it goes ok at specialist, bet your counting down the days till Mollys back, Take care x

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, were good thanks, bet you excited to be moving more for the fact sweet Molly will be home, and the estate agent was right our dogs are is important to us as our family, Finlay having a little sleep while he waits fof his breakfast, we have had snow again over night but it's not alot so dont think it will last long, hope the move goes well.

  • Eunice Marott

    Thanks so much Ellen they r bringing molly directly to here as I still cannot drive move went well now to unpack xxxx to u and Findlay I will give her her present
  • Ellen Turberfield

    Give Molly a big hug from us when she's home, hope she likes her present. it wont be long now (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, not sure of your time but hope Molly home ok and bet she is getting pleanty of cuddles,love Ellen&Finlay (",)

  • Eunice Marott

    Hi Ellen we'd night here Molly a little unwell when he arrived this morning at 1030 has been out with us for pizza and now resting on the couch
    I think he missed us seemed a little stressed when she arrived has met the dog downstairs but he growled at her but she ignored himmollynot a fighter
  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice sorry Molly doesn't seem herself it might take her a couple of days, it has been quite a while for her and she has come back to a different house, but i'm sure she will be fine with a few extra cuddles, hope you have all settled in well xxx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi i wish it was hot enough to sit outside here, i dont think it's weird i talk to Finlay i'm sure he knows what i'm on about sometimes, now you have the cats your all settled in. Hope you like living in this part of Sydney more then where you just moved from xxx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Yes you wont get many vets telling you to do that. it's 10pm here Finlay fast asleep as usuall and he'll sleep all night only trouble he will be awake about 7.30 wanting to go for his walk. (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Eunice, i think he's handsome, he loved the cake he was licking the topping for ages, sure Molly will get her's soon (",)

  • Mike

    Hi Eunice, Thanks for accepting. Hope you are all together again soon!

  • Mike

    Hi Eunice, thank you for your comment. Is it 6 months quarantine when going into the country? Seems like that's what I have heard.

  • Mike

    Hi Eunice, I think it was me who was miles away! Somewhere, I thought I read that you were moving to another country; and Molly was in Quarantine??? Maybe I just assumed that??? Probably before the morning coffee had time to work! Sorry for the confusion.

  • Mike

    Hi Eunice, Guess it's a good law, if it keeps rabies out of the country. Understand how it might be cramped with an IS in the room with you. Hope you find something soon!

  • Eunice Marott

    Molly left us at the end of jan we have found somewhere but can't more in just yet
    She is enjoying herself but I know she will be glad to be back it is a great kennels plenty of room about 100kms from sydney