Rhonda Fisher


melbourne victoria


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
6 years
About Me:
I share life and home with 2 red headed brothers and Phil. Phil has owned Irish for a lot longer. Love the breed and just wish I had more room for another.

Comment Wall:

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  • martina mckeag

    Thank you Rhonda for the friends invite

  • Dee Rance

    Ah yes the heat....not sure I know what that is...lol...I will be thinking of you trying to keep cool in your 38 degree heat....ha ha....

    We have our shows inside in the winter...and a lot in the summer too...but its getting to them in snow..its difficult. Me I have to travel many hundreds of miles to get to most shows...a bit isolated up here in Scotland...we do have a few shows but not many...but no there isn't anything like that..though we don't often get temperatures that high here...lucky to get 20 degrees..up here in Scotland 18 is good...We are getting 80 mph + winds here today...hope my greenhouse survives...lol...keep cool Dee and the kids

  • Peter Hennig

    close but not quite the first one is warrnambool the second Port Fairy eastern beach

  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Rhonda 

    I can't work out why they would change the warrnambool show to late feb it'll end up getting cancelled for heat it's also the same date as the narracorte show which we went to last year and it's a three show weekend and it was stinking hot. Susan is not keen on the judge at warrnambool for group 4 so there may be some conflict as to where we go I'm leaning to warrnambool as it's close  

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Rhonda, thanks for the message.  My home computer crashed last Wednesdsay and is still in the shop.  Will talk soon once my computer is back up and running.  Great about Peter's summer theme.  Is this on ES or in the Vic club?



  • Peter Hennig

    thanks for the lovely comment on Morgan

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Rhonda, Finally back on-line!!  I have taken some pics of my redheads swimming and retrieving in the pool last weekend.  I will have to post some pics up soon!!!

    Hope you have a great Christmas and an a wonderful year ahead.

    cheers, Cheryl x

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Thanks Rhonda good to be back on-line and thanks for the seasons wishes.  I hope you had a great Christmas too and have a great year ahead!  Just got back from 5 days away for Christmas with Paul's familiy in Brisbane. Hope your Christmas Day wasn't too hot.  It has been lovely weather in Brisbane where we stayed.  It is overcast back here in Mackay and expecting showers over the weekend.  Now that I have some time I will post some pics later in the day. chat soon Cheryl

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hope it is getting cooler down your way!!

  • Peter Hennig

    Azif will sleep on anything ! we look sometimes and think  "that has got to be uncomfortable"

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Rhonda. thanks for the info on the judges from Vic.  I didn't think to ask you about them.  What is the breeding of your boys?  chat soon, Cheryl

  • martina mckeag

    Thank you Rhonda they love playing tug

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Rhonda,  thanks for the pedigree on your boys. 

    Yes, unfortunately with Queensland being so big, we don't get the privilege of having many local shows, so we have to travel to enjoy a nice season of shows.

    chat soon, Cheryl

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Rhonda, I see you have your boys pedigree details on your ES page!!  Sorry, I didn't look there first.  I have all their pedigree on my database, thanks.

    cheers, Cheryl

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Rhonda,  interesting discussion you have going here!!  I am enjoying reading all the posts!!!  cheers, Cheryl

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Oh, BTW, are you coming up to the Sydney shows at Easter.  Would love to meet up with you.  cheers

  • Doris, Senta and Iris

    Thank you Rhonda for the nice comments on my pictures;I enjoyed browsing through your page!

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Rhonda thank you your lovely comments that's Shannon the wise one 

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Rhonda

    Thank you for your kind words on my tribute blog for my English Setter, Rose.

    Best wishes from Susan

  • Susan Stone

    Thanks for your lovely comment, Rhonda. We certainly get our share of fun!

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Rhonda, lovely photos and two rearly lovely boys (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Rhonda, he is a brave boy and that's what keeps me going, he's such a sweetheart it seems unfair he's not well,thanks for keeping fingers and paws crossed i'm sure it all helps,give cuddles to Kerry and Murphy. Ellen & Finlay (",)

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Rhonda

    It is great to be your friend too!

    Sending hugs and English Setter kisses to you and Phil and your beautiful boys, Murphy and Kerry.

    Susan and Hobson

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Rhonda, for comments on Finlays photo, he loves all his soft toys takes them out one by one into the garden then lies down with them, he has pulled the eyes out of most of them think he doesn't like them watching him (",) 

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Rhonda, no Finlay not very keen on balls, he liked you to bounce it high so he could jump up and catch it, but he's more like your Murphy just show him a teddy and he's happy, we've named them and if he's in the mood he will fetch them when you ask for them by name, but then again he might just ignore you

  • Barbara

    Hi Rhonda! Thank you for your lovely comments on my photos. Hope you and your lovely boys are well. All the best Barbara

  • Barbara

    Hi Rhonda! Oh you have a new camera - so I look forward to many pics ;-) Sorry for my bad english. Have a nice day. Barbara

  • Barbara

    Hi Rhonda! Thank you for your message. How was your weekend at the Setter Field Trials? Do you speak German?? All the best. Barbara

  • Barbara

    Hi Rhonda! That is a pity that you missed them because of only few minutes :-(

    I hope you had a nice day anyway. Your translator is working really well ;-)

    All the best. Barbara

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Rhonda thanks for your nice comments on Finlays photo i thought they turned out nice (",)

  • martina mckeag

    Thank you Rhonda don't know what happened

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thanks Rhonda for your warm comfort after Bajka passed away. Yes, the life with her was very adventurous, the best ever possible.

  • Eileen Olivares

    Thank you Rhonda for accepting my invitation to be a friend. Your Irish Setters look absolutely gorgeous! Kind regards, Eileen with Lucas & Molly

  • Carmel Murphy

    Thanks for the lovely comment on Abbey's movement;o))

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Happy Birthday Rhonda, hope you have a great day (",)

  • Astrid Landsaat

    Happy Birthday Rhonda!

  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Rhonda!!


    A little bit late but we wish you a very nice B-day from Belgium !

  • john murphy

    Happy birthday Rhonda..hope you and the gang are happy a fun day
  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Rhonda! :-)
  • Doris, Senta and Iris

    Thank you ,Rhonda fort the nice comment on my picture!

  • Lynn Spencer

    Thankyou Rhonda for your kind comments.  A very Happy New Year to you too.

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Rhonda

    Thank you for the nice comment you made about my ES page. I had a very busy weekend trying to clean up some of the debris from our recent hurricane so there was little time for the computer. The forum topic which you commented on has now been deleted. Understandably I am always happy when anyone says they like my ES page because this is all about my Setter, horse and bird kids! Hope you have a good week.

    Susan, Hobson and Misty

  • Dianne cook

    Hello Rhonda, would you know where the Irish show is over the Queens holiday weekend? I believe Saturday but am not quite sure where. Take care Dianne and Irish.
  • Dianne cook

    Thank you Rhonda for that information.
    I'm not savvy with Facebook but the younger generation are and will get my daughter to check for me tomorrow. I will let another gentleman on ES know as I'm led to believe he will be rehoming a working Irish quite soon and is very interested in the field side too!
    Many thanks once again, take care Dianne and Irish.
  • Dianne cook

    Thank you Rhonda for the heads up! My daughter said "go for it" my son said OMG not mum, she will look like the lady on the bottle "ladies who shoot their lunch " Hmmm....not a lot of faith! Not sure if he means me or my Irish he lacks faith in :0))
    Please keep me updated, as I've put it on the calendar as the 25th august. Thank you, I think the girls will show my son a thing or two!! Take care Dianne and Irish
  • Dianne cook

    Thank you Rhonda for the contact details for the fun day, I'll get in touch with Gordon. Take care
  • Dianne cook

    Hi Rhonda, please forgive me but I was wondering... As it appears to be a Gordon Fun Day, are the Irish able to attend too? I have asked this question and we are welcome but I'm not too sure if I'm able to participate with an Irish! I'm happy to just come along and watch anyway :0) Take care Dianne x
  • Dianne cook

    Hi Rhonda, did you go to the Fun day on Sunday? I unfortunately missed out and wondered how it went. Take care Dianne. X
  • Mike

    Hi Rhonda, You're welcome, thank you for accepting. Never a dull moment so I'm sure there will be lots of news!