rosey fyfe



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
14 years
About Me:
i am the proud owner of a gorgeous 1 year old irish setter called bailey
there's never a dull moment when you own a setter as they are so full of fun and mischief and they brighten your day
i personally would'nt want to own any other breed of dog

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  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Rosey
    Oh I know what you mean by the 'leggy' stage and the snow, Findlay is 41/2 months now and he is at that stage and trying to get him in from the snow is a nightmare he just wants to stay and play...ah well it will make for a good coat in the end I hope..
    All the best and have a great Xmas and New Year
    Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Rosey
    I would imagine that you have been to your vet now, sorry that I didn't go on line last night, to put your mind at rest a little...
    How fast did you change his diet, I hope that you did it over at least a week...very very slowly...if that was the cause then the worms my have been part of the problem. But Parvo....there is a very distinct smell with that and the poor dog will probably be very lifeless and with a very high temperature, I don't think that is the problem with your boy. But the worms that he was infested with at an early age may have done some damage to his gastric tract, also just the change in food can cause this kind of thing, if he has been straining to poo then he can brake small blood vestals in the bowl area, and just another thought, was there any ''jelly'' like 'stuff' around the poo, he could have a small attack of Colitis, I have had a couple of mine with this, and it will show up in the snow much more readily than any other time...unless the blood is a fairly large amount please don't worry too much. Please let me know how he is and what your vet said..
    All the best Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Rosey
    So glad that it was 'only' a worm problem, once they have worms it is so difficult to get rid of them, probably you will have to worm him more often than usual. To keep the blood at bay.
    I am glad Christmas is over, so stressful for all here.
    Fin won't come in from the cold....he just loves it out there in the snow, although its ice now, but they are all loving it, even Jas who doesn't really do ''mad dash'' has been charging around the garden like a puppy...
    All the best to you and yours in 2010