Mike Brown



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
About Me:
Started with English Setters in 1984 together with my partner Mary Winter. We have two FCI registrar Kennelnames: Fanchon and Dunley. Our motto: 'Where Exterior, Health and Hunting abilties still go together' We do not breed often as we believe less is better. For the past 25 years we have bred, owned, co-owned over 40 (Multi) - Champions in The United States and European Countries.

Comment Wall:

  • Sheree Parrish

    Hi Mike :-)

    It definately goes in trends in the UK, one of the top breeders will bring out a particular dog and everyone wants one just like it.  There has been a few top winners lately that are orange, it's like a lot of things, people following each other like lambs, whatever is winning in the top kennels is what others aspire to have.

    I had the most beautiful dark tri, (he lives with a friend now), yet he was too dark for some judges whereas others thought he was like the old type...a bit before my time ;-), but he is beautifully made, he won best puppy at a champ show for me so he must have had something going for him.

    My young Bournehouse boy, Henry, has only been to a few shows but has won every class with the exception of a 2nd and a reserve, he is very middle of the road colourwise, although very glamourous, just what I wanted then, hopefully, he will please everyone we go under at the shows.

    I love your dogs btw, absolute stunners.

    Cheerio for now, Sheree