Peter Hiscock


Reading, Berks

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
24 years
About Me:
Heathclare Something Magic has just started to enhance our lives. Severnvale Fine and Dandy (Finnbar) did this job for over 12 years but sadly has now gone to the Rainbow Bridge and will never be forgotten. His predecessor Flynn passed in 2000 aged 14 years which also caused a big hole in our hearts and lives.

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  • Ellen Turberfield

    Only two more sleeps untill saturday (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Peter,

    How is Charlie, has he  settled in well, hope he's not been chewing things to much, Finlay wasca terrible chewer (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi, Glad he's doing well, made me smile about everyone at vets loving him Finlay has the same reaction at ours but over last christmas and new year he did have to stay in quite a bit but they looked after him well, Finlay is quite a celebraty round here everyone knows him he likes to sit by local school so the children will come and make a fuss of him. You will be taking Charlie out for walks soon wont you if he's just had his injectionsm, that will be fun.