Rhys Davenport


Cheadle Hulme

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
About Me:
Proud owner of Riley a five year old Irish Setter (Kerryfair Fancy That) whose been joined by a lovely English Setter 'force of nature'.

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  • Lesley Shirley

    Hi Rhys, I have 3 Couldoran dogs, Blue, Gil and Caine, they will never grow up, trust me!! Blue is almost 10 and still thinks he's 2. He is the litter brother of Amos's Grandmother and Caine, my 3 year old is his uncle, Au Ch Couldoran Summer Leaves at Sappersett. Angela only breeds big personalities!! Have fun,
    Lesley and boys
  • Lesley Shirley

    You made a great choice going with Angela, Blue, my first English, Amos's Greatgrandmothers litter brother was brought as a pet due to a patch on his rear but ended up a Dutch Ch. I knew nothing about English and Angela helped so much with the truth always!!! Not always what you want to hear but you will know if she approves or not!! Just been looking at photos of Abby, what a cracking litter. Will follow Amos with interest, good luck.
  • Tina Clamp

    hi rhys
    What a great sight seeung the two different setters lying together.